Innerwick, Oldhamstocks, Spott and Stenton Community Associations are working in conjunction with East Lammermuir CC to help you in this time of uncertainty as we face the effects of COVID-19 together.
We have delivered or are in the process of delivering Resilience Response Cards throughout the East Lammermuir Area. Click on the village name below if you have as yet not received a card for its details. If you did not receive a card, and would like one, please contact your local Single Point of Contact (SPoC) for resilience communities or your village community association and they will get one to you.
Each association has enlisted a group of local volunteers who can help with:
- picking up shopping
- urgent supplies
- posting mail
- a friendly phone call
- or with signposting you to information and advice.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you need assistance
Innerwick Oldhamstocks Spott Stenton
Your Single Points of Contact (SPoC’s) are:
Innerwick – Donna Collins, Rev Suzie Fletcher
Oldhamstocks – Janice Hanvidge, Gordon Simpson
Spott – Anne Lyall, Carey Douglas
Stenton – Colin Bloomfield, Janette Macdonald