Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
Held on Tuesday 18 August, 2015 at
7.30pm in Oldhamstocks Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Jason Ormiston/Peter Armstrong/Donna Collins/Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie
In attendance: Cllr Michael Veitch/PC Gavin Ross/MP George Kerevan/Angela Wrapson and two members of the public – Carol Armstrong/Sheila Ainslie
The chair, Chris Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.
1:00 Apologies: Janice Hanvidge/Anne Lyall
2:00 Approval of Minutes: The minutes dated 16 June, 2015 were approved subject to one amendment under treasurer’s report. The balance stands at £1,279.59 which includes £425 the admin grant from East Lothian Council.
3:00 Any other business to be added to agenda:
Fernylea Planning Application for a further six wind turbines
Draft Area Plan
4:00 Police Business:
PC Gavin Ross was pleased to report there have been very few incidents of note in the East Lammermuir Ward area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations he could not full details.
Road Safety: You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools.
On the 17 July a vehicle accident occurred at Pitcox, a van collided with a wall, the driver has been charged with dangerous driving.
Antisocial Behaviour: You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour. In early July a headstone was vandalised at deer Park cemetery.
Litter: You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.
No related incidents
Theft: You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money. No theft reports.
Other incidents of note: Ongoing issue regarding ‘outing’ of offender in Innerwick. There have been a number of incidents relating to the previously discussed resident in Innerwick. Extensive graffiti, breaches of the peace and tensions escalated to the extent for a period hourly patrol were required.
Thurston Manor: A noticeable increase in the volume of calls this summer. Two sudden deaths, assaults and domestic incidents.
Travellers: arrived at Newtonlees in early August, ELC progressing the eviction procedure.
CAPP priorities: DATE OF NEXT MEETING: 7.30pm, Wednesday 26 August 2015.
A1 Expressway: When compiling the report for this evenings meeting and going through the incident reports in the last two months PC Gavin Ross was alarmed to notice a large increase in the call volume for the two month period (16 June – 18 August 2015) with about 250 incidents reported and about 90% of them related to the A1. This was a large increase in incidents and showed a large number of calls were received relating the relatively short section of A1 through the area. He also related that two very serious accidents had occurred within the last three weeks.
Cllr M Veitch advised that the Scottish A1 Action Group, which he chairs, has been actively engaging with Transport Scotland and Amey to coordinate possible improvements to junctions. He advised East Lothian Council’s chief executive had agreed to commission an economic feasibility study into dualling the A1, ideally in partnership with other local authorities.
PC Gavin Ross suggested asking the police to compare statistics for this stretch of the A1 with other stretches of similar length nearer to Edinburgh.
5:00 Treasurer’s Report: The balance as of 18 August, 2015 stands at £1279.59.
All approved Crystal Rig Community Funding applications have been issued.
6:00 Matters Arising:
Broadband: CB spoke with Stuart Gibb (Manager, Dunbar & Haddington Area Partnership) who had attended our ELCC meeting in May, to ascertain if ELC has clarified the way forward with East Lothian broadband. Final clarification has not yet been reached.
The meeting felt Lothian Broadband has not responded or supplied Cllr Wyllie with a more detailed proposal as requested. It was agreed an approach be made to Stobo Net, (stobonet@gmail.com) a Borders Based company who are offering a similar service. Cllr P Armstrong would make the initial approach. Meanwhile, BW to contact Lothian Broadband again to enquire what the current situation is and if in fact, they have moved the project forward.
Cllr Ormiston has contacted Fred Olsen Renewables, but has not received a response, to enquire if they would be willing to include a ‘spur’ with their fibre optic connections within their wind farm development. However, JO has asked his own company to see if this would be technology possibly. He is awaiting a response. JO will chase Fred Olsen for a response.
CB spoke with Rob Fryer, Projects Director of Community Windpower re the feasibility of a mast being erected within their development in order that a signal could be ‘bounced’ down to private houses. Mr Fryer received this suggestion enthusiastically and explained each house would have to install a ‘box’ but he was very happy to look into this further.
The meeting agreed to pursue the four potential options and report back to our next meeting on 6 October, 2015.
MP George Kerevan asked if he could be of any assistance and the meeting agreed to keep him advised.
Cllr Collins advised since Innerwick had new hardware installed, the broadband service has deteriorated and all download speeds are at least 50% slower. DC further advised after the accident on the A1 two to three weeks ago, when a car had hit an electricity post at Skateraw all power and mobile signals had been cut off. There was no access to dial emergency services at all and no back-up system had been put in place. DC would speak with Kenny Robertson of David Robertson Rural Land Agency for advice.
Wind farms: Aikengall IIa: A Public Enquiry will take place in Cockburnspath Village Hall on 5 October, 2015. Each party who have lodged objections to this development will be invited to attend the public enquiry, at which they would have to submit their reports. CB is in the process of collating all information on behalf of ELCC particularly focussing on the cumulative impact all the wind farms are having on Oldhamstocks and residents of ELCC. Cockburnspath & Cove Community Council will also take part in the enquiry and are supporting ELCC and Lammermuir Community Council (Scottish Borders).
