Please note that the East Lammermuir CC meeting due to take place in Innerwick Hall on Tuesday 26th November 2019 has been rescheduled to take place in Spott Village Hall on Monday 2nd December 2019. The meeting will commence at 7:30pm.
Sign up for Automated ‘Alert’ Communications
East Lothian Council intends to use an alert system to pass on information regarding forthcoming risks, emergencies and/or information connected to, a recovery from any major disruption.
The automated ‘alert’ communication system allows immediate, specific, targeted and urgent messages to be sent to the public, who have self-registered, highlighting ongoing crime, missing persons and risks.
This is an excellent use of technology and ELCC encourages you to sign up to Neighbourhood Alert to allow additional information sharing. Once signed up, it is easy to cancel, if you are dissatisfied with the process.
To gain access please visit the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland website,
There is no requirement to join or set up a neighbourhood watch – simply follow the registration instructions. By signing up you control your personal information, contact details and also decide what information providers you want to receive alerts from.
Dunbar North 20mph Speed Limit Consultation
East Lothian Council are now assessing the impact of the current 20mph speed limit trial to determine whether permanent changes should be made in the north of Dunbar to match that in the south. East Lammermuir Community Council would like to encourage all residents who frequent Dunbar to complete this survey so that your views can be taken into account.
Click here to take the survey. The survey closes on September 22nd 2019.