Aikengall Windfarm, operated by Community Windpower Ltd, is located around 3 km South of Innerwick village and 9.5 km South of Dunbar. It comprises 16 Vestas V90 wind turbines, each with a tip height of 125 metres and a generating rating of 3.0 MW. In total the wind farm has an installed capacity of 48 MW. It was commissioned in March 2009.

Aikengall generates enough electricity to power around 30,000 homes. The electricity generated is fed into the local grid through the Dunbar substation and directed for local consumption.

Aikengall II Wester Dod

Wester Dod forms a consented 19 turbine southeast extension to the existing Aikengall Wind Farm, and is located approximately 11 km southeast of Dunbar and 6 km south of Innerwick. Planning was granted by Scottish Ministers in March 2013.

Construction of the civil engineering works is now underway. Work on the access tracks and crane hardstandings has started, with work on the reinforced concrete foundations to support the 145m wind turbines to be completed in 2015.

Paisley based Barr Construction are the main contractors and have been awarded the £7 million civils contract. Plant hire and construction personnel are to be sourced from across Scotland while as many raw materials as possible will be Scottish, including concrete and steel reinforcement for the turbine foundations.

Scottish Power will complete the grid connection works for the scheme which includes maintaining the existing local infrastructure.

Donna Higgins has been appointed Community Liaison Officer for the project and will be keeping in touch with local Community Councils to keep them up to date with developments and progress and to answer queries from local interest groups and individuals.

To contact Donna Higgins please call 07846 077415 or email

Indicative Construction Programme for Aikengall II:

Off-site Civil Works for Grid Connection (September 2014 – February 2015);
On-site Civil Works (October 2014 – December 2015);
Delivery of Concrete for Turbine Foundations (February 2015 – June 2015);
Delivery of Electrical Transformer and Equipment (April 2015– June 2015);
Turbine Transportation and Installation (April 2016 – June 2016)
Final Grid Connection and Commissioning (July 2016).

Update on Construction Programme April 2016

During construction, residents of Innerwick, Oldhamstocks and Thurston should expect disruption to the road network.