Minutes of Meeting held on 26 June 2012

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.


Minutes of Meeting of

East Lammermuir Community Council

held on Tuesday 26 June, 2012 in

Innerwick Village Hall.


Present:          Cllrs P Armstrong/B Wyllie/M Ramsay/J Hanvidge/P Swain/C Bruce(Chair)/D Charlton

 In attendance:            Cllr M Veitch and P Jaffray

 1:00     Apologies:      None

 2:00     Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 22 May, 2012:  None

 3:00     Any other business to be added to agenda:  None

 4:00     Police Business:  No one in attendance, however P Jaffray had emailed copies of the CAPP report to all councillors.  On the 28 June 2012, P Jaffray received apologies from PC Gavin Ross and Kevin Hughes who hoped to be in a position to attend our next meeting on 21 August, 2012.

 5:00     Treasurer’s Report:  The balance as of 26 June, 2012 stands at £1,329.45

 6:00     Matters Arising (Previous):                                                                                       Action:

 Innerwick Primary School: Cllr M Veitch advised he has spoken with ELC education service manager – Mr Richard Parker who has now agreed to meet with Innerwick Parent Association in order for all the issues to be discussed and hopefully resolved. MV has not heard if the meeting has taken place.

 Windfarm Applications: Hoprigshiels – nothing to report.  Kinegar Quarry – objection still standing.  Building of new quarry has commenced.

 Ferneylea – the applicant has lodged an appeal with the Scottish Government and all objectors have been notified.  All further communication has to be directed to the Scottish Government and as ELCC maintain their objection to this planning application a further letter advising of ELCC continued objection would be sent.             CB

Spott Vacancy:  Cllr. Armstrong would advertise the vacancy for a Spott Community Councillor within the village.                                                                                                      PA

Belhaven Hospital Forum:   Minutes from the meeting held on 12 June, 2012 were not available and no official notification had been received re the possible closure of the minor injury clinic due to this service not being used to its full potential.  However, Cllr Bruce was not convinced the local population were aware this service existed.  Cllr Veitch telephoned Cllr Hampshire during the meeting to ascertain the current situation.  Cllr Hampshire confirmed NHS Lothian medical advisors do recommend closure of the minor injury clinic and this recommendation was to be presented to the Board on 27 June.  However, this has been postponed and consultation with the community sought.  Cllr Veitch strongly objects to the closure and will fight against it.  The date of the next Belhaven Hospital Forum meeting is to be advised and it is hoped representation from ELCC can be in attendance.


Lafarge:  Celebrates 50 years of operation in Dunbar and two apprentices will be commencing with Lafarge in 2013.  The next meeting to discuss the North West Quarry and the RSPB involvement will be in July.  Cllr Armstrong to contact Lafarge as he is not being kept informed of the current situtation.                                                                       PA

Torness:  Details of the projects from the four villages to be considered by Torness building projects team have been submitted to Cllr Bruce who in turn will forward them to Torness.                                                                                                                                                 CB 

 7:00     Councillors’ Reports

Stenton:  The wall between the old and new grave yard has been repaired, however the handle on the Church gate has not, nor have the verges on the village green.  Pot holes are increasing and there are a number of particularly bad pot holes on the Pitcox to Little Spott road.                                                                                                                                     MV

Innerwick:  Various pot holes and flooding in and around Innerwick are causing concern.  There is a very dangerous pot hole on the A1 junction leading to Thurston Manor Caravan Site, also on the main road out of Innerwick just past Tyme Cottage. Plus further pot holes on the Thurston Mains road, Crowhill east to A1 junction and Thurston Mains.  Flooding at Innerwick Farm, Thornton Bridge is also of concern and there is a continuous stream of water from Blackcastle down to Thornton Bridge. Possible burst water main.                 MV 

Access through Thorntonloch Caravan site to the beach has been denied and ELC Access Officer Mr Nick Morgan has been advised and he will speak to the warden of Thorntonloch and report back to Cllr Charlton.        

Dog fouling in the village is of concern and the area around the school and park are the worst affected areas.  Cllr Charlton contacted ELC dog warden, Jim Wilson who will supply leaflets for distribution throughout the village advising of penalties and the dog watch scheme.

Verge cutting is underway and the laburnum trees in front of the village hall are to be pruned but they can not be removed.        

Two cameras have been sited at the two junctions in Innerwick and Cllr Charlton asked if anyone knew why and what they are for.  One solution is possible traffic monitoring.

Oldhamstocks:  Pot holes, flooding and poor state of verges all require attention.      MV

Spott:  The ‘U’ road surface has completely disappeared and requires attention.  The wall owned by Spott Estate on Starvation Brae is in a poor state of repair and requires attention. MV to view and will report to ELC to find out who is responsible.  MV

From Spott to the A1 road a large pile of gravel has accumulated at the bottom of the hill and is a danger to both motorist and cyclists.  Requires attention.                               MV                                                                 

Stenton:  Pressmennan Road wall has been fenced off for a period of four-five years.  Why and what is happening.  MV to ascertain why.          MV                                                                                         

 Stenton Flower Show will take place on 1 September and can this date be included in the newsletter.                                                                                                                               PS

 The Drymarch Road is to be completely closed for safety reasons.  Cllr Wyllie asked about field access and Cllr Veitch will find out the situation.                                                        MV

 Planning Applications:  Alterations, extensions to building and part demolition of building at the Standards, Bowerhouse.  Alterations, extension to building and part demolition of building at Pressmennan Lake House, Stenton.

 8:00     Correspondence:

 ELC Chief Executive, Angela Leitch wishes to attend ELCC meeting on 2 October, 2012.

East Lothian Food Bank – MP Fiona O’Donnell, is to establish a charity and ELCC wish to be kept informed.

AR Hepburn a company who specialise in cavity wall and loft installation have written offering their company services to the residents of East Lammermuir.  Cllr Swain to reply.

East Lothian Council/Energy Saving Trust are working together to offer free insulation to East Lothian residents.

Reshaping Care of Older People in East Lothian.

Community Survey by National Environment Manger

 9:00     Date of Next Meeting:  21 August, 2012 in Oldhamstocks Village Hall.