ELCC Draft Minutes of Meeting held March 20 2018


Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held in Spott Village Hall on
Tuesday 20 March, 2018

Present: Cllrs: Elisabeth Wilson/Janice Hanvidge/Janette MacDonald/Colin Bloomfield/Cris Bruce

1:00 Apologies: Cris Thacker*/Anne Lyall/Donna Collins
*CT arrived to attend the meeting at 9.05pm and apologised for not
being able to attend earlier, due to work commitments.

In attendance: Pauline Jaffray

Chair, CB welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked AL&CT for organising the opening of the hall and the supply of refreshments in their absence.

2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 28 November, 2017:
The minutes were approved by EW and seconded by CB.

3:00 Any other business to be added to the Agenda:
3:01 Community Windfarm – formation of new body to disseminate funding
3:02 Zurich Municipal
3.03 RBS local bank closures
3.04 East Lothian Partnership – new structure
3.05 East Lothian Licensing policy – summary
3.06 Proposed parking charges
3.07 Resilience Planning

3.01 Community Windfarm Benefits – formation of new Body to disseminate Funding
CB sent the draft Memorandum of Understanding for the proposed East Lammermuir Community Fund Company Limited by Guarantee to both; Craig Potter, of Natural Power, working on behalf of the developers of Crystal Rig III and IV. Rob Fryer of Community Windpower in relation to Aikengall II (and III in due course).

Both companies have no objections to the Memorandum of Understanding and in principal agreed the contents. Craig Potter of Natural Power raised a few questions and CWP asked the reporting procedure. CB was able to respond to the questions raised.

ELCC’s next step is to organise a separate meeting to agree the procedure for appointing five founding directors, which will hopefully include one councillor from each village. Each East Lammermuir Community Councillor is a member of the DT and from those members we need to carry out a skills audit, clarify what is required and then seek to co-opt those skilled personnel, when required. The meeting identified in the first instance, we need to appoint a company treasurer/accountant and company secretary, over and above the five founding directors.

It was agreed to hold a special meeting on Monday 16 April, 2018 at 6pm at a venue in Dunbar. PJ to arrange venue and to ensure all ELCC are in attendance, including BW and PJ.

3:02 Zurich Municipal: Guide to risk management – Local Community Advisory Service.
Zurich Municipal has been working with the public and voluntary sectors for many years and has produced a guide called Local Community Advisory Service (LCAS). The LCAS service is open to all Zurich town and parish customers and aims to help raise awareness and understanding of the broad scope of the potential injuries, accidents and incidents that can potentially occur within you organisations, facilities and activities to help you manage these risks. CB forwarded this information to all ELCC by email on 19 March for information and discussion if relevant.

Cllr EW had looked at the document and felt ELCC were adequately covered by ELC and the Association of East Lothian Community Councils. Cllr JH agreed to check and confirm.

3:03 Royal Bank of Scotland – Bank closures: impact on local businesses, consumers and the Scottish economy inquiry:
CB forwarded a copy of an email sent by the Scottish Community Councils Website Project managed by the Improvement Service who has been asked by Scottish Parliament’s Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee to share information about their inquiry into the impact of bank closures. The main inspiration behind the Committee’s inquiry is that the number of bank branches across Scotland reduced by a third between 2010 and 2017.

The Committee wants to hear from as many people as possible (both as members of a community council, as a business owner or as an individual). The Committee are keen to find out how branch closures have impacted communities at as local a level as possible.

More information is available in the hyperlinks.
Bank closures: impact on local businesses, consumers and the Scottish economy inquiry: http://parliament.scot/parliamentarybusiness/CurrentCommittees/107957.aspx

ELCC felt the closure of local banks would have a negative impact on the community and the local economy. Especially those villages which did not have good internet services and for the older person. PJ to respond. PJ

3.04 East Lothian Partnership – new structure:
East Lothian Partnership recently agreed changes to its structure and the provisions of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 meant that some changes were necessary and following review and consultation the Partnership has agreed the following:

a) The layer of three supporting partnerships would be removed.
b) The Community Planning Board would be replaced by a broader and more dynamic Community Planning Forum, involving all the statutory partners named in the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act and including more community representation. There is a note at the end of this email of all the partners to be included in the Forum; there is scope to add more if appropriate.
c) The work of the strategic and delivery groups should continue.
d) Work on the economy should be led by a new Economy strategic/ delivery group.
e) Emphasis throughout is on action to deliver a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan for the whole area, and also on six Locality Plans which will come forward from Local Area Partnerships.
f) There will also be a Governance Group to discharge the responsibilities of five partners who now have special responsibility for governance according to the legislation.

Further background to the review of the structure, you will find it in the report that was presented to East Lothian Partnership in January: http://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/download/meetings/id/19418/06_east_lothian_partnership-structure_review

3.05 East Lothian Licensing policy – summary:
East Lothian Licensing Board is currently conducting a consultation on its draft Statement of Licensing Policy. The consultation period closes on the 30 June 2018. PJ felt it was important everyone involved in organising an event take part in this consultation as the new licensing rules meant a license had to be applied for, for any event which attracts over 150 people. CB asked PJ to forward information on the new licensing rules.

