East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting held 23 August 2016


Minutes of Meeting of East Lammermuir Community Council held in Spott Village Hall on Tuesday 23 August, 2016

Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair /Anne Lyall/Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie/

In attendance: Cllr Norman Hampshire/Elisabeth Wilson

1:00 Apologies: Cllr Michael Veitch/Jason Ormiston/Janice Hanvidge/Pauline Jaffray/
Chris Tacker/PC Gavin Ross and PC Jenni Stewart, CWO, Dunbar

The Chair, Cllr Chris Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and our guests for this evening, Alan Hobbett, Projects Director from Berwickshire Housing Association; Keith Scott and Jerome Bell from Scottish Power and Scott Gavin from Excalon.

Hoprigshiels Wind Farm Cable Works
Alan Hobbett, Projects Director, BHA was pleased to advised as follows. Work is progressing well with the Hoprigshiels Community Windfarm. The pouring of the foundations for the five turbines (two at Hoprigshiels and three at Kinegar) is now complete and hence the bulk of deliveries by heavier vehicles concluded. They still have the larger components; the blades, towers and nacelles, to bring to site from the Port of Blyth and this will take place latter in September. We will advise on dates in due course.
There is one change to the development which will cause some inconvenience to local residents. This concerns the cable route. The initial point of connection to the grid was to be at Aikengall but this has now been changed to a new substation to be built just north of Innerwick. The cable route will now follow the public road from the Hoprigshiels Farm road end, through Oldhamstocks and up over the hill towards Innerwick, bypassing Innerwick village and connecting at the new substation site. In doing so the cable trenching works will be combined by Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) with the cabling works for the Kinegar wind turbines development. This makes much sense as the cables follow the same route for much of their length and by laying cables in the same trench SPEN avoid two sets of road works. Whilst SPEN will make every effort to minimise inconvenience the works will certainly cause some disruption to local residents who use the roads on the cable route.
All households along the route will also receive a letter from Excalon providing more information and contact numbers for the contractor and SPEN to be called in the event of any queries or comments.

Work has commenced at the substation site north of Innerwick. The initial excavation required to be overseen by an archaeologist in accordance with the ELC planning consent. Nothing of significance was found.

Cllr CB had advised BHA to send a letter to all Innerwick residents as concerns have been raised from those not living alongside the proposed route. Alan Hobbett asked for all those with concerns to be put in touch with him, so he can explain the absence of information in advance. CB has done this following the meeting.

ELCC have received the planning drawings approved by ELC.

Cllr Norman Hampshire to investigate possibility of putting an additional optic fibre cable in the channel to bring broadband to Innerwick and Oldhamstocks.

The guests left the meeting and Cllr Bruce gave apologies for letting this first item run on for so long.

2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 17 May, 2016.

3:00 Any other business to be added to agenda:

Council Elections 6 October, 2016: CB has emailed appropriate forms. Four prospective councillors from Innerwick. New council will convene on 25 October in Innerwick.

4:00 Police Business:

Unfortunately due to staff shortages on the response side, no one was available to attend this evenings meeting. However, the following report was submitted.

During the period since the last police report there have been very few incidents of note in the area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.

Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools.

Numerous calls to the A1, mostly minor accidents and debris on the roadway

Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.

No related incidents

You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.

No related incidents

You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money. 15 August 2016 – a motor bike was stolen from Ruchlaw Mains. A white transit van was seen near to where the bike was parked at the time and may be responsible. Enquiries are ongoing.

Other incidents of note:
There have been a couple of reports of hare coursing. We urge anyone who suspects persons of hare coursing to try and obtain registration number of vehicles and descriptions of the persons and dogs.

CAPP priorities: Next meeting 26 September 2016
The following priorities were agreed at the CAPP meeting held on 11 August, 2016
Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Speeding on Brodie Road, Dunbar Conduct hand held speed gun enforcement on Brodie Road following reports of increases in speeding traffic.
Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Parking on double yellow lines, Countess Road New double yellow lines will be painted on Countess Road in the very near future. Conduct enforcement once they are done. Dunbar Community Policing Team

Anti Social Behaviour and Vandalism at East Linton Park Patrol and identify youths using the park and the toilets following reports of vandalism. Dunbar Community Policing Team

Community Warden

5:00 Treasurer’s Report: No report

6:00 Matters Arising:
Viridor Credits: Out of 14 recent bids only 2 were from East Lothian. £50,000 is the maximum grant. Next round of applications by end of October. ELCC to encourage local bids to next round of allocations.
Broadband: Cllr BW met Stuart Gibb (from Area Partnership) and John McMillan (ELC). Stuart Gibb will be meeting Community Broadband Scotland at the end of August. BW to email clarification and guidance needed as to the best way for each village to proceed.
New Incinerator: Cllr Norman Hampshire to seek a meeting with project manager from Viridor public relations officer Martin Grey, plus local community councils
Crystal Rig funding applications: The two outstanding applications (Innerwick Irish Dancing and Stenton Cricket Club) were approved.
Innerwick New bus timetable: Elisabeth Wilson sought and received the councils backing to suggest changes to the bus services to Innerwick.
U lab: CB & EW are involved in running taster sessions for MOOC (massive online open course) for 8 weeks starting on 8th September at 7pm in Sustaining Dunbar Office. Community Councillors are welcome.
7:00 Councillors’ Reports:
Planning Applications:
Peter Armstrong has asked if someone would take on the role of planning lead. CB to email Councillors to ask who will take this on.
Proposal of Application Notice – Newtonlees Farm, Dunbar (ELC ref 16/00015/PAN) Proposal of Application Notice in respect of a proposed residential development and cemetery, with associated access, infrastructure, landscape and open space at land at Newtonlees Farm, Dunbar, East Lothian. Indicative development proposals will be available for viewing at the public exhibition in September. Further information of assistance and or responses to: planningscotland@gladman.scot

Viridor incinerator-related planning applications which had been forwarded to ELCC:
Erection of Switchgear Room.
Application ref : 16/00368/P
Case officer: Ciaran Kiely
Date for objections : 1st July.

8:00 Correspondence

9:00 Date of Next Meeting: 25 October, 2016 – Innerwick Village Hall