Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 2 March 2011 in Spott Village Hall
Present: Cllrs P Armstrong/M Mylne/D Charlton/C Bruce (Chair)
In attendance: PC Cameron Tait/Peter Swain/Cllr J Bell/Pauline Jaffray
1:00 Apologies: Cllrs J Hanvidge/M Ramsay/B Wylie/P McLennan
Chair, Chris Bruce, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Mr Peter Swain who is interested in representing Innerwick on East Lammermuir Community Council. A notice advertising the vacancy will be issued and displayed in Innerwick.
2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 18 January, 2011. The minutes were approved.
3:00 Any other business to be added to the agenda: None
4:00 Police Business:
PC Cameron Tait (shoulder number 5387) introduced himself and provided background information. He had been working in North Berwick and was delighted now to be based in Dunbar and the community policeman responsible for East Lammermuir Community Council area.
No crimes have been reported during the last four weeks. However, PC Tait was aware of the concerns regarding the A! Expressway and during the last two weeks an increased patrol has been in operation between Thistly Cross and Cockburnspath. A number of heavy goods vehicle drivers have been charged with driving whilst using mobile telephones. If any member of the public sees anyone driving using a mobile phone, please record the vehicle registration and advise the police. ASBO warnings can now be issued for a period of twelve months. Two reports against the same car registration can result in the car being removed from the owner.
Cllr Bruce asked PC Tait to liaise/advise Cockburnspath Community Council (CCC) of items regarding the A1 expressway, as they have a number of issues that need to be addressed. Cllr Bruce would forward recent CCC email to PC Tait.
The police are also raising awareness of the dangerous junction at Lafarge with the relevant bodies. Mobile police patrols in the ELCC villages will be increased and Innerwick have noticed an increase in speeding, especially during the period of the Oldhamstocks diversion being in place. Cllr Charlton again asked if the mobile speeding signs could be put in place in Innerwick. Complaints about dangerous parking in Innerwick have been reported and PC Tait would look into this and advise the owners to find a more suitable parking area.
5:00 Treasurer’s Report Balance at 2 March, 2011 – £2,606.39
Pauline Jaffray reported that Cllr Hanvidge was still waiting to hear from Crystal Rig the amount of allotted funds for the coming year. Cllr Armstrong was anxious about the delay, as many of the local fêtes, etc. now relied heavily on this financial support and some events may not take place unless they knew funding was forthcoming. PJ asked all councillors to forward contacts details for all village organisations and would liaise with Cllr Hanvidge to distribute the information as soon as it was available. PJ reiterated that Cllr Hanvidge has been in touch with Crystal Rig on numerous occasions but as yet had not received a response.
6:00 Matters Arising (Previous)
The rôle of Secretary for ELCC needed to be discussed and the vacancy filled. As of 2 March, no one from ELCC has volunteered to undertake this position. The item to be kept on the agenda.
Cllr Charlton had raised awareness of the access road at North Lodge to Thurston Manor being regularly used. It had now been blocked off using large logs. This was not appropriate as the access is an emergency access and needs to be accessible at all times. Keeping the gate closed was sufficient. Cllr Charlton to contact Mr George Hope, manager at Thurston Manor.
Mr Peter Swain is willing to produce an ELCC newsletter provided he has the help and support of all East Lammermuir Community Councillors. He would also welcome ideas and suggestions. Cllr Bruce proposed ELCC co-opt Mr Swain on to ELCC, which was seconded by Cllr Milne.
7:00 Councillors’ Reports
Planning applications: Cllr Charlton advised that planning permission was being sought for solar PV panels in a private house in Stenton; alterations to a building in Hunter Steading; erection of a conservatory at Little Pinkerton. Lafarge is seeking planning permission for the erection of a rail loading canopy and formation of hard standing area.
Crowhill would like a bus shelter. Cllr Charlton explained ELC had carried out a site visit and their report concluded there was not a suitable site. Residents of Crowhill are disappointed.
Speeding in Innerwick is still of concern and Cllr Charlton requested the mobile speed signs. PC Tait would look into this.
Cllr Bruce advised it was interesting to note at the recent Lafarge liaison meeting there had been a total of seven out of nine breeches of emissions during December, 2010. Repairs were carried out in January 2011.
8:00 Correspondence
Scotland’s Census information.
Bus Users meeting to be held at Hallhill on 3 March, 2011 from 7pm – 9pm.
Civic Pride Funds.