Minutes of Meeting held on 27th November 2012

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.


Minutes of Meeting of

East Lammermuir Community Council

held on Tuesday 27 November 2012 in

Innerwick Village Hall at 7.30pm.


Present:  Cllr’s /J Hanvidge/C Bruce (Chair)/P Armstrong/

B Wyllie/ J MacDonald

Apologies: Pauline Jaffray

In attendance: Cllr. M Veitch/Cllr P McLennan (latter part of meeting) /PC K Hughes/PC Gavin Ross/Margot Kirkland/Donna Collins/ Caragh Fiddian


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions followed.  Cllr. Bruce confirmed, in accordance with Community Council guidelines, that Margot Kirkland and Donna Collins could be either co-opted or voted onto ELCC.  Both candidates were duly proposed, seconded and elected onto ELCC.

Cllr. Kirkland offered to assist Cllr. Armstrong with his share of allocated duties.

It was agreed that Dawn Charlton should continue to represent ELCC at the Viridor Credits meetings.  Should she be unable to attend Cllr. Wyllie would substitute.

It was noted that the Countryside Officer was unable to attend the meeting as scheduled due to illness. A brief discussion took place on Grazing.  Cllr. MacDonald to contact Duncan, the Countryside Officer for information to be included in the winter newsletter.

Discussion took place on the format and frequency of the ELCC newsletter/website.  The following was agreed:

  • Cllr. MacDonald to use existing newsletter format with addition of a picture of the month in the centre.
  • Website to be updated & monitored
  • East Lothian Council Cllr’s surgery times to be added
  • Expand forthcoming events area
  • Make fuller use of back page
  • Next issue to include updated Cllr’s details
  • Include extracts from Police report
  • Issue seasonally
  • Distribution to remain the same but with help from village groups if available

2:00            Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 2 October 2012:  The minutes were approved.

3:00            Any other business to be added to agenda:  None

4:00 Police Business: PC Hughes advised there had been few calls of note since the last meeting.

There have been a number of reports regarding mud on the road related to farm vehicles.  Ruchlaw was one area that received a few complaints.  A number of Farmers have been spoken to and given advice.

  • On 21 October there was a report of hare coursing in the Whittingham area
  • On 24 October fuel was stolen from a lorry at Sunnyside Farm
  • On 11 November the travellers who were parked near to Eweford Farm moved to the far end of the Skateraw Road

Other policing issues:

  • Following a complaint from the Stenton P7 road safety officers they assisted with a speed check, no offences detected.
  • School lunch visits conducted at Innerwick and Stenton primaries, very well received by pupils and staff
  • Parking complaints received by council regarding Manse View, Innerwick

Community and Police Partnership (CAPP) agreed the following priorities

  • Parking issues in Countess area Dunbar
    • Patrols to be made of fire station car park, disabled bays in front of Bleachingfield Community Centre and disabled car park in front of school gates
    • Mud on roads
      • Extra patrols to be conducted in rural areas to check for mud on roads associated with agricultural vehicles
      • Thefts from insecure properties and vehicles
        • Extra patrols already being carried out, various crime prevention tactics to be considered.

All welcome to attend next CAPP meeting which is an open format and held within Dunbar Police Station on Thursday 17 January 2012.

Cllr. Kirkland raised concern at the number of dead badgers on the road near Spott, PC Ross confirmed that there was no badger baiting going on in the area and that this was continuously monitored by Scottish Badgers.

Cllr. Wyllie raised the issue of mud on the road near Stenton Bridge which needs to be cleared.  Cllr. Veitch agreed to progress this matter.

Cllr. Armstrong gave a briefing of the resilience work identified following an amber warning in September. It was stressed that individuals and communities should take responsibility for ensuring each village has an emergency plan in place. A template and other relevant information would be circulated to ELCC members by Cllr. Armstrong following the meeting.


5:00 Treasurer’s Report:

 The treasurer confirmed that no transactions had taken place since the last meeting.  Year end Accounts were audited and were presented as showing a true and fair view of the transactions of the council over the year.  It was confirmed that Crystal Rig Community Benefit Fund Applications had now received final approval and that cheques would be issued over the next few days.

6:00 Matters Arising (Previous)

 Chief Executive’s visit to last ELCC meeting: Chair to contact Murray Leys re follow up on issues raised.

 Windfarm Applications:  It was noted that an exhibition had been set up in Dunbar Library by Sustaining Dunbar for the proposed turbine at Cocklawhill. Cllr. Bruce agreed to write to Ian Waugh to request that the exhibition should come to each of the villages in East Lammermuir in particular to Innerwick and Oldhamstocks as they were the nearest villages to the proposed development.


A1 Junctions:  Morag Haddow of Sustaining Dunbar thanked ELCC for supporting her proposal for improved access for cyclists/walkers from Innerwick to Dunbar.

Cllr. Veitch confirmed he would be meeting with Morag on Thursday to discuss Thurston Glen to Innerwick and that a meeting was to take place with Viridor regarding the Broxmouth junction.

Belhaven Hospital:  Cllr. Hanvidge confirmed that she had written to NHS Scotland requesting copies of the Minor Injuries Services in East Lothian Leaflet which was recently issue to Health Centres and Community Buildings.  It was agreed that on receipt of these they be circulated with the winter newsletter.  Cllr. Hanvidge to send reminder to NHS Scotland.

It was confirmed that the Belhaven Forum was not scheduled to meet again until May 2013.

Lafarge:  7 November minutes of meeting not yet available.

Torness:  It was confirmed that Engineers from Torness were now in a position to offer labour to assist with the projects identified in Innerwick and Oldhamstocks.  Cllr’s Bruce and Hanvidge agreed to liaise with EDF and Lafarge to progress these activities.

7:00 Councillors’ Reports:      Action:

 Innerwick:  Work now complete at the Hedgerow at Innerwick

Postal service resumed.

Cllr Collins asked what was happening at Innerwick bridge as there were markings on the road which looked like work was about to take place in the near future.           MV

Spott:  MV has reported the damaged Spott boundary wall, part of which is on land owned by ELC – no progress has been made.          MV

Oldhamstocks: It was noted that pot holes had been filled in but there was still no progress on the issue of Verges.  Cllr. Bruce confirmed that netting was now in place at the ford at the west end of the village, however, it was unlikely that this would make any significant difference to the flooding issue and perhaps what was needed was removal of the pipes.   MV

Stenton: Cllr’s Wyllie and MacDonald highlighted that erosion of the village green was getting worse and that there needed to be action taken regarding the fallen down wall at Presmennan Green          MV

Planning Applications: Meteorological Mast at Woodhall nr. Innerwick

Cllr. Armstrong confirmed he had attended the recent Planning presentation at ELC and found this extremely useful.

Cllr. Veitch provided the following updates:

  • Speed signs – were in Dunbar and West Barns no arrangements yet for East Lammermuir villages
  • BT – following information received from Community Cllr’s a letter of complaint was sent to BT regarding broadband speed in villages
  • Path in Innerwick – ongoing
  • Dