Minutes of meeting 28 February 2012

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Minutes of Meeting of

East Lammermuir Community Council

held on Tuesday 28 February, 2012 in

Oldhamstocks Village Hall

Present:          Cllrs C Bruce (Chair)/D Charlton/P Swain/P Armstrong/M Mylne/B Wyllie

In Attendance:  Cllrs J Bell/ PC K Hughes/Representative from Viridor – Martin Grey and 1 member of the public

1:00     Apologies:      J Hanvidge/M Ramsay/P Jaffray

Cllr Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Martin Grey from Viridor who gave some brief background information on the Oxwellmains site and an explanation of their present position.

The incinerator application has been granted by the Scottish Government.  Viridor have their PPC from SEPA and at present they are looking into discharging their planning conditions which include landscaping and Public Art.

The biggest change is fresh guidance from the government and SEPA regarding recyclables and waste arriving in Scotland and treated in Scotland. East Lothian Council send sorted waste to many areas of Scotland and England for processing.  Viridor will ask ELC to consider the new guidance and allow Viridor to accept waste from all over Scotland, not just the Lothians.

At the recent public consultations 17 members of the public attended in Dunbar and 6 at Innerwick.  Viridor did not experience the opposition they expected but it was suggested it was not that people accepted the development but accepted that it was going ahead.  One of the points which was clarified was that the quantity of waste processed is not increasing beyond what has already been proposed for the incinerator.

Martin Grey then proceeded to answer Councillors’ concerns:

Increased traffic: Landfill site can take in 300,000T p/a but this will reduce as recycling increases.  Planning permission granted for 500,000T to arrive by road (this will not become a reality).  More use to be made of the rail link.

Refuse on road: Recent survey carried out by Viridor did not indicate they were responsible and PC Hughes supported this.  However, if refuse is seen blowing from transport, then note time and place and report to Viridor.

Number of incinerators Scotland requires unknown, but planning application for one at Glasgow and others to follow.

Electricity produced by incinerator 23MW Electricity, 17MW Renewable energy.  Heat plan to be developed before plant becomes operational in 3-4 years time.

Viridor will definitely proceed with an incinerator event without contracts in place for waste.  They are confident there is a strong market to reduce landfill.

Concerns re stack purity and design of plant:  Viridor aware and investing in a whole series of new technologies.

Community benefits:

1.         Employment and training, local workforce.  Sustainable Waste management           Apprentice Scheme.

2.         Social Enterprises in East Lothian.

3.         Education and Awareness Development

 2:00     Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 17 January, 2012.  The minutes were approved.

3:00     Any other business to be added to the Agenda:  Planning applications, Ferneylea, Hoprigshiels, Kinegar, Crystal Rig Workshop Report.

4:00     Police Business:

 C Bruce has circulated this to all councillors.

5:00     Treasurer’s Report:  None

6:00     Matters Arising (Previous)                                                                           Action

 Windfarm Applications:  Hoprigshiels and Kinegar have both submitted new applications reducing the height of turbines and landscaping.

Ferneylea in partnership with Castlerock/Edinvar two turbine proposal comes before the planning committee on 6 March.  Oldhamstocks resident requested a Cllr be present.  No Cllrs available to attend but local interested resident will be invited to be present.

6:00     Matters Arising (Previous)  

 Sustaining Dunbar – Cocklaw turbine – follow developments.

Aikengall 2 – Had public enquiry, all submissions now in.

Belhaven Forum: No information has been received by ELCC and West Barns CC.  David Small has been informed and information to follow.  Next Meeting 26 March, 2012.

Viridor: Cllr Charlton reported there have been no applications for funding to consider in this round.  Cllr C Bruce suggested  D Charlton ask how they intend to spread the word that funds are available.

Lafarge: Still below capacity but 20% up on projected reduction.  Kiln stopped three weeks in March for maintenance.  Requests invited for use of stone from East Barns farm steading site.  Next Meeting 27 March, 2012.

Torness : Date of next Meeting 22 March, 2012.

 7:00     Councillors’ Reports

 Stenton Church gate handle still broken. Pot holes. Bottom of village green still not finished.  Advice invited re lack of mobile phone signal – providers have been notified but no action taken.  Other Cllrs agreed the same in their villages.

Oldhamstocks churned up verges.  Would like some replacement trees planted.

Innerwick wants Laburnums removed near war memorial because poisonous.  Also another tree causing staining on memorial – request its removal.

 Newsletter – Cllr Swain would like information for newsletter by 1 March.  He received e-mails from two people re Barn Owl report.

8:00  Correspondence

 From Garth Morrison re Big Lunch website for Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.

Crystal Rig workshop report: Due to lack of time it was decided to defer discussion and prioritise at the next meeting.

Meeting closed at 10.15pm

9:00     Date of Next Meeting:   Tuesday 10 April, 2012 in Stenton Village Hall

             Tuesday 22 May   –  Spott

Tuesday 3 July      –  Innerwick

Tuesday 21 August – Oldhamstocks

Tuesday 2 October  –  Stenton