Road Closure in Stenton from 11 June to 15th June 2018

A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order has been issued by East Lothian Council for a Road Closure in Stenton. A section of the main street is expected to be closed from 11th June 2018 for up to 5 days to facilitate construction works. Please click here to see the TTRO and diversion routes.

Emergency and Pedestrian access will be maintained during this time and steel plate evacuation will allow the school bus to pass at 08:20 and 16:25 Monday to Thursday and 08:20 and 12:30 on Friday.

Watch Out There’s Chicken Thieves About!


stock photo of pekin bantams

A resident at Ferneylea Oldhamstocks has reported that her Pekin Bantam hens have been stolen. It is thought they were targeted and taken on the night of 24th May. It is believed that more than one person is involved. The thieves even took the nest and eggs the hens were sitting on. The 5 missing Pekin Bantams are one black cockerel, two black hens, one silver hen and one grey speckled hen.

Please email Christine Donaldson at if anyone offers Pekan Bantams, or if anyone suddenly has Pekan bantams matching the description. Alternatively email and we will pass the information on.