East Lammermuir Community Council
A Meeting of East Lammermuir Community Council
took place in Innerwick Village Hall
on Tuesday 3 October 2017 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/Elisabeth Wilson/Janette
Macdonald/Barbara Wyllie/Anne Lyall and Cris Thacker
1:00 Apologies: Donna Collins and Pauline Jaffray
2:00 Approval of the minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 30 May, 2017: The minutes were approved by Cllr Thacker and seconded by Cllr Hanvidge.
Minutes of a special meeting held on Tuesday 5 September 2107 were also approved by Cllr Thacker and seconded by Cllr Hanvidge.
3:00 Items to be included in the agenda
Offshore Windfarm
Response from Police Scotland (Fettes)
East Lothian Councillors
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