Minutes of meeting, 30 August 2011



held on Tuesday, 30 August, 2011 in




Present:          Cllrs C Bruce (Chair)/D Charlton/M Mylne/P Swain/B Wyllie


In attendance:  Cllrs J Bell/P McLennan (part of the time)/Pauline Jaffray


1:00     Apologies:      Cllrs J Hanvidge/P Armstrong/M Ramsay


2:00     Approval of minutes of meeting held on 28 June, 2011.  The minutes were approved subject to the following amendments.


Cllr Mylne apologised for not notifying his apologies for this meeting.  It was also noted Cllr K Tulloch, Cockburnspath & Cove Community Council was in attendance at the meeting held on 28 June, 2011.


Cllr Bruce suggested subheadings for the first two paragraphs on the minutes – Wind farms and Hoprigshiels would make for easier understanding. Also insert at the end of paragraph two the following:  Cllr Tulloch advised that for their part the Co’path & Cove Community Council will hold a meeting in Cockburnspath on Tuesday 5 July at 7pm to consider the Hoprigshiels proposal.


Matters Arising:   Item1:   Subheading ‘Wester Dodd Wind farm – Public Inquiry’

                              Item 4:  The 30mph signage at Oldhamstocks is not done.

                             Item 8:  Amend Cllr Swain to read Armstrong


3:00     Any other business to be added to agenda:                                                           Action


            Viridor Liaison Meeting

            Landfill Tax Credits – Future Balance

            Belhaven Hospital Forum


            Dunbar & District Community Planning

            Blackburn Wind farm application

            Ferneylea Wind farm application


4:00     Police Business – No representation or report presented.  However, it

was noted PC Cameron Tait would be leaving his post at Dunbar and

PC Gavin Ross, who also holds the post of Wildlife Officer will be the appointed

representative on ELCC from October, 2011


Cllr Swain would like to include relevant police matters in the newsletter,

subject to approval.                                                                                                    Action


It was noted all fuel should be adequately secured as due to the high costs

of fuel, a number of thefts had occurred elsewhere in the county.


5:00     Treasurer’s Report


In her absence Cllr Hanvidge has circulated to each member a report of ELCC

financial status.  The bank balance still stands at £1,838.39. All cheques from

Crystal Rig Awards have been sent out and receipts are being received for

expenditure incurred.  There is a shortfall in the funding for Spott Church and

this needs to be discussed as per Cllr Hanvidge’s proposal emailed to all

councillors on 23/8/11.


Cllr Hanvidge asked if councillors could allocate 30 minutes prior to our next meeting

to discuss specific issues regarding admin/management of the increased funds being

allocated to ELCC.  It is important ELCC remain in control of this funding and seek

additional support when required.


Cllr Bruce suggested ELC councillors identify a set of guiding principles for managing

this increased funding and Cllrs Wyllie, Hanvidge and Bruce to meet to consider how

best to achieve agreement on these.                                                                                     CB


6:00     Matters Arising


Wester Dodd Wind farm – Akengall 2:  Cllr Bruce advised a Reporter had held a site

visit in Oldhamstocks, a conservation area, to consider the visual impact this

development would have.  A visualisation impact study from the Cockit Hat Strip,

clearly depicts the obvious visual impact this proposed development would have.  Additionally, three of the proposed turbines would be visible from the Oldhamstocks village green and a further four/five turbines will become visible if the commercial woodland is cut down. 

The cumulative noise from all the nearby wind farms would also have a detrimental effect on the village. The Reporter has requested that new noise data should be made available and will be circulated and comments invited.

 Ferneylea Wind farm application:   Has been submitted, together with additional information on fuel poverty deprivation.  Further visuals have been requested.

Blackburn Wind farm application:  A planning application for 126m turbines has been submitted and again these would be visible from Oldhamstocks.  Again the cumulative impact, similar to the Hoprigshiels development is of concern.  ELCC would write a letter of objection to Scottish Borders Council.                                                                               CB

 Mainstream  RP, the company in connection with the ‘Offshore’wind proposals,

Neart na Gaoithe, who are currently surveying the best route for cabling,  would like to hold an open meeting on November 29, when ELCC are holding their meeting in Spott.  The meeting agreed.

 Lafarge Wind turbines:           No progress

 Newsletter:  Due to the space restrictions, Cllr Swain suggested we reduce the font size.                                                                                                                                  PS

BeGreen, Dunbar & District:  Cllr Swain advised he had attended the BeGreen meeting which is now a Community Interest Company Limited by Guarantee. They have suggested ELCC might like to make funds available from the Crystal Rig monies for a revolving loan fund for energy saving benefits to inhabitants in the ELCC area.

