Mobile Testing Units for week commencing 31st May 2021

Mobile Testing Unit Haddington

In recent months, mobile COVID-19 testing units have been deployed to various locations around East Lothian. For the first time, a unit will be based and operating out of part of the John Muir House car park from Monday, 31 May. Demand for car parking in the John Muir House campus has been lower than ‘normal’

Testing will be available on both a walk-in and drive through basis. This means that some parking spaces at the western side of the car park will be coned off on a temporary basis. The one-way system will continue to be in operation.

The testing unit will be staffed by the Scottish Ambulance Service.

More information about testing in East Lothian is available on the council website

Spaces for People introduce Temporary Changes to Our Town Streets

East Lothian Council has successfully secured £1.4m of Spaces for People funding to introduce a series of temporary changes to streets to provide more space for people to access businesses in our town centres and to exercise whilst observing current physical distancing health guidelines. Many local shops have been able to re-open for business this week and these temporary changes are focused on protecting public health, supporting social distancing and preventing a second wave of the outbreak by providing necessary space. Continue reading “Spaces for People introduce Temporary Changes to Our Town Streets”

Haddington’s Lost Legacy of Agricultural Innovation Talk, John Gray Centre, Saturday 30th March

Join Bob Mitchell and Nolan Scott Shirreff for a fascinating talk on a single discovery 200 years ago in Haddington that sparked an agricultural revolution. The flames of this innovation soon spread beyond East Lothian and around the world. This is the remarkable story of a man who changed engrained ideas about crop production and changed humanity, the impact of which continues to this day.

Free but booking essential. Book at the museum or library.

Museum – 01620 820690
Library – 01620 820680

Date: 30/03/19
Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm

Location: Star Room, John Gray Centre, Lodge Street, Haddington, EH41 1DX