Proposal to erect 11 further Wind Turbines at Crystal Rig

Fred Olsen Renewables, under the company name Crystal Rig IV Limited, has lodged a planning application to erect more turbines at its windfarm at Crystal Rig, Crichness, TD11 3SR, as follows:
4 further turbines with a ground to blade tip height of up to 149.9 metres,
3 further turbines with a ground to blade tip height of up to 174.5 metres,
4 further turbines with a ground to blade tip height of up to 200 metres.

Full details of the planning application can be found using the following link:

Crystal Rig IV Postal Survey

To reflect the views of the Residents in and around Innerwick, Oldhamstocks, Spott and Stenton on the above mentioned proposal, East Lammermuir CC conducted a postal survey to ensure residents had the opportunity to make their views known through the Community Council, direct to the Scottish Government Planning & Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA).

ELCC would like to thank all residents who took time to complete and return the survey questionnaire.  176 out of 565 delivered were returned.

ELCC’s written submission to the Public Inquiry, including the survey findings can be viewed here.

The Appeal will be heard at the Public Inquiry to be held in Duns on 10 March 2020. ELCC will be represented by Chair, Chris Bruce.