LPP Launch

Dear friends 

I’m delighted to be writing to invite you to the launch of the East Lammermuir Place Plan 2024 – 34 which will take place in Spott Village Hall on Tuesday 11 June at 7.00 in the evening. 

The community council undertook a wide-ranging survey of local residents in September 2023. After that we worked with the four local community associations and parish welfare association to hold two rounds of face to face consultations – followed up with focussed consideration of some individual village aspects last month. Over 250 local residents have been involved in the preparations. 

We will submit the final LPP to East Lothian Council in mid-May, and publish it online (and a few hard copies) at that point. 

This LPP goes beyond government guidance to set out the aspirations of people living and working in East Lammermuir for both land use and other important concerns. Given our unique situation these fall into four key linked themes;

  • Managing Change in the Just Transition
  • Getting around
  • Our places
  • The Land

We are inviting representatives of all local constituted bodies and groups to come to hear about the plan as a whole, and to think with us about how we can achieve the hopes and dreams we have all shared in making this plan together. 

Light refreshments will be available. 

Please rsvp to secretary@elcc.scot so we can make sure we have what we need!

I look forward to seeing you in June. 


New On Demand Bus Service for East Lothian

New On Demand Buss Service fully live. First 100 chargeable rides are FREE!! All Transport Scotland concessionary fares using the National Entitlement card and Young Persons Under 22 cards accepted. Use it or loose it!

DRT Route 131 is a Demand Responsive Transport 3-month trial from funding from the community bus fund, using 17-seater low floor wheelchair accessible bus.

The DRT operation service hours would be linked to commuting services Mondays to Fridays 0700-2100and from direct points only from the area covered: Oldhamstocks, Dunglas, Bilsdean, Innerwick, Thorntonloch, Skateraw and Broxburn to:

• Asda spot road – and access to the public bus services

• Dunbar Railway Station – Access to train services.

• Dunbar Medical practice – Access to medical appointments.

Booking by 4pm on the day BEFORE travel via the app or by phone.

iOS (Apple) app https://apps.apple.com/us/app/east-l-go/id6478873691

Android app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details…

Or by Phone: 01368 865500

1) Operator confirms booking or suggest a suitable time if other bookings have already been made close to that time.

2) Operator informs passenger of pickup point either a bus stop or a suitable point near their location.

3) Passenger arrives at pickup point and is collect and taken to one of the three drop off points.

The map shows the Bus stops and the fare zones are in the table below:

Open Public Meeting – 7pm Monday 27th February at Innerwick village Hall

There are currently 12 known proposals to build new electricity infrastructure in and around East Lammermuir, with potentially very significant impacts on our local area. East Lothian Council and East Lammermuir Community Council invite you to AN OPEN PUBLIC MEETING with all known developers, East Lothian Council and elected representatives, providing updates from:

  • Scottish Government (Paul McLennan MSP)
  • East Lothian Council
  • All known developers proposing to work here, or already doing so
  • East Lothian Winds of Change
  • Construction Traffic Management Group
  • East Lammermuir Community Council
    What is proposed ?
    Local people’s views
    What would be the impact on the community during
    Possible benefits to the local community &