East Lammermuir Community Council seeks Community Councillor for Innerwick

Onnerwick Map

Want to do more for your local community of Innerwick?

East Lammermuir Community Council, covers Innerwick, Oldhamstocks, Spott, Stenton, and surrounding areas.  We are seeking a person to take on the role of Community Councillor for Innerwick.

This is open to anyone living or working in the East Lammermuir area with an interest in and connection to the Innerwick area.  The Community Council is able to fill this vacancy by co-opting a suitable person to serve from now until the next community council elections in September 2026.  There are 2 community councillors for each village, and at present we have one vacancy for Innerwick ward.  This covers the village of Innerwick, plus Thurston, Thorntonloch, Branxfield, Blackcastle and Crowhill. 

Proposed electricity infrastructure works mean that there will be very significant developments in this area over the next decade, bringing both challenges and opportunity for the local community.

The role is to work as part of East Lammermuir Community Council to improve quality of life for people who live and work in East Lammermuir.  In part through representing the local community, seeking to liaise with other local bodies, developers, and East Lothian Council and the East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership and NHS Lothian, and Police Scotland. Also through administering community benefits funds.  

This includes nine Community Council meetings a year which usually take place on Tuesday evenings, held in the four village halls in turn.  There may be other roles which your skill set fits you to fulfil.

The meeting calendar and lots of other relevant information is published on our website elcc.scot

If you would like to know more about what’s involved email chair@elcc.scot to arrange a chat in the first instance.  An informal interview will be arranged for all interested candidates, to take place March 2023.

Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm

The Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm will be located 15.5 km off the Fife coast and covers an area of approximately 105 km2. EDF Renewables UK acquired the project in May 2018 as part of a competitive bidding process.

The project has the potential to generate 450MW of renewable energy, which is enough power to supply around 375,000 Scottish homes – more than the whole of Edinburgh and will offset over 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year.

The NnG site was chosen because it combines technical, economic and environmental deliverability. Some of the criteria that formed part of the site selection process included; water depth, ground condition, expected energy yield, access to port facilities and more.

NnG is one of two Scottish offshore wind farms to have won a Contract for Difference (CfD). It gives the wind farm an inflation-linked strike price for the electricity it produces for a period of 15 years. This revenue stream makes the project financeable and will enable it to reach financial close. A map of the proposed project is shown below:

Project facts

  • Neart na Gaoithe means ‘Strength of the Wind’.
  • Comprises 54 x Siemens SWT-6.0-154 turbines with a rotor diameter of 154m.
  • The project has the potential to generate 450MW of renewable energy.
  • When fully operational, it will generate enough electricity to power over 375,000 households.
  • NnG represents an investment of £2 billion in Scotland’s energy infrastructure.
  • It will offset over 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year.
  • Onshore grid connection is at Crystal Rig onshore wind farm near Dunbar, East Lothian.
  • Distance of approximately 1 km between each turbine.
  • The closest turbine will be a minimum of 15.5 km from the shore.
  • The NnG site will be approximately 105 km2.
  • It is expected to be commissioned in 2023

NnG Onshore Transmission Works

  • •Onshore Transmission Works for Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) Offshore Wind Farm
  • •Joint venture between EDF Renewables and ESB
  • •Located 15.5 km from Fife coast, 30km from Torness in Firth of Forth
  • •Will produce up to 450 MW from 54 turbines providing power for around 375,000 homes
  • •Will offset over 400,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year
  • •Planned operational life of 25 years, decommissioning or repowering possible thereafter
  • •Operations and maintenance base in Eyemouth creating around 50 permanent jobs
  • •Export cable landfall at Thorntonloch Beach, 12.5 km buried cable route to substation at Crystal Rig (Lammermuir Hills) 
  • •Planning permission for onshore works granted in June 2013
  • •Onshore construction commenced 2020 by GE and Prysmian, expected completion late 2023
  • •Offshore construction commenced 2020, turbines expected to be installed summer 2023
NnG Onshore Transmission Route

Project Access Route (substation works)

NnG Project Access Route
  • Standard working hours 07.00 – 19.00, 7 days
  • Quiet overnight works where necessary
  • HGV movements limited to 07.00 – 19.00
  • Park and ride system and material delivery hub at Ark (Dunbar)
  • 20mph HGV speed limit from A1
  • Permanent and temporary passing places and junction widening
  • Regular road sweeping and litter picks
  • Temporary road repairs in conjunction with ELC
  • Demobilisation and reinstatement from May 2023 – increase in HGV movements
  • Liaising with ELC Roads Dept on scope of permanent repairs following completion of construction works


Neart na Gaoithe windfarmNnGinfo@nngoffshorewind.com  

Road Closure U179 Deuchrie Road, Monday 18th March for 1 week

It is the Councils intention to undertake carriageway resurfacing work on the U179 Deuchrie road between Ruchlaw West Mains and Stoneypath commencing on Monday 18th March 2019 for approximately 1 week, weather permitting.

In order to comply with current Health and Safety legisilation, it will be necessary to close the road to through vehicular traffic from Monday to Friday only.

Refuse and recycling bins will be emptied as normal, boxes / bins will be placed out for 7am on collection days. Restricted local access will be retained where practicable.

Emergency vehicular access will be maintained at all times.

Please see attached TTRO for your Information.