Draft Minutes
of Meeting of East Lammermuir Community Council held in Innerwick Village Hall on
Tuesday 25 October, 2016.
Present: Cllr Michael Veitch
Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie/Chris Bruce/Janice Hanvidge/
Donna Collins/Anne Lyall/Cris Thacker
In attendance: Pauline Jaffray and 23 members of the public
1:00 Apologies: Elisabeth Wilson/Jason Ormiston
C Bruce as the former Chairman of East Lammermuir welcomed all those present to the meeting. He explained to all present that this is the first meeting of the East Lammermuir Community Council after the election and Cllr Michael Veitch will preside over the first part of the meeting and the appointment of Office Bearers to the new Community Council. This has to be carried out before the meeting can continue with other business.
Formation of the new Community Council:
Cllr Veitch introduced himself to the meeting and explained East Lammermuir Community Council covers the areas of Spott, Stenton, Oldhamstocks and Innerwick. ELCC is made up of eight community councillors, two from each village and intimated that there had been eight valid applications and the following were therefore elected for the next four years.
Innerwick: Donna Collins and Elisabeth Wilson
Oldhamstocks: Chris Bruce and Janice Hanvidge
Stenton: Janette MacDonald and Barbara Wyllie
Spott: Anne Lyall and Cris Thacker
Cllr Veitch asked if the proposed applicants were happy to continue representing their village at East Lammermuir Community Council. All agreed. This motion was proposed by Chris Bruce and seconded by Cris Thacker. The following office bearers were appointed.
Chair: Chris Bruce Proposed by: Janette MacDonald.
Seconded by: Anne Lyall
Vice Chair: No application
Treasurer: Janice Hanvidge Proposed by: Janette MacDonald.
Seconded by: Barbara Wyllie
Secretary: Cris Thacker Proposed by: Janice Hanvidge
Seconded by: Chris Bruce
Cllr Chris Bruce took the chair at this point and thanked Cllr Veitch for presiding over the formalities.
Due to the large attendance from Innerwick residents, Cllr Bruce offered to take their concerns over the proposed agenda and the following items were recorded.
Kirk Brae – proposed allocation of land for Housing in Local Development Plan
Innerwick Junction
Speed of traffic through village – 20mph speed limit
Manse View parking
Kirk Brae, School Parking, school functions
Kirk Brae street lights
New Windpower Electricity substation
Domestic Water pressure
Telephone Box
Village hall
Lack of communication
CB agreed to go through each item in turn.
Kirk Brae Housing: Residential development of circa 18 homes.
A number of residents have received notification of the outline proposal for the building of approx 18 homes in the Kirk Brae area. This is the first communication residents had received from ELC and objections had to be lodged by 31 October – a total of three weeks from receipt of notification.
Cllr Bruce asked if those present were aware of the SES Plan from which the ELC Main Issues Report (MIR) had been compiled. The MIR is a ten year plan and is the first formal stage leading to the new East Lothian Local Development Plan. The consultation document sets out possible strategies for accommodating new development such as housing, business and retail in East Lothian. Following the consultation, ELC considered all responses and used these in preparing the Proposed Local Development Plan, published in late 2015.
Cllr M Veitch further explained the SES Plan is a separate process. The Scottish Government has instructed East Lothian Council (ELC) they must build 10,000 new homes in East Lothian. ELC cannot argue with that requirement and if ELC do not allocate sufficient land, developers can then cherry pick where their developments will be sited. ELC have focused their new housing development in the west. They have also identified pockets of small developments for villages. In the ELCC area they identified the possible building of six houses in Spott. None in Stenton. Zero in Oldhamstocks and 18 for Innerwick. If ELC do not allocate a small area in each village, again there is a danger of developers cherry picking.
Consultation did take place and the view of ELCC at that time was they could not respond saying new housing could not be allocated in the ELCC area. A proportion of housing could be absorbed and developed in such a way that it integrated with the village. Innerwick Parish Welfare would also have been invited to take part in the consultation. Notification of this was recorded in the winter 2014 East Lammermuir Community Council Newsletter which is delivered to households in the area.
With regards to the inappropriate timing of ELC letter, Cllr Veitch agreed to raise this with ELC and the Local Development Officer. He would also undertake to find out the situation with regards to the non completion of the Templemains Steading complex and how many houses were due to be built here.
