May 2021
Crystal Rig 4, comprising 11 turbines has been given been given the go-ahead, despite objections, after Scottish Ministers agreed it would take an impact of “overwhelming importance” to stop them.
The new turbines in the Lammermuir Hills sparked concern after they included plans to put red aviation lights at the top.It was argued they would be as visible as the giant cranes at the St James Centre in Edinburgh city centre were across the county and likened the towering turbines to “the towers of the new Queensferry crossing.
However, in a report approved by Scottish Ministers following an appeal by windfarm operators Fred. Olsen Renewables, their Reporters ruled none of the objections were strong enough to support refusing planning permission for the turbines.
The proposed development will comprise:
11 turbines
4 at up to 149.9 m tip height.
3 at up to 174.5 m tip height.
4 at up to 200 m tip height.