AREA PARTNERSHIPS – the local voice of community planning in East Lothian

Area Partnerships strengthen links between communities, area-based services and East Lothian Partnership.
They provide an opportunity for local communities to contribute to the East Lothian Plan and influence service planning and delivery in their area.

The role of Area Partnerships is to:
1. Develop an Area Plan based on a shared vision for the area using evidence from a variety of sources;
2. Monitor the delivery of the Area Plans and report to the wider community on impact each year;
3. Show creative and active leadership to meet challenges faced by people and communities and maximise opportunities when they arise;
4. Assist in determining how resources are allocated in their area according to Area Plan priorities;
5. Act as a key point of contact for services to consult and engage with communities on the delivery and improvement of local services; and
6. Engage the wider community in identifying issues and solutions for their local area.

More information about Area Partnerships, their minutes and meeting dates in your area can be found at www.eastlothian.gov.uk/EastLothianPartnership