There was a meeting in the Innerwick Village Hall on Monday, to discuss the Addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment Report submitted by Berwick Bank Wind Farm (BBWF) to the Council Planning department. There is a note of the meeting as well as Dom’s marked up copy of the Annotated Addendum produced by BBWF.
A particular point to note is that as suggested by Gary Donlin of BBWF, we applied for a two week extension to the deadline for submission of Representations on this Addendum to the EIAR. The deadline has therefore been extended to October 2nd 2023.
Notes from Community meeting with Berwick Bank Wind Farm Ltd (BBWF)
11th September 2023
Innerwick Village Hall
Attendees from BBWF:
Gary Donlin
James Wheater
Keira Jamieson
East Lothian Winds of Change (ELWOC):
Dom Moynihan (Chair)
Lesley Gordon-Smith
Tracy Dart
Kevan Jamieson
Maria Isotalo
Ian Dart
Lyn Jardine (East Lothian: Dunbar & East Linton)
- 30 people in attendance.
- Brief discussion on the bullet point summary of Dom’s comments on the Addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR).
- A copy of the Addendum to the EIAR including Dom’s marked up comments will be made available on the ELCC website.
- BBWF described two meetings that have taken place between ‘the Other Developers’ planning to construct electrical infrastructure in East Lammermuir Community. Gary commented that detailed Construction Traffic Management Plans until Tier 1 Contractors are appointed, which has not yet happened. Tier 1 Contractors are what used to be referred to as ‘Main Contractors’ and may also be referred to as ‘Principal Contractors’ in the context of Health & Safety legislation.
- Gary did commit to including representatives from the Community in these meetings, particularly in relation to Construction Traffic.
- Developers are apparently working on a Joint Charter to which they will all sign up. This Charter will commit Developers to adherence to principles yet to be defined. This Charter will also include details as to how these Charter Principles & Commitments will be enforced, following a question in relation to such enforcement from Lyn Jardine.
- Gary also reported that there is agreement in principle for Developers to fund an independent ‘Monitoring & Coordinating officer.’ This person will act as a bridge between Developers & the Community.
- BBWF, following a question from Lesley, committed not to use Thornton Bridge for any form of Construction traffic.
- Kevan enquired as to the part played (or not) by East Lothian Council in selecting the site for the BBWF substation. Gary promised to check & revert back to Kevan.
- Noise: Hazel questioned the anticipated noise output from the substation once in operational mode. After a lengthy discussion regarding background noise levels, maximum noise levels and perceived noise level. BBWF offered to send a Noise Consultant to talk to the residents of Crowhill, given the latter’s location as closest to the proposed BBWF substation.
- Gary stated that whilst final design optioneering had not been concluded, the current chosen electrical design indicated that an HV DC converter station would not be required and that the electricity would come ashore as AC. This was widely welcomed by the attendees in the Hall.
- The point was made to Gary that given Crowhill’s close proximity to the planned BBWF substation, a concerted effort and closer consultation with the Crowhill residents was merited. This was accepted by Gary.