LPP Survey Closed 31 October 2023

All submissions are being collated and the results will be published here soon as well as announced soon.

The LPP is an important route for us to tell East Lothian Council our views and wishes for the area – it has a direct impact on planning strategy until 2035.

This was an anonymous response for use by the ELCC to develop its input to the LPP.

Landfill Fire Update

Following the recent fire at the Oxwellmains Landfill site, Valencia Waste Management are to host a meeting of the “Dunbar Community Liaison Group” at the Dunbar Town House on Wednesday 27th September – 19.30-21.00 Paul McLennan MSP will be attending.

East Lammermuir Community Council will be pushing for clear information about what happened, including any dangers to health an local environment; what will happen to prevent a repeat, and proper involvement of the local community (not just Dunbar) in the future running of the site.

For lots more information on this subject see https://ourlocality.org/dunbarlandfill