Draft Minutes of ELCC Meeting Held 25 April 2017


East Lammermuir Community Council

Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held in Thurston Manor Clubhouse on
Tuesday 25 April, 2017

Present: Cllrs: Janice Hanvidge/Elisabeth Wilson/Cris Thacker/Chris Bruce (Chair)/
Barbara Wyllie/Anne Lyall/Janette Macdonald

In attendance: PC Gavin Ross & PC Jenny Stewart and Pauline Jaffray

1:00 Apologies: Donna Collins

2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 7 March, 2017: The minutes were
approved by Cllr Macdonald and seconded by Cllr Wyllie

3:00 Any other business to be added to Agenda:
Location of tonight’s meeting
Network Rail Consultation

4:00 Police Business:
The meeting were very pleased to welcome PC Gavin Ross and PC Jenny Stewart. Prior to the meeting the following report was submitted and the following items raised:

Stenton: Speeding is still causing great concern and the rumble strips are having very little impact. Speeding is particularly prevalent at the east end of the village early mornings and at school pick up/drop off times. A discussion with regards to strategic staggered parking is an option to help slow traffic, but it would help if ELC could assist with this. Can advisory signs ie: children playing, slow down etc be put in place? Again permission from ELC would have to be secured. A suggestion was made that an appeal be made for residents to be more aware of their speed when driving through the village. This could be included in the next newsletter and posted on website. The police confirmed they too would give the situation their attention.

Spott Roundabout: The new road directional signage is still of concern and the police reiterated most of the concerns are due to poor driver/lane discipline. Use the roundabout in the normal fashion and get into the correct lane.

A1 Haddington – Cockburnspath area: ELCC are very alarmed at the number of accidents, some fatal, taking place on the A1 between Haddington and Cockburnspath, in particularly around the Torness area. Cllr Michael Veitch, who established the A1 Action Group and is not standing for re-election, has done a great deal of excellent work in bringing the A1 Expressway to the attention of various bodies. Whether this group continues with the new council officials is as yet undecided. ELCC felt the A1 Action Group is of great importance to the ELCC area and in fact all who use the A1 Expressway.

The police agreed the number of accidents on this stretch of the A1 Expressway was of concern and advised the best way to proceed was for ELCC to gather all the necessary facts and figures. Cllr Wyllie offered to request from Fettes Freedom of Information data and Cllr Bruce offered to help with the necessary wording for this request.

Spott: On Tuesday 1 March, 2017, the Berwickshire Hunt was in the Spott area. A number of residents are very unhappy about this and Cllr Thacker asked what is the legislation surrounding fox hunting. The police advised since Scotland became the first in the UK to ban traditional foxhunting and hare coursing in 2002, it has been illegal to hunt a wild mammal with a dog. However, hunts in Scotland can continue to kill foxes by practising an exemption to the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act called ‘flushing to guns’, which means using dogs to chase foxes from beneath cover in order to shoot them. It is a legal activity, providing all the permissions and licenses are in place.

Innerwick: Some people who may have been adult visitors to Thurston Leisure Park are causing problems in Innerwick both at the park and to local residents.

Police Report: 25 April, 2017 as follows:

During the period since the last police report there have been very few incidents of note in the area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.
Road Safety: You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools.

Numerous calls to the A1, nothing of note.

Antisocial Behaviour: You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.

No incidents

Litter: You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.

No related incidents

You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.

Nothing of note.

Other incidents of note: No other incidents of note.

As we are unable to attend the meeting I’d encourage feedback by email with any questions or information and I’ll reply on Wednesday when I return to duty. Either that or report at Dunbar CAPP, Wednesday evening.

Dunbar CAPP met on 2 March, 2017 in Dunbar Police Station at 7.30pm and the panel agreed the following priorities. The date of the next meeting is 13 April, 2017.

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Security of property in Dunbar Place crime prevention posters in prominent locations to advise householders to secure their property. Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Youth ASB in Dunbar Patrols, engagement and enforcement at weekends and during school holidays. Dunbar Community Policing Team

5:00 Treasurer’s Report: The balance as of 25 April, 2017 stands at £770.09. Hall lets for 2016/17 totalling £162.00 are due.

6:00 Matters Arising (Previous): Action:
Development Trust: Cllr Wilson contacted the Development Trust Association of Scotland who had advised they do not offer support to set up new Development Trusts. However, whilst at another meeting she had spoken to and met with Gareth Morgan of Kubernesis Consultancy, a charity organisation, who has experience in setting up Development Trusts. They are willing to meet and talk with ELCC, provide advice and guidance. A half-day consultancy would cost £300. What would ELCC achieve from this meeting? EW to obtain a more detailed quote for service from Kubernesis. EW

Cllr Bruce and other members have over recent years spoken with other Community Councils, who are in a similar situation as ELCC in the hope we could collaborate with them. However, this is not viable at the present time.