The first part of the Public Enquiry will follow the format of a ‘round the table’ discussion, followed by the enquiry sessions which will be a formal cross examination in the second half of the week.
Fernylea planning application for the erection of a further six wind turbines. A wind farm of six turbines, max height to tip 115m. Associated works. The whole to comprise 82 hectares. Full details are on the website: eastlothian.gov.uk, planning. Ref. 15/00363/P. All comments/objections to be lodged by 21 August, 2015.
ELCC had carried out a survey of Oldhamstocks and surrounding area residents with respect to the Fernylea planning application above. 98 households received the survey and a total of 76 responses have been received as noted below.
Strong support 4
Tend to support 1
Neither 1
Tend to oppose 6
Strongly oppose 64
The meeting were advised the planning application, does not include an environmental impact survey, with the result that the response date may be extended. However, after discussion it was agreed to lodge ELCC objections by 21 August, 2015.
A member of the public, who had endured the first development of the construction of two Fernylea wind turbines, advised the meeting of the conditions which Fernylea and neighbouring properties and residents had to withstand. The visual and audible impact was and is unacceptable. The construction period was horrendous and the prospect of an even bigger development is expected to be even more intrusive. The whole area is becoming more and more industrialised and the conservation village of Oldhamstocks, will be surrounded by wind farms.
JO advised the constructive method statement is severely lacking and MV offered to source the original application to ensure all conditions relating to the first two turbines are enforced.
The question of community benefits from the existing Fernylea wind turbines was raised and the meeting advised the beneficiaries have not been decided upon. CB to follow up.
JO advised the Scottish Government are currently finalising good practice guidelines during wind farm construction, which the wind farm industry is expected to follow. In June 2015, shared ownership of commercial renewable energy developments is strongly supported by Scottish Government who is currently revising the Scottish Government Good Practice Principles for Shared Ownership.
The UK Government will be introducing legislation to impose social economic benefits ie shared ownership, which could be a condition within planning.
In relation to Community Benefits from Community Windpower, it was agreed we should ask for an Annual Report setting out what funds had been disbursed, who to, for what purpose etc. This should improve transparency – an issue which has been raised by other communities in the vicinity of CWP windfarms. Action – CB
Draft Area Plan. Detailed information relating to the draft area plan was circulated prior to the meeting and all ELCC councillors were asked to view and comment on at our meeting this evening. Prior to the comments being recorded a brief synopsis of what the draft area plan hoped to cover in their first phase ie:
Interactive Tourist Information centre
Traffic Speed
Travel Information
Directory of groups, organisations etc
Dunbar Vennels & Closes
Film Club for youngster
The meeting agreed the above projects are great, however, the following suggestions should be added to the Area Plan meeting.
Health & Care: At home in East Lothian, Care in villages
Access to villages and mobile phone coverage
The meeting agreed we invite the Area Plan chair, Pippa Swan to our next meeting.
Cllr D Collins would represent ELCC at the Area Planning Meeting on 20 August, 2015.
7:00 Councillors’ Reports: ACTION:
Planning Applications: Cllr P Armstrong emails all appropriate information to each councillor.
Newsletter: Cllr Macdonald would produce an ELCC autumn Newsletter, if there was sufficient appropriate content.
Liaison Meetings: The next liaison meeting for Viridor Waste Management will take place on 9 September, 2015. Meanwhile the construction work for the incinerator has commenced. It was also noted the Heat Plan has to be submitted to ELC, which must be signed off. Cllr MV to following up. MV
Viridor Credits: Cllr Wyllie advised the Viridor credits scheme will operate for a further two year of which they have an allocation of £150k per year, for local benefit. Would the energy for the new plant waste (incinerator) offer a similar scheme to Viridor Credits and is the new plant subject to the new guidance regulations? BW would find out. BW
Lafarge Tarmac liaison meeting will take place mid/late September.
Spott: Spott Village Hall is progressing and should be completed within the next month. The sponsored wall for hall funds is all organised and would take place on 30 August, 2015.
Innerwick: Flower Show on 1 August was great fun and well supported. Work on the new play park has commenced.
Mainstream Renewables – off shore wind farm have advised three main road closures around the Innerwick area (not all at the same time) and dates etc to be confirmed
Stenton: Several potholes throughout the main street, required attention. MV
Oldhamstocks: Flower Show a great success with an attendance estimated to be
in excess of 700people.
Oldhamstocks Community Association – A productive agreement to move forward with investigating the future of the village hall has been reached.
8:00 Correspondence:
SESPlan (South East Scotland) Plan 2 meeting was held on 4 August, 2015.
East Lothian on the Move meeting to be held in Dunbar Bleachingfield on 2 September, 2015 from 6.30pm – 8pm. Shaping the future of active and sustainable travel.
Abbeyfield, East Linton has one or two rooms available. Cllr Michael Veitch and MP George Kerevan invited to visit.
9:00 Date of Next Meeting: 6 October, 2015 – Stenton Bowling Club
24 November, 2015 – Spott Village Hall