held on Wednesday 12 October, 2011 in
Stenton Village Hall
Present: Cllrs D Charlton (Vice Chair)/B Wyllie/M Ramsay/P Swain/P Armstrong/M Mylne/J Hanvidge
In attendance: Pauline Jaffray
Apologies: Cllr C Bruce
The Councillors of East Lammermuir Community Council held a closed meeting, prior to the main ELCC meeting to discuss the management of Crystal Rig Windfarm funds.
Cllrs Bruce, Hanvidge & Wyllie had previously met as a sub committee to discuss this issue and JH put forward their suggestions. At this meeting Councillors were informed rumour had it a number of groups and individuals have been appointed to manage the funds. This is not the case and Councillors felt strongly the overall management of the funds should be maintained by ELCC in line with the Minute of Agreement.
The first priority is not to be rushed into making a decision too quickly. A workshop is to be held on Sunday 20 November from 1pm-4pm at Ruchlaw Mains at which ELCC will develop a set of principles using an independent facilitator. It is important ELCC should get the principles right first, before discussing the proposals for how ELCC manage and/or distribute the money. The facilitator has experience in this type of project and will be responsible for engaging with councillors to ensure all opinions, thoughts and ideas are taken into consideration. Councillors have been asked to give this some thought prior to the workshop and put forward as many ideas as possible on the day. The second priority is for ELCC to maintain overall control of the Crystal Rig Community Benefit Fund and appoint specialist help when and if needed. ELCC do have experience, together with a good working relationship with Crystal Rig, in operating the funding to date and we are fortunate to have in place Councillors with professional experience and training.
Cllr Swain put forward to the meeting suggestions from Sustaining Dunbar on how part of the funding could be used to assist individuals in the East Lammermuir area on energy efficiency schemes and how a possible loan scheme could be adopted. Unfortunately, this is not possible as the Crystal Rig funding is to help organisations, not individuals.
Current applications: Currently there are two applications outstanding who have requested funding. Spott Church require match funding and Spott WRI, whose application was not received until August, 2011 are seeking funding for their 90th birthday celebrations. The discussion was suspended due to members of the public arriving for the ELCC meeting and information regarding these two applications would be circulated to councillors.
Vice Chair, Dawn Charlton drew the meeting to a close and welcomed all those present to the East Lammermuir Community Council Meeting.
Present Cllrs D Charlton (Vice Chair)/B Wyllie/M Ramsay/P Swain/P Armstrong/M Mylne/J Hanvidge
In attendance: Pauline Jaffray/Cllr J Bell/PC Gavin Ross and two members of the public
1:00 Apologies: Cllr C Bruce/Cllr Wyllie
Prior to the meeting commencing and to introduce PC Gavin Ross all those present introduced themselves.
2:00 Approval of minutes of meeting held on 30 August, 2011. The minutes were approved by Cllr Mylne, seconded by Cllr Swain subject to the following amendment.
Spott: The visibility from the exit to the driveway at Easter Broomhouse is being blocked by the mound and to rectify the problem the mound needs to be pared.
3:00 Any other business to be added to agenda.
Consultation on supplementary Landscape Capacity Study for Smaller Wind Turbines
4:00 Police Business
PC Gavin Ross who is based at Dunbar Police Station is the community police representative for the East Lammermuir area. He is also the wildlife crime office for East Lothian.
PC Ross advised of the increase in rural crime. Theft of scrap metal, heating oil, fuel etc and for us to be more vigilant in locking our vehicles, houses, outhouses etc.
Operation Ether commences on Saturday 16 October, 2011 when police will have a presence in the East Lammermuir villages and introduce and meet local residents. Advice on anti social behaviour, security etc will be provided.
Four incidents were brought to the meeting’s attention.
A number of complaints have been received, re excessive mud on rural roads. Farmers have been notified to clean up asap.
A postman has been badly bitten by a dog in Spott.
VOSA stopped a lorry at Dunglass. The occupants – a male and female ran off and it was subsequently found that the vehicle had been stolen. Despite a thorough search the driver and accomplice were not found.
Between 17 and 19 September a field of sheep at a Thorntonloch holding had been badly worried by what is thought to be a number of children. This is a very distressing incident as one lamb had had its fleece torn out by hand and a further lamb had died due to the stress.
Cllr Swain provided PC Ross with a copy of the ELCC Newsletter, which subject to his approval, could include any police matters. Cllr Swain would email PC Ross a copy of the next newsletter, prior to publication, seeking approval for any police items to be included.
