Bus Service 130 to Spott and Stenton will be Reduced from 4th May 2015

130 bus

Eve’s bus service 130 is to be reduced to the villages of Spott and Stenton. From May 4th, services will be halved from 4 to 2 per day Monday to Saturday, and there will no longer be a Sunday service.

However, Innerwick village will be added from May 4th in the new 130 timetable, with 2 services per day Monday to Saturday.

It is thought these changes reflect current and past bus useage. To view the new 130 timetable click here

Rural Community Broadband Survey Results

ruralbroadbandThe Haddington and Lammermuir Area Partnership have published a report summarising the results of the recent Community Broadband Survey.

528 responses were received to the survey, 69 of which came from the East Lammermuir area.

Unsurprisingly, a huge majority (80%) of respondant premises reported that they were dissatisfied with their current broadband provision. A massive 99% of respondants stated they would be interested in accessing superfast broadband in the future, and 72% of those stated that they would be prepared to pay more to have access to it, despite concerns that the rural communities were being disadvantaged by the lack of effective broadband provision.

View the report and find out what will happen next by clicking Rural Broadband survey – Summary report