Draft ` `
Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday 12 January, 2016 in
Innerwick Village Hall
Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie
Peter Armstrong/Anne Lyall/Jason Ormiston/Donna Collins/Elisabeth Wilson
1:00 Apologies: Cllr Michael Veitch/Pauline Jaffray
2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 25 November, 2015:
Minutes approved
3:00 Any other business to be added to agenda: None
4:00 Police Business: No report available
5:00 Treasurer’s Report: Cllr JH noted £168.09 in bank after payment of expenses to ELCC minute secretary.
6:00 Matters Arising (Previous):
Broadband: Stuart Gibb from Broadband Scotland (sic) to report back to ELCC on broadband issues and weak mobile signals. Cllr BW to chase SG. An outstanding action on Cllrs CB/ JH to speak SG. Cllr EW said she would speak to SG on behalf of Innerwick interest.
Cllr DC still seeking clarity on power system failures on mobile masts from Robertson Rural.
Wind farms: Cllr CB noted signage up for construction traffic for Hoprigshiels Wind Farm. Due to be operational in October 2016.
Cllr CB continues to engage with neighbouring Cockburnspath Community Council regarding community fund split for Ferneylea WF. Cllr CB said operator to announce split.
Crystal Rig 3 fund split negotiations with G&M Community Council. Cllr CB said that Natural Power, Fred Olsen agents, had opened dialogue on governance of the Wind farm fund suggesting that ELCC take control of its running. Cllr JO recommended some thought on governance and administration issues as well ensuring that all in the community have the opportunity to engage, deliberate and decide on the best way to invest significant funds. As a result ELCC agreed that a workshop on Sat 23 April (12-5pm) to take place involving Cllrs to look at the governance for self-management of funds and strategy for identifying need and priorities for the community. Cllr JO to ask Local Energy Scotland support governance discussion, whilst Cllr CB to ask Margot White for support to facilitate discussion on strategy.
A proposed workshop is still being planned for 23 April at BW home. Neither JO or CB have secured facilitators yet, so there is still some question about finalising arrangements.
7:00 Councillors’ Reports
Innerwick: Cllr EW highlighted a discussion about the zoning of a field to north of Innerwick for housing with landowner. Cllr EW highlighted potholes on road on bus route.
Cllr DC said ScottishPower Transmission Ltd had started work on the 400kv transmission line leading to temporary closures of road between Thortonloch and Thornton Glen (the road to Oldhamstocks will be affected too).
Oldhamstocks: Cllr CB highlighted flooding at Cockburnspath and Ferneylea and said he would raise with Cockburnspath CC.
Cllr JH reported that damaged wall at corner near bus stop damaged and requires repair. Cllr JH noted the posting of a large dog warden sign in village
Spott: Cllr PA noted deterioration of road up to Spott due to potholes.
Stenton bridge (bottom of Geldy hill on road out of village towards East Linton). Top stones have been dislodged/knocked down, one of which is now a quarter of the way across the bridge and marked by an orange traffic cone. Additionally there is, and has been for sometime, a large build up of mud, leaves etc on both sides of the bridge. A further safety concern as you approach the bridge fm the village, is the large amount of tree branches and ivy growing through and along the walls on both sides of the road.
Kerb at west end village green. The kerb has been badly damaged by hgv and farm vehicles. Pedestrians and in particular the children walking to school find it difficult to determine whether they are on the pavement or not. The kerb may be better if removed or more appropriately shaped for the narrow road junction here.
Stenton Loan (road from school towards Pressmennan wood). The road is in a bad state with water and hgv/farm traffic damage to the verges. ‘Gutters’ have formed at the side of the road and there are a large number of potholes.
Council Barrier fenced area at unstable shared wall of 9 Roodwell cottages/ no.1 the crofts (road junction to Mieklerig). Tree seedlings now approx 20 feet high compounding safety issue. Tree branches now growing through barrier.
Lighting of A1 Underpass at B6370 East Linton. I suspect this may come under Dunpender CC, but as it affects traffic going to and from Stenton, thought I’d include. There is only 1 out of the 6 lights on the underpass currently working.
Additionally, the drain at the centre of the junction opposite the underpass is not taking water away. Should we get a frost this junction of B6370 will be treacherous.
Samuels Ditch on B6370 (between Limekilns and Bielgrange junction). A 4×4 vehicle damaged the parapet last week. Under the bridge may be blocked with water now coming over the road.
Road from GInglet Hill to Biel – about 150 yards past pollution monitor is still flooding.
Potholes. There remains a number of potholes in and around the village.
Liaison Meetings:
Lafarge Tarmac
Cllr EW to attend liaison meeting as primary participant, with Cllr JO as substitute.
8:00 Correspondence
9:00 Date of Next Meeting: 8 March, 2016 – Oldhamstocks