5:00 Treasurer’s Report:
The balance as of 12 October stands at £905.42, which takes in to account unpresented cheques totalling £885.
6:00 Matters Arising (Previous) Action
Wester Dodd Wind farm – Akengall2: The reporter has requested further information pending a decision as to whether he needs to re-convene the session or can make a judgement on evidence presented to him. Since ELCC last met, the MOD have withdrawn their objection, Scottish Natural Heritage have significantly
strengthened their statement to make clear they think the proposal is unacceptable and as far as known, Community Windpower has not re-submitted noise data. No decision has been reached as yet.
Ferneylea Wind farm application: No further information
Blackburn Wind farm application: No further information
Mainstream RP. Offshore wind proposals: will provide a presentation at the start of our next meeting on Tuesday 29 November at 7.30pm. A maximum of 15 minutes has been allocated for the presentation, with 10 minutes for questions.
Lafarge Wind turbines: No progress
BeGreen, Dunbar & District: Cllr Swain, a founder director of BeGreen advised BeGreen has been set up as a Community Interest Company limited by Guarantee and Cllr Swain would forward detailed notes to all ELC Councillors. PS
Liaison Meetings: No reports
Belhaven Hospital Forum: Cllr Mylne apologised as he had not been able to attend the meeting on 21 September. He had also not received any information. Cllr Mylne would attend the next meeting at Hallhill on 25 October at 6.30pm. The public meeting organised for 1 November had been cancelled. PJ confirmed this with Wendy Michael (0131 536 8010) on 13 October, 2011.
Lafarge: The fire service who attended the Lafarge fire had advised all local residents keep their windows and doors closed. This information had not reached local residents and ELCC want to know why. Cllrs PA and BW to raise at next meeting: PA&BW
Oldhamstocks: Cllr JB has notified Tom Shearer of the request for grass cuttings to be uplifted from village greens, particular at times of flower shows and fetes.
Innerwick: The potholes in Smiddy Row have been repaired and the inspection cover has been replaced.
First Bus: The unreliability of First Bus services is still of concern. The 253 service has been discontinued.
Spott: Cllr JB has reported the speeding concerns at Easter Broomhouse, but will also report these concerns at the police meeting to be held next week. The poor visibility due to the mound has also been reported. JB
Stenton: Cllr JB has reported the condition of the road at the East Linton T junction.
Village Lighting: Cllr PS had publicised the suggestion of reducing street lighting in the villages via the newsletter and had received two objections and Cllr JH had also received a further objection. Further discussion took place and Ettie Spencer emphasised the importance of energy conservation. Perhaps the following compromises could be considered. Switch off street lights at midnight. Reduce wattage. Reduce lamp posts. Only switch on alternate lamp posts.
ELCC agreed to take this matter back to each village to discuss with other groups/organisations. ELCC
LEAP – Plans for an environmental project: Councillors were reminded each village has to identify an environmental project which is to be submitted to ELC by 20 October. Innerwick have identified the need for a handrail and Stenton the on going programme at The Butts. ELCC
7:00 Councillors’ Reports
Spott: Cllr MM reiterated the concerns regarding speeding past Easter Broomhouse and the poor visibility due to the mound. JB
The road from Spott roundabout to the village requires complete resurfacing and loose gravel has already caused one bad bike accident. JB
Innerwick: Cllr DC reported her car has been vandalised (scratch both sides) as have another five. Three in Main Street and three in Kirk Brae. Incident reported to police.
Main Street and Smiddie row potholes have been repaired.
Further concerns have been raised with regards to the proposed sewage plant at Thurston Manor. Cllr DC to speak with other residents. DC
Stenton: The repairs to the village green road have been completed, however, the special parking area on the village green has not. The handle on the gate near the Tron is broken and Cllr JB to report. JB
The playpark is going ahead and Cllr MR to ascertain the costs and how much ELCC have committed. MR
Planning Permission: The Glebe Barn, Stenton – installation of doors.
Newsletter: Forthcoming events to be notified to Cllr PS. Stenton Community Association AGM – 18 November at 7.30pm
Consultative Draft Supplementary Landscape Capacity for Smaller Wind Turbines
This document appears to be very significant and Cllr CB recommends ELCC support it and for ELCC to view and submit their views by 20 October. One point Cllr CB highlights is the ‘tubular’ style of turbine (a photo of which is in the appendix) as it moves less obviously. Please view this document and comment accordingly. ELCC
8:00 Correspondence – None
9:00 Date of Next Meeting: 29 November, 2011, Spott Village Hall – 7.30pm
17 January, 2012, Oldhamstocks Village Hall – 7.30pm