Dunbar Proposed 20mph Limit Residents Survey

20-mph-signDunbar Community Council is proposing that the 20 mph limit in residential areas currently on trial in the Hallhill area of Dunbar be extended to cover the old part of the town, North of the railway line. The only exception will be for Belhaven Road, West of the Primary School, which will remain a 30 mph limit to maintain its role as a main arterial route through the town. The area affected is shown on this map.

All residents of Dunbar and District, including residents of East Lammermuir, are encouraged to complete a questionnaire regarding their views of the 20mph proposal. To complete an online survey questionnaire please click here

Paper versions of this questionnaire are available at various points in the town, including Dunbar Town House and the John Muir Birthplace, and are also downloadable from the Dunbar Community Council website: http://dunbarcommunitycouncil.org.uk

The completed paper forms may be returned to The Town House, Dunbar, or to the John Muir Birthplace, Dunbar. They will be analysed by the Community Council, and the results reported to the Dunbar and East Linton Ward Councillors.

A public meeting is being held on Tuesday 21st June at 7.30 pm at Dunbar Grammar School to discuss the proposed 20 mph speed limit in Central Dunbar to which all are welcome.


On 7th April 2016, Police Scotland launched their redesigned online public survey. The survey will allow communities to tell the police what’s important to them – and to do so at a time which is convenient to anyone taking part as its open all year round, around the clock. The survey will take around 15 minutes to complete and is intended to supplement and not replace direct contact with communities. The responses to the consultation process will be continuously monitored and quarterly progress reports will be published on the Police Scotland website.
A fuller explanation of the process can be found at –

Police Community Accountability Team
Email: SPACommunityAccountability@spa.pnn.police.uk
Website: www.spa.police.uk
Twitter: @ScotPolAuth