Minutes of Meeting held 18th June 2013

Minutes of Meeting of

East Lammermuir Community Council

held in Innerwick Village Hall on

Tuesday 18 June, 2013.

Present:Cllrs Peter Armstrong/Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/Barbara Wyllie/Janette MacDonald/Anne Lyall

In attendance: Cllr M Veitch/PC K Hughes/Dawn Charlton (Innerwick Welfare                                                  Assoc.)/Morag Haddow/Crispin Hayes (Sustaining Dunbar)/Nick Morgan                         (ELC  – Landscape & Countryside)/Philip Johnston/ Nicky Booth &                                     Jodie Parkes –  Community Windpower Ltd/Pauline Jaffray

                         and 4 members of the public.

1:00            Apologies:            None

Continue reading “Minutes of Meeting held 18th June 2013”

Minutes of Meeting held 16th April 2013

Minutes of Meeting of

   East Lammermuir Community Council

 held on Tuesday 16 April, 2013 in Spott Village Hall

Present:            Cllrs Margot Kirkland/Peter Armstrong/Donna Collins/Janette MacDonald/ Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge

In attendance: Cllrs Michael Veitch/Norman Hampshire/PC Lorna Scott/Pauline Jaffray

1:00            Apologies:            Cllr Barbara Wyllie

2:00            Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 26 February, 2013.  The minutes were approved by Cllr Hanvidge, seconded by Cllr MacDonald subject to the following amendment:

6:00 Matters Arising (Current) – Wind turbines The Neuk:  Permission from Scottish             Borders Council has been granted for two 110m turbines and not 210m turbines as             stated.

Continue reading “Minutes of Meeting held 16th April 2013”

Minutes of Meeting held 26th February 2013


Minutes of Meeting of

East Lammermuir Community Council

held on Tuesday 26 February, 2013 in

Stenton Village Hall

Present: Cllrs:  P Armstrong/J MacDonald/J Hanvidge/C Bruce (Chair)/B Wyllie

In attendance: Pauline Jaffray/Alastair Letch

1:00            Apologies: Cllrs: M Kirkland/M Veitch/PC Lorna Scott/PC K Hughes

2:00            Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 8 January, 2013:  The minutes were approved by Cllr J MacDonald and seconded by Cllr B Wyllie

3:00            Any other business to be added to agenda: 

Continue reading “Minutes of Meeting held 26th February 2013”