DRAFT Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday 17 January, 2012 in
Innerwick Village Hall
Present: Cllrs C Bruce (Chair)/J Hanvidge/P Armstrong/M Mylne/
D Charlton/M Ramsay/B Wyllie/P Swain
In Attendance: Cllrs J Bell/P McLennan (from 9pm)/PC Gavin Ross/P Jaffray, plus
two members of the public and two representatives from Sustaining
Dunbar – Philip Revell and Ian Waugh
1:00 Apologies: None
Cllr Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Philip Revell and Ian Waugh, Sustaining Dunbar, who gave a presentation on Dunbar Community Energy Project. Mr Revell provided brief background information on Sustaining Dunbar whose aim is to bring people together to create a resilient community. Mr Waugh explained Dunbar Community Energy Project, a trading subsidiary of Sustaining Dunbar, and their wish to establish a community wind turbine at Cocklaw, Oldhamstocks, which would be of financial benefit to Ward 7, covering Dunbar, East Linton and the area of East Lammermuir. Following consultation and research Sustaining Dunbar were seeking the opinion of Ward 7 and are currently canvassing the area, as to whether the local community would like to see established a 500kw community turbine at the Cocklaw site. He asked the committee to consider the draft Resilience Action Plan and to provide comments when they had done so.
Discussion and questions followed and the meeting felt that those living further away from the actual site, would not necessarily have an objection or be aware of how populated the East Lammermuir area was with wind turbines. Further information can be found on dunbarcommunityenergy.org.uk and an open meeting has been arranged to take place in Dunbar library on 26 January from 2pm-7.30pm. It was further noted residents in Oldhamstocks have received a questionnaire relating to the Cocklaw turbine, but no other East Lammermuir village had received information.
2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 29 November, 2011. The minutes were approved.
3:00 Any other business to be added to the Agenda: None
4:00 Police Business:
PC Gavin Ross advised of two pending changes within the Dunbar community team. Later this month Sgt Gordon Simpson is moving on to become the East Lothian Local Authority Liaison Officer, his replacement is yet to be chosen. PC Davie Aitchison is returning to response duties from Dunbar, again his replacement has yet to be decided.
There are few incidents to report since the last meeting, mostly dealing with theft and PC Ross asked that all occupiers and businesses in the area take every reasonable precaution to prevent theft and that people remain vigilant to suspicious behaviour.
On 7 December 2011 it was discovered that a theft of copper had occurred at the Blackcastle Hill radio mast, this had possibly occurred at any time in 2011.
Between 3 and 4 January 2012 an attempt was made to break in to the Crystal Rig high voltage substation by ram raiding the gates, no entry appears to have been made and nothing was stolen.
Between 5 and 6 January 2012 there was a theft of tools from a locked shed at Thurston Mains Farm, Innerwick.
On 13 January 2012 two kids’ bikes were stolen from the roadside by Thornton Glen, 1 x white BMX and 1 x blue and grey mountain bike
The next Dunbar Community and Police Partnership meeting will be held at Dunbar Police Station at 7:30pm on the 23 January. The meeting has an open forum format and all members of the public are fully welcome to attend and discuss any concerns they have in relation to the Dunbar area. The priorities for this month are Cycle Lights and Environmental issues.
ELCC reiterated their request to have a speed reactor placed in the village of Innerwick, as speeding was of concern. PC Ross would speak with ELC Colin Baird, but would meantime arrange to have spot speed checks in the village.
No further incidents to report regarding card-skimming devices on ATMs within East Lothian.
Fly tipping was of concern and all incidents were to be reported to Dunbar Police station.
5:00 Treasurer’s Report: The balance as of 17 January, 2012 stands at £777.42. Cllr Hanvidge reminded councillors all local priorities funding projects (£620 per village) had to be completed or in hand by 31 March, 2012.
The wind farm workshop would take place on Sunday 22 January, 2012 at Ruchlaw Mains and Cllr Bruce emphasised the importance for all councillors to attend this. Cllr Charlton advised, due to work commitments she was unsure whether she could attend, but stressed she would do her very best to do so. Once this workshop has taken place, a decision would be reached as to how ELCC would make an approach to organisations/groups etc and how much money would be available. This Sunday’s workshop was for ELCC councillors only and the purpose was to establish a set of principals and related criteria for the application of funds received from Fred Olsen Renewables. These would be considered more widely after the event.
