East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting Held 8th March 2016


East Lammermuir Community Council

Minutes of meeting of the East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday, 8 March 2016 at 7.30 p.m.
in OldhamstocksVillage Hall


Present: Chris Bruce, Janice Hanvidge, Janette MacDonald, Barbara Wylie, Donna Collins, Peter Armstrong, Ann Lyall, Elisabeth Wilson

In attendance: Pippa Swann, Stuart Gibb, Michael Veitch

1. Apologies Pauline Jaffray

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George Kerevan Easter Road Show

George Kerevan MPGeorge Kerevan, MP is holding advice surgeries in 19 new locations over the Easter holidays, including 3 East Lammermuir Villages.

On Wednesday 6 April he will be at:
Stenton Village Hall from 11.45 to 12.15pm
Innerwick Village Hall from 12.30 to 1.00pm
Oldhamstocks Village Hall from 1.15 to 1.45pm

click here for further information


The East Lothian Angling Association has been alerted that an organised gang of poachers, based in North East England, are planning to Electrofish rivers and burns in East Lothian and East Edinburgh, within the next 2 weeks.

Locally, in particular the Drem to Peffer burns and the Tyne, but it is suspected they will be everywhere in between. They can wipe out stocks of fish very rapidly.

Please lookout for people with electro fishing gear near burns/rivers and assume that these people are not operating legally and are poachers (on a large scale) and to call the bailiff/police:
Lee Fisher, Salmon Board Bailiff 07887835549