A consultation survey on the policy is now up and running at the following link on the Council’s Website and ELCC recommends you participate:-

3.06 Proposed East Lothian parking charges:
PJ advised the meeting on the new ELC parking consultation, which if adopted would have a very negative effect on town centres. ELCC strongly advised all businesses and residents to take part in the ELC parking consultation. The following links provide information.
http://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/news/article/2643/council_approves_draft_local_transportsstrategy and see agenda point 7 for the actual draft strategy proposed by transportation http://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/meetings/meeting/6065/east_lothian_council

3.07 Resilience Planning:
Sandy Baptie, ELC, Emergency Planning and Risk Manager advised on the Community Resilience toolkit and keeping local communities safe in an emergency. It was agreed to accept Mr Baptie offer of attending an ELCC meeting to provide further information. CB to organise. Meanwhile, three free events to discuss community resilience are taking place on:- 21 March, 2108 from 10am – 3.30pm, Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh. The Rest Centre Exercise will take place on 26 March, 2018 and evacuees (volunteers) are needed. East Lothian Council Resilient Communities workshop is taking place at the Brunton Theatre on Sunday 27 October, 2018.

4:00 Police Business:
JMacD had attended the CAPP meeting held on 8 January, 2018 and none of the matters raised related to the ELCC area.

Speeding in villages was still of concern and Innerwick Parish are looking at adopting a 20mph approach. EW advised this matter is to be raised at the next IWP meeting, which she will be attending.

JMacD to ask PC Gavin Ross the most effective way to reduce speeding in villages. Currently, Stenton has an automatic flashing sign, which indicates the speed you are travelling at. These signs are very effective and perhaps we could ask the Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership to look at this issue and fund signs for each village. EW to raise with the Area Partnership. EW advised the local Area Partnership has a devolved budged of £50k from the Highways department.

The annual public meeting of the Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership will be held on 26 March, 2018 at 7.30pm in the Bleachingfield Centre, Dunbar. This is an opportunity to find out what they did with East Lothian Council Funds last year to make a difference in our Wards. Also seeking ideas on how to spend £350k of resource in the coming year on roads, parks and open spaces, educational attainment etc

5:00 Treasurer’s Report:
The balance as of 20 March, 2018 stands at £266.49

6:00 Matters Arising (Previous)

A burst pipe, just after the ford coming from little Spott. Speeding in the village is of concern as is the state of the roads.

No response from Councillor Paul McLennan with regards to the installation of rumble strips on A1 east. PJ to contact PMcL

An application to Sustrans for a feasibility study for a cycle path from Spott to Dunbar (deadline 30 March, 2018), but CT advised, unfortunately the Pinkertons are not currently being considered with this application, due to the low number of regular journeys by foot or cycle on this route.

Speeding in village

Concern regarding state of roads and no response from Councillor Paul McLennan with regards to the removal of Himalayan Balsam from the drainage channel near Lawfield. PJ


The road surface dressing is complete and the rumble strips and line painting reinstated.

Concern regarding state of roads and in particular the Stenton to East Linton road is appalling.

The meeting agreed the state of all ELCC rural roads are in a very poor condition and complaints are constantly being raised. Is there a way ELCC can identify preventative measures? Could we not select an area for study and lobby ELC with our findings, with a suggestion to change our strategy and put in place preventative measures.

A1 Action Group:
At our meeting on 28 November, 2017 Councillor PMcL agreed to arrange a meeting with the relevant bodies. No further response has been received and EW advised of a further alarming incident, which she had personally experienced. PJ to contact PMcL.

7:00 Councillors’ Reports:
Planning Applications: JMcD has forwarded all relevant planning applications to the individual councillors.
Newsletter: Sincere thanks expressed to JMcD for another excellent ELCC Newsletter, which has been distributed.

Liaison Meetings:
Belhaven Hospital: JH emailed information with regards to the Reprovision of Abbey and Eskgreen Care Homes and Belhaven and Edington Community Hospitals. Further background information can be found on:
· https://www.forres-gazette.co.uk/Our-community/New-residents-move-into-Varis-Court-complex-20122016.htm
· https://beta.gov.scot/publications/foi-17-02698/
· http://www.scottishhousingnews.com/16294/first-minister-meets-residents-of-pioneering-community-care-housing-complex/

And some videos:
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I484XWkZjg&spfreload=10
· https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbamvprLi8k

However, as of today’s date JH had not received the minutes from the meeting.

Torness Liaison: CB will attend the next meeting on 22 March, 2018.

Viridor: EW attended their meeting on 7 February, 2018 from which there was not a lot to report. SEPA are happy with the progress of the incinerator. The landfill is progressing slowly and there is less gasses being emitted, due to less food waste. Viridor provide no information on the Heat Plan, which they classify as Commercial Sensitive. CB asked, once the incinerator is running, what level of toxic emissions will trigger a shutdown? EW will ask the question.

Tarmac Cement Works:
The parent company is CRH and the operation is noticeably cleaner and tidier. However, strong smells do still plague the whitesands area.

8:00 Correspondence:
East Lothian Citizens’ Panel Summer 2017.

9:00 Date of Next Meeting: 1 May, 2018 in Innerwick Village Hall at 7.30pm