Cllr Veitch was also alarmed to learn that the landowner of the proposed site only found out by chance that their land had been zoned for housing. (This also previously happened to a Stenton landowner and recorded in the MIR. It was revised and land no longer allocated.) The Innerwick landowner had spoken directly with ELC planning department representative Andrew Stuart to raise concerns and had photocopied information with regards to this proposed development, which was circulated at the meeting.
Questions regarding this proposed development covered a whole range of concerns from the infrastructure, which currently cannot cope with what it has to deal with. Parking, road access, educational facilities, pathways, street lighting, Innerwick as a Conservation area, the loss of a beautiful view, the style of the proposed housing etc.
ELCC suggested, even though time was short, all those objecting should lodge individual objections with ELC. It further advised that the village came together under the Innerwick Parish Welfare to share concerns and discuss the best way forward.
ELCC would also issue a statement to ELC in connection with the concerns raised and request ELC meet with the residents of Innerwick.
Innerwick Junction: A1 Expressway: The junction from the A1 Expressway to Innerwick is very heavily used both ways. It is also extremely dangerous and has very poor signage in place. Some of the signage has also been knocked down and left lying in the junction. It needs to be removed. Cllr Veitch will report. Cllr Veitch advised the meeting the police are aware of the situation. However, Amey/Transport Scotland does wish to upgrade the junction with lighting. Cllr Veitch who is an active member of the A1 Action group, established over four years ago, along with others is constantly lobbying the necessary government bodies. Progress is being made slowly and the situation is very frustrating. It was agreed ELCC would write to Amey and to MSP Iain Gray. Reference would also be made to the Innerwick/Broxburn and the Oldhamstocks junctions which are also dangerous. CB
In addition if there was an accident on the A1 expressway there was no backup plan in place as the diversion of traffic causes bedlam in the village and damage to the rural roads.
Speed of traffic, parking and street lights: The speed of traffic through the village was a serious concern. It was suggested the whole village should operate under a 20mph speed limit with Kirk Brae and Manse View limited to 10mph. The speed limit of 30mph before Innerwick Farm also required to be changed to 20mph limit as the traffic speeding past Barnsness Terrace was unacceptable. ELCC recommended a local group be formed to canvass opinion and present to ELC, who currently support a 20mph speed limit. Again there was no signage in place and a rumble strip/anti skid mechanism should be put in place. Cllr Veitch would raise with ELC. There is also a new ELC road safety officer in place. DC to contact.
Parking: Parking in the village was restricted hence many cars are parking in unallocated spaces. The parking in Kirk Brae was also limited and concern was expressed at the speed those travelling to and from school by car and bus drove at. Drivers needed to be more considerate especially during school peak times. Many parents double parked, whilst escorting their children to school, resulting in residents being blocked in and unable to move their cars. The problem was exacerbated during school functions. ELCC recommended the residents of Innerwick should raise their concerns directly with the Innerwick Parent Teacher Council. At the same time the Community Council would make an informal approach to the school as a result of this meeting.
Manse View parking was also an issue and concerns with regards to emergency access and health and safety was also highlighted. Due to the parking no emergency vehicles could gain access, the same applies to lorries, gritters and large delivery vans. There is a grass roundel in the area, which could be made in to parking. Cllr Veitch would raise with ELC.
Street Lights: Kirk Brae street lights were painted with an undercoat ten years ago. Nothing has been done since and no top coat applied.
Water pressure: Barnsness Terrace, Kirk Brae, Main Street and Manse View. The water pressure serving these areas in particular was becoming poorer and literally just stopped. Water was often unavailable resulting in toilets not being able to flush, washing machine cycles stopping, and heating systems breaking down due to lack of water – combi boilers in particular. Also it was a health and safety concern as fire hydrants could be affected. Cllr MV would raise this issue with Scottish Water and ELC. Local residents indicated Scottish Water is aware of the problem – but no action has ever been taken.
Telephone Box: Was Innerwick telephone box being decommissioned? A notice from BT advising residents of Oldhamstocks that their telephone box was being decommissioned on 5 November, 2016 and can be purchased for £1 had appeared. No one at the meeting could advise if Innerwick was being subjected to the same. Cllr Veitch recommended the telephone box be kept as a telephone in the village as the area had very poor mobile reception. It was recommended residents objected to the removal of the telephone box, ideally through Parish welfare Association. Also a resident would check the telephone box for a notice and advise DC accordingly.