6:00 Matters Arising (Previous) Action
Wester Dodd Wind farm (Aikengall 2): Community Windpower has put forward amended proposals for wind turbines of 125m. The Reporter has sought advice from the Scottish Government as to whether the entire proposal has to be resubmitted. It was advised no new submission was required and the Reporters final decision would be reached on 24 January, 2012. ELCC felt that the reduction in height did not make a massive difference to the visibility impact for this development.
Ferneylea Wind farm application. Nil to report
Blackburn Wind farm application. Nil to report
BeGreen Dunbar & District: Cllr P Swain has resigned as a director mainly due to his disappointment and disillusionment with this organisation. During the six months he had been a director the lack of progress in putting this community interest company on a proper footing was of concern. Philip Revell who was in attendance was also disappointed at the lack of progress, some of which was out of his control and he hoped the Community Interest Company would become a legal entity in the near future. He hoped a further representative from ELCC would be forthcoming. It was agreed ELCC would look at the situation when the organisation was on a proper footing. ELCC
Belhaven Hospital Forum: Since the last meeting no minutes or notification of the next meeting, which is due to take place on 24 January, 2012, have been forthcoming. Concerns were also expressed over the lack of winter home care services in the rural area and the best way forward to identify vulnerable people within ELCC area. These, together with other concerns would be discussed with Mr Murray Leys, head of adult social care, who has agreed to meet with Cllrs Charlton/Hanvidge & Bruce. DC/JH/CB
Lafarge Liaison meeting: Cllr Wyllie reported on the liaison meeting held on 6 December. The north-west quarry is filling up quicker than anticipated and if necessary any over fill can be pumped out to sea. The new cycle path is now open. The section of road on the old A1 between the quarry and Dryburn area will be closed. A representative from the RSPB would like to speak to ELCC on the north-west quarry. ELCC agreed to postpone this until summer, 2012. PA/BW
Viridor: Unfortunately Cllr Charlton was unable to attend the liaison meeting due to work commitments and had no details to report.
7:00 Councillors’ Reports
Correspondence from consultants McNally, employed by Viridor with regard to the proposed incinerator advising of their intention to extend the area for the incinerator. Principal variation of condition 5 of planning consent to extend the area for receipt of waste energy from waste plant, Oxwellmains. A public exhibition would be held week commencing 20 February, 2012.
Dog fouling was of concern both in Innerwick and Stenton. Cllrs Swain/Charlton/Wyllie/Ramsay to contact dog warden, Mr J Wilson re dog watch scheme.
A local resident has expressed alarm at the decreasing number of barn owls in the area and requested any one spotting a barn owl to advise Cllr Swain. The item would be mentioned in the newsletter. PS
The Stenton church wooden gate handle is broken and pot holes in and around Stenton are of concern. Cllr MacLennan would report. PMcL
The inspection cover at Spott village hall needs to be replaced. Cllr Bell would report. JB
Resurfacing work from Spott roundabout towards Spott village had been carried out, but the white lines and other directional signs are required. The water run-off from Easter Broomhouse, mostly from the field, on to the road was causing damage. The roads from Spott village to The Halls and Frizzels Wood House are in an appalling condition. Cllr Bell will report. JB
Oldhamstock verges are extremely dangerous, due to the amount of water and now ice and the lack of kerbs, which had been promised. Cllrs Bell & MacLennen will arrange to meet with ELC Brian Cooper to discuss all these issues. PMcL/JB
Telephone signal from Vodaphone and BT has been unavailable for a period of two weeks in the Oldhamstocks area. This was not acceptable as not everyone had access to other telephone providers and the public phone box was no longer in operation. Cllr McLennan would raise these concerns with the appropriate person. PMcL
Planning Applications: Alterations to house in Stenton. Erection of 1 wind turbine and associated work at Woodhall, Innerwick. Installation of silos and intake equipment at Lafarge Cement. Storage of hazardous substances, hydrazine, sodium hypochlorite and ammonia at Torness Power Station
8:00 Correspondence
Mainstream Offshore provided a copy of their environmental impact study.
ELC – information on Community Environmental Fund
ELC – information on change of ward in North Berwick to one ward. Does ELCC have any changes they wish to make. ELCC agreed their wards worked well.
Public Transport – All concerned parties are working together for the improvement of the infrastructure and JB to contact Perrymans for information on their new service. JB
9:00 Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 28 February, 2012 in Oldhamstocks Village Hall
Tuesday 10 April – Stenton
Tuesday 22 May – Spott
Tuesday 3 July – Innerwick
Tuesday 21 August – Oldhamstocks
Tuesday 2 October – Stenton