Get Involved in Social Science Research


Scotland’s Administrative Data Research Centre (ADRC-S) is looking for volunteers to join their Public Panel. If you are interested in social science research and in helping the Edinburgh University based team develop research projects of public benefit, this may be for you.

Role of the panel
The ADRC-Scotland Public Panel will put the views of the public at the forefront of ADRC-S activities and be involved in shaping the approach of ADRC-Scotland and also to communicating and engaging with members of the public.

Your role
ADRC-Scotland does not expect you to have specialist knowledge of academic research or the use of data. They will provide you with mentoring and training to help you understand ADRC-Scotland and the research it does. You should be enthusiastic about getting interests of the public properly considered in the work that we do. Meetings (half day) will be held every quarter

Travel expenses will be paid, as well as a small honorarium for your time.

Further Information and to apply
For further information and how to apply, please contact Carol Porteous, or 0131 658 5347. They would like to hear from you by the 5th October 2015.

More information
Go to: or contact Carol Porteous

Stenton Flower Show 2015, Saturday 5th September, 2:30-4:30pm

Stenton Flower-ShowStenton Flower Show will be held in Stenton Village Hall on Saturday 5th September. Doors will be open at 2:30pm with the opening ceremony at 3pm. The show will close at 4:30pm.

All entries are from the Stenton,  Spott and Whittingehame parishes and from Biel Estate. Within this community the show aims to be as inclusive as possible to enable all amateur and professional gardeners the opportunity to display their favourite produce. There is also a large children’s section incorporating art and craft work. Examples of the range of entries can be seen at

Admission: Members Free      Non Members: £1        School children: Free

PLANT & PRODUCE STALL            RAFFLE            TEAS

East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting held 18th August 2015


Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
Held on Tuesday 18 August, 2015 at
7.30pm in Oldhamstocks Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Jason Ormiston/Peter Armstrong/Donna Collins/Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie

In attendance: Cllr Michael Veitch/PC Gavin Ross/MP George Kerevan/Angela Wrapson and two members of the public – Carol Armstrong/Sheila Ainslie

The chair, Chris Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made.

1:00 Apologies: Janice Hanvidge/Anne Lyall

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