Village Hall: A new resident who had recently moved in to the village asked who was responsible for the village hall. A number of events had taken place recently resulting in careless parking and excessive noise after midnight. There is a hall committee in place working with Innerwick Parish Welfare.
Scottish Power Electricity substation: The village felt very aggrieved that an ugly Scottish Power electricity substation had been built, in a foothill village, on a dangerous bend and ruining a lovely view, without any consultation or notification. No one had been informed at all. The meeting also raised the question of the electricity supply to Innerwick which was very intermittent. ELCC recommended the Innerwick Parish Welfare invited Scottish Power and ELC to a meeting.
Lack of communication: Those attending the village felt the communication both from external sources and internally were very poor. The village notice board, located outside the village hall was poorly served and another notice board should be located in Kirk Brae. Clearer notification was required as to what events are taking place in the village and the village hall. Cllr D Collins had set up an Innerwick Facebook page, but not everyone had access to this. The ELCC Newsletter did not reach everyone, especially those living outside the village. ELCC recommended to the meeting that they all come together to discuss all the issues raised and join the Innerwick Parish Welfare. Cllr DC to liaise and organise.
Those in attendance left the meeting at 9.30pm and due to the lateness of the hour ELCC referred to any other business.
Innerwick: Roadwork signage for the installation of cables at Thorntonloch to follow diversion was not working Scott Gavin of Exaclon to be contacted. DC
Perryman’s buses: Some services have been terminated, other bypass Innerwick altogether. A meeting is to be arranged with Perrymans. EW
Rumble strips not progressing as such. We hope they will be progressed soon – ELC believed they had installed rumble strips on road entering village from Dunbar end years ago. However, they have never been installed. We are hoping they will be in future.
Coping Stones on Bridge at Geldy are currently being repaired. Flooding still occurring on road between Ginglet Hill and Biel approx 150yrds down from the pollution monitor
The hedge at Roodwell is overhanging on to the pavement and requires attention. Who is responsible for cutting? Potholes are of concern. MV
Windfarms: Windfarms: Aikengall IIA has recently been approved by the Scottish Government, overturning the decisions of both ELC and Scottish Borders Council. Many new turbines are currently being erected as developers hurry to meet the deadline for generating electricity and claiming ROCS payments (April 2017) at Hoprigshiels, East Neuk, Quixwood, Penmanshiel and Crystal Rigg.
East Lammermuir Community Council will badly miss Cllr Michael Veitch, who is moving on to pastures new. He has been a loyal and dedicated councillor for the EH42 area and his support and commitment has been greatly appreciated by ELCC. MV will continue to serve his community until May 2017.
ELCC Liaison Contacts: Councillors of ELCC agreed to represent ELCC at the following local liaison meetings:
Association of East Lothian Community Councils
CAPP Only as required
EDF Energy, Torness DC
East Lothian Health & Social Care
Partnership – Belhaven Hospital JH
ELCC Newsletter JMacD
East Lothian Area Partnership BW
Planning Meetings
Planning Liaison Applications: JMacD
Tarmac Lafarge CT
Website Communication JMacD
Viridor Credits: BW
Viridor Liaison Group DC & EW
Windfarm Development CB & JO
Also suggested that whilst Janette will continue to act as Communications Officer, Cris Thacker may take over management of the website in due course.
Treasurer’s Report: Balance at 24/10/16 is £658.09
Matters Arising:
Community Windpower – Aikengall IIa has been approved planning permission.
Transport: BW gave a roundup of relevant points raised in the ELLDP document on transport. The document raises awareness of increased housing leads to increased traffic; suggests that developers contribute towards road improvements (however problems with these ‘windfalls’ could be time developer takes on site to time he could fund improvements might not fit in to a planned program).
The document gives a very in-depth analysis of the problems of increase of traffic on roads and plans for coping with congestion. E.g. increasing size of train platforms to take eight instead of six carriage trains, only then increasing car parking at stations.
I was not aware of seeing any plan for roads east of Tranent, no mention of East Linton Station, no mention of road improvements south of Dunbar.
Date of Next Meeting: 13 December, 2016 in Oldhamstocks Village Hall.
Discussions at next meeting to include the setting up of a Development Trust to administer current known and new wind farm community benefit monies.