East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting held 12th May 2015

Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday 12 May, 2015 in
Stenton Bowling Club
Present: Cllrs: Janice Hanvidge/Chris Bruce (Chair)/Peter Armstrong/
Anne Lyall/Barbara Wyllie/Janette MacDonald/Jason Ormiston/
Donna Collins
In attendance: Cllr Michael Veitch/Pauline Jaffray
1:00 Apologies: None
Introductions Cllr Bruce introduced Stuart Gibb, area manager for Dunbar and Haddington Area Partnership. Mr Gibb has been in post for two months and explained his role and the structure of the Area Partnership. There are six area partnerships in East Lothian, with four area managers. The Area Partnership is the local voice of community planning and one of the key elements is to identify issues which need to be addressed within the communities of East Lothian. A key issues document will be compiled and once agreed included in the draft area plan. The Area Partnership is made up of local organisations and local government and as an area manager Stuart Gibb will support the partnership and deliver the agreed plan.

The two areas which Stuart is responsible for covers Dunbar and East Linton together with Haddington and Lammermuir. Currently the post to appoint a Community Chairperson is being advertised. The date of the next meeting is 22 June, 7pm-9pm and a special meeting focusing on Opportunities for Children and Young People, will be held in Dunbar Grammar School on 3 June, 6.30pm-8.30pm.
Chair, Chris Bruce asked Stuart Gibb the situation with regards to broadband in the rural communities and sought his advice on the best way forward. Mr Gibb explained Community Broadband Scotland is working with ELC to extend the reach of broadband to inaccessible areas and are currently waiting for funding approval. Once funding is secured, ELC will see suppliers and deliver the project.
2:00 Approval of minutes of meeting held on 10 March, 2015. The minutes were approved.
3:00 Any other business to be added to agenda: None
4:00 Police Business: No attendance or report. However, Cllr Armstrong who attended the CAPP meeting on 27 April that the issues discussed; car parking in Dunbar High Street and West Port areas, anti social behaviour, John Muir car park, at this meeting did not affect ELCC. The next CAPP meeting would be held on 8 June, 2015.
PC Ross submitted the following report which was not available at the time of the meeting.
Ward Priorities
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools.
The vast majority of incidents in the East Lammermuir CC area relate to the A1. Reports of erratic driving, broken down vehicles and minor accidents are common. No serious incidents in recent months.
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.
No related incidents
You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.
No related incidents
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.
There have been at least three incidents of theft of fuel from lorries parked in lay-by’s on the A1:
-Overnight 9th to 10th March 300 litres was taken from a lorry parked in the lay-by at Bilsdean.
-Overnight 11th to 12 March 100 litres stolen from a lorry again at Bilsdean.
-About 2am on 2nd April 2015 another large volume of fuel was siphoned from a lorry parked in a lay-by west of Dunbar, a white van was seen driving off from this locus.
About 27 to 30 March heavy duty chains were stolen from a yard at Cocklaw.
Other Incidents of note/relevant Community Council information.
Other incidents of note:
In late April and early May there were a number of reports of hare coursing in the Innerwick area. Due to issues with identification of the suspects no persons have been charged.
Should members of the public witness any ongoing crime please phone police immediately and provide as detailed a description of the suspects as possible. If they have a vehicle please also note the colour, make, model and registration number.
CAPP priorities:
John Muir Country Park Anti-Social behaviour and related littering.
Link in with youths and Dunbar Grammar, try to ascertain if and when any groups will be attending JMCP. Conduct patrols.
Anti-Social behaviour on Dunbar High Street
Patrols to be conducted in the area during evenings checking street, vennels and common stairs for groups of youths
Issue parking tickets for parking offences in Dunbar and East Linton town centres.
5:00 Treasurer’s Report: The balance stands at £892.59 as of today’s date
6:00 Matters Arising (Previous): Action
Cllr Wyllie advised the meeting she had contacted Lothian Broadband following their presentation at our last meeting and as requested by the meeting asked for a more detailed report on their proposal of what Lothian Broadband could provide in the four villages. Cllr Wyllie could not get any straight answers to the questions asked and was left feeling very disappointed
Aikengall 11a: A public enquiry is to be held as both Councils (East Lothian and Borders) have objected to Community Wind Power Ltd (CWP) plans. Cllr Ormiston doubted that CWP was compliant with good practice guidance on shared ownership which is currently out to consultation with the Scottish Government. He also doubted if they were compliant with UK Govt guidance (he recommended checking the guidance and reporting back on the extent to which they are compliant).
7:00 Councillors’ Reports:
Stenton: The temporary repair, on the broken manhole cover, opposite the village hall needs to be fixed. The on-going drainage problems on the Ruchlaw Road between Ruchlaw House and Ruchlaw Mains need to be readdress as the drainage is not working. MV
The meeting expressed their thanks to ELC – Landscape and Countryside – for the repair of the step and lamppost.
Spott: Cllr Armstrong advised the underpass at Eweford is flooding.
Innerwick: The Innerwick/Crowhill junction repair has been carried out. The School Spring Fair held on Sunday 10 May, was well supported. Thanks to ELC for erecting horse signs, but further signs are required for Blackcastle/Oldhamstocks. MV
Due to an incident on the A1, the Traffic Police had redirect traffic through Innerwick, which caused severe congestion as the roads through and around Innerwick cannot accommodate large vehicles or heavy traffic. Cllr Collins has advised the Traffic Police of this previously and has done so again.
Oldhamstocks: A charity fundraiser is being organised on Saturday 16 May, 2015. Bridge completion celebrations are being organised and ELC are carrying out verge repairs, using tetramesh.
The At Home East Lothian – rural areas workshop, held in Oldhamstocks had proved very popular and it was recommended other villages in the ELCC area hold similar workshops/information days.
Planning Applications: Cllr Armstrong had circulated anything of interest.
Newsletter: Please forward items of news or events to Janette as quickly as possible.
Liaison Meetings: The Larfarge Tarmac meeting will meet twice a year, with the next meeting due to be held in September, 2015.
Notification regarding the Viridor Liaison meeting had arrived too late for any representatives from ELCC to attend. Cllr Collins to request copy of minutes and the date of the next meeting.
Cllr Bruce attended the Torness Liaison meeting which was very good. Plant Manager, Robert Gunn and chaired the meeting and stressed the importance of engagement with the local community in emergency planning, which had never been previously represented, despite being notified of this over two years ago.
Torness are considering the installation of a land barrier to stop jelly fish from blocking inlets, no detailed plans are available. Cllr Bruce also raised the question of the cycle path between Dunbar and Torness and was advised Torness would have to liaise/work with Larfarge Tarmac to secure improvement.
Rural Bus Users Group: Cllr Veitch advised the Bus forum meeting is being held on 13 May and further information would be provided after this meeting. Meanwhile, Cllr Wyllie had attended a previous RELBUS meeting where the new colour coded route maps and timetables, showing new bus routes and highlighting linked up services e.g. to get to ERI.
8:00 Date of Next Meetings: 16 June 2015 Innerwick Village Hall
18 August