Cllr Hanvidge devoted a considerable amount of time chasing Fred Olsen Renewables for the monies due. The main problem being new staff are not aufait with the procedures in place.

The general feedback from the ELCC community is that they want elected Community Council members to manage the Development Trust themselves rather than another body. However, correct procedures and articles of agreement had to be put in place. Cockburnspath and Cove Community Council have established two trusts/bodies to manage their funds and Cllr Hanvidge would speak to Pauline Hood (their Chair) for advice and guidance.
A subcommittee of Cllrs Hanvidge, Wyllie and Thacker agreed to take the matter forward and Cllr Macdonald will stand in reserve. It was also agreed ELCC would buy-in, subject to approval, any additional services they required to complete the process.

ELCC Liaison Meetings:
Viridor: Both Cllr CB & EW had attended the update for four local Community Councils meeting held on 29 March and raised the question of the large lorries using the A1. EW further advised, Viridor are completing the landfill site and construction of an Energy Recovery Facility ERF, using transitional technology is underway. As yet no firm proposals for the export of heat (hot water or steam) which would actually be commercially advantageous. SEPA indicate it is OK for Viridor to commence operations without a heat plan. Now part of Pennan group. Awaiting minutes. The question of commercial waste was raised, but no answer given and the first waste burn is scheduled to take place in December, 2017. Material cannot go to landfill after 2020. EW commented again, she has still not received any minutes from Viridor with regards to any of the formal Liaison meeting she has attended.

Belhaven Hospital Forum: The next meeting is due to take place on 6 June, 2017 which clashes with our own ELCC meeting. Cllr Hanvidge suggested we change the date of our meeting, unless another Councillor would like to attend the hospital forum meeting. This was not possible and the meeting agreed the next ELCC would take place in Oldhamstocks on Tuesday 30 May, 2017.

A1 Action group. EW attended on 22 March, 2017. Discussion of new road markings at Spott Road roundabout. General concern about dangerousness of A1. HGV traffic will increase when Viridor ERF starts operating, adding to concern about Broxburn junction. Improvement of junctions on a list, but no date for action. No planned work for road surface near Oldhamstocks junction. Innerwick junction regarded as adequately signed for speed of road. The future of the group is unknown because of the council elections. Awaiting minutes.

Tarmac Stakeholders Liaison meeting 4 April, 2017: EW attended. SEPA rating has gone from poor to excellent between 2014 and 2016 and complaints are down. Now owned by Irish multinational that is run by engineers. Awaiting minutes.

East Lothian Bus Forum – 5 April, 2017. EW attended.
Of concern is that the redrawn plans for the new Haddington hospital had no provision for buses to go to the door; this is being taken up by the ELC transport officer. EW raised the 253: thanks for restoring Innerwick loop; lack of indication at Thurston Manor raised as to which side of the road visitors/passengers should stand (bus drivers will always check bus shelter in both directions). There had also been complaints that the Christmas service was on the Saturday timetable for two weeks without adequate warning. Clare Lark operation manager assured me there would be a notice in future (however this did not happen at Easter). The future of the group is unknown because of the council elections. Awaiting minutes.

7:00 Councillors’ Reports:
Spott: Spott Road Roundabout, rumble strips, foxhunting has been recorded above.

The state of the road to Spott village from the water treatment plant onwards was raised by Cllr Lyall. The condition of the road is deteriorating. Cars have to swerve onto the wrong side of the road to avoid the potholes. This is becoming even more hazardous with the increase of large commercial vehicles and farm vehicles using the road. AL to write to MV.
Cllr Lyall will also contact Transport Scotland to enquire as to when the rumble strips approaching the Spott roundabout from the east will be redone. AL

CT asked if Spott Community Association could have a link on ELCC website. Yes and JMcD would organise.

Spott Hall insurance is tied in to a contract for a period of five years and has two years left to run. Is it possible for all our hall insurances to be grouped together under one policy?
No-one knew of a precedent for such a scheme but it may be worth investigating. It was also confirmed that it is not currently possible to use Windfarm Benefits to pay for this due to the rules laid down by Crystal Rig Community Windfarm benefit scheme.

Stenton: Speeding – see item 4.00 Police Report.

Oldhamstocks: Verges on approach roads where Electricity Cables recently buried still required repair.

Innerwick: Meeting location. Questions have been asked as to why we are holding an ELCC meeting at Thurston. EW had explained this was a one off exercise to advise the residents of Thurston of ELCC and of our role within the community. We would be returning to our normal rota and locations, with our next meeting in Oldhamstocks.

Innerwick Primary School have undertake a successful fund raising campaign for the installation of a defibrillator for the village of Innerwick. This would be located within Innerwick Study Centre.

Newsletter: Well received and complemented upon.

8:00 Scotland Hidden Ways – no response as yet

9:00 Date of Next Meeting: Oldhamstocks Village Hall. 30 May, 2017 at 7.30pm.