Draft Minutes of ELCC Meeting held on 13 December 2016


Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/ /Anne Lyall/
Janette MacDonald/ /Donna Collins/Elisabeth Wilson

In attendance: Pauline Jaffray and one member of the public – Mrs Sheila Ainslie

Welcome: Cllr Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and the following three apologies were noted.

1:00 Apologies: Cllrs Barbara Wyllie/Cris Thacker and Cllr Michael Veitch

2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 25 October, 2016. The minutes were approved by Cllr MacDonald and seconded by Cllr Lyle.

3:00 Any items to be added to the agenda:

Zero Waste Dunbar & District Proposal
Perryman’s 253 bus service
National Cycle Route NCR 76

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Draft Minutes of ELCC Meeting held 25 October 2016

Draft Minutes

of Meeting of East Lammermuir Community Council held in Innerwick Village Hall on
Tuesday 25 October, 2016.

Present: Cllr Michael Veitch
Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie/Chris Bruce/Janice Hanvidge/
Donna Collins/Anne Lyall/Cris Thacker

In attendance: Pauline Jaffray and 23 members of the public

1:00 Apologies: Elisabeth Wilson/Jason Ormiston

C Bruce as the former Chairman of East Lammermuir welcomed all those present to the meeting. He explained to all present that this is the first meeting of the East Lammermuir Community Council after the election and Cllr Michael Veitch will preside over the first part of the meeting and the appointment of Office Bearers to the new Community Council. This has to be carried out before the meeting can continue with other business.

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East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting held 17th May 2016


Minutes of Meeting of East Lammermuir Community Council held on Tuesday 17 May 2016 in Stenton Bowling Club

Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/Peter Armstrong/Anne Lyall/
Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie/Donna Collins/Jason Ormiston/

In attendance: Cllr Michael Veitch/ Co-opted member – Elisabeth Wilson/Pauline Jaffray

The chair extended a warm welcome to all present and Hilary Smith, Chair of the Association of East Lothian Community Councils was introduced. Prior to HS addressing the meeting CB acknowledged and thanked Cllr Peter Armstrong, who was retiring from ELCC, for all his hard work, commitment and support of ELCC. As a thank you a beautiful, homemade strawberry sponge was presented to Peter, which he promptly cut and was enjoyed by all those in attendance.

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