The meeting asked Cllr Swain to obtain from BeGreen a clear, written statement of their organization, how it is funded and their relationship/connection to Sustaining Dunbar and other local groups etc.                                                                      PS

 Liaison Meetings:  Viridor held on 10 August, 2011.  No SEPA representative in attendance.  Viridor at the end of July received from SEPA a permit to operate Energy from Waste for combined heat and power plant.  Viridor are aiming to commence construction at the end of this year, beginning of 2012, which will take three years to construct.  However, the business case is not yet ready and Cllr MacLennan confirmed that no heat plan has yet been submitted for consideration by East Lothian Council and without this the plant cannot proceed.

 SEPA, after carrying out a number of inspections, have awarded Viridor a certificate of excellence for their inspection performance, which may result in the number of inspections carried out by SEPA being reduced.

 Landfill Tax Credits – Future Balance:  There is an increase in funding requests and more applications are being received,  then there are monies for.  However, all requests are being considered.

 Belhaven Hospital Forum:  Cllr Wyllie had attended this meeting, which had been an introductory meeting and background detail had been provided.  There is to be a public meeting on 1 November, 2011 and dates were arranged for future meeting.

Cllr Mylne would represent ELCC at all future meetings the next being 21 September, at 6.30pm in Hallhill Healthy Living Centre.                                                                          MM

 Lafarge:  Meeting held on 24 August, 2011 advising of the third sustainable fuel PSP. A public exhibition will be held in Innerwick on 8 October, 2011.  The stone from East Barns farm is being used to repair a dry stone wall in Woodhall Dene.  The access road to the quarry is now complete, as is the new cycle pathway.  An application to close the road from East Barns to Skateraw is being lodged with ELC.

 7:00     Councillors’ reports:

 OldhamstocksThe Oldhamstocks Bridge hass being repaired.  The 30mph signs to be moved by end of September, 2011.  The flood management scheme appears to be working effectively.  Can grass cuttings be uplifted especially around the time of flower shows and other local events?  This applies to all villages.  Tom Shearer to be advised.                                                                                                    JB

 Innerwick:  A local farmer had inadvertently cracked an asbestos water pipe, which had caused alarm.  Scottish Water has checked the area and everything is in order.

 Pot holes in Smiddy Row are severe and require attention.                                                  JB

 A number of complaints have been received with regard to the unreliability of the FirstBus bus service and the very poor customer care.  Cllr Swain had advised FirstBus and the situation had improved. However, the bus service is unreliable and Cllr Bell would forward complaint on to FirstBus.                                                          JB

 Cllr Charlton advised a bike had been vandalised whilst left in the bus stop area.

 An inspection pit cover, located in a grass verge, is missing and is very dangerous.

Cllr Swain has advised Scottish Water who have placed a cone, but this is only a temporary measure.  Cllr McLennan would raise with SW at a meeting due to be held on 31 August, 2011.                                                                                                       PMcL

 Innerwick visiting postal service is still available and it was suggested this be advertised in the newsletter.  Newsletter to be added to agenda.                                        PS

 The cattle grid at the top of Elmscleugh has been replaced and the road is now open. However, the bottom of the road near to the farm is in a very bad condition.

 Cllr Charlton advised a local resident has expressed concern re the proposed sewage treatment plant at Thurston Holiday Park.  No further details were available

 Spott:  Cllr Mylne expressed thanks and gratitude to ELC for the tarmacadam of cycle path at Easter Broomhouse.  Very much appreciated.

 Speeding is of concern past Easter Broomhouse Cottages and Scottish Water have carried out repairs removing road markings and signs, which need to be replaced.   The visibility from the mound at Easter Broomhouse is very poor and to rectify this problem the mound needs to be pared.  Cllr Bell will report.                            JB

 Stenton: Cllr Bell reported Bear have replaced the dropped kerb at Thistly Cross.

Cllr Wyllie advised the road is badly breaking up at the East Linton T junction.                  JB

The Dry March road is closed for safety due to the wall collapsing and Cllr Wyllie advised Dunpender Community Council is dealing with this.

 Cllr Swain brought to the attention of the meeting an email from Ettie Spence sent on 8 August, 2011 suggesting the switching off of street lights in villages to help combat light emissions.

 A new area of funding for village halls is available from SCVO.

 8:00     Correspondence

 Community Windpower open day on 17 September, 2011 from 10am-3pm

Community Planning – Volunteers Event, Hallhill on 2 September 7-9pm

 –  Transport & Housing strategy, West Barns Hall, 23 September, 7.30pm

RAGES AGM – West Barns Bowling Club, 14 September at 7.30pm

Future use of old library building.

LEAP – Plans for an environmental project throughout East Lothian is taking place on 29 February, 2012.  Aim – overall improvement of environment.  ELCC to identify a range of projects by 28 October, 2011. Cllr Bruce to seek electronic copy of relevant documentation to circulate to members.

 9:00     Date of Next Meeting – 12 October, 2011. Stenton Village Hall