Dunbar Library will close on Saturday, 28 April at 1 pm and re-open on Monday, 7 May in new premises at Bleachingfield Centre, Countess Crescent Dunbar EH42 1DX.
Library staff look forward to welcoming borrowers old and new to their new home !
East Lammermuir Community Council ARCHIVE
serving the communities in and around Innerwick, Oldhamstocks, Spott and Stenton
Dunbar Library will close on Saturday, 28 April at 1 pm and re-open on Monday, 7 May in new premises at Bleachingfield Centre, Countess Crescent Dunbar EH42 1DX.
Library staff look forward to welcoming borrowers old and new to their new home !
A local resident has contacted the Chronicle to say that bird-watchers have been reporting a drop in the numbers of barn owls, and would like local people to report any sightings (or hearings ?) of these birds. Please report any information in the first instance to eastlammermuircommunitycouncil@yahoo.com. We will collect all information and pass it on to our correspondent. We will also report back in due course on the outcome of this appeal.
The next meeting of the Community Council, at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 17 January, will now be held in Innerwick Village Hall, and not in Oldhamstocks Village Hall, as advertised earlier.