This ward includes the town of Dunbar, the villages of East Linton, Stenton, Spott, Innerwick and Oldhamstocks and the eastern end of the Lammermuir Hills. As the 6th Partnership set up, meeting for the first time in late June 2014, the Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership has identified a number of thematic areas which it will be
investigating further including:

Transport, traffic and parking – This has been identified as an important local issue with concerns ranging across public transport coverage, cost, reliability and synchronisation, congestion, traffic control and parking in local high streets and improving pedestrian and cycle routes to the town centre, particularly from villages
south of the A1.

Social isolation – Seen as a growing problem in the area, particularly for elderly people, many in the Partnership have highlighted of a lack of social and recreational opportunities for older people and difficulties for carers to get the support/respite they need as key issues.

Localising services – With over 1/3 of the ward’s population living in villages and rural areas already discussions are moving towards developing creative solutions for sustaining local businesses and promoting community stewardship of local assets.

Who is representing Dunbar and East Linton?
• Dunbar Community Council
• Dunbar Grammar School Parent Council
• Dunbar Grammar School Pupil Council
• Dunbar Primary School Parent Council
• Shore & Harbour Neighbourhood Group
• Dunbar Trades Association
• Dunpender Community Council
• East Lammermuir Community Council
• East Lothian Association of Day Centres
• Elected members from East Lothian Council
• Stenton Primary School Parent Council
• Sustaining Dunbar
• West Barns Community Council
• Wingate Tenant & Residents Association

If you have anything you would like to raise with the Area Partnership contact any of the organisations above, or email D&EL-AP@eastlothian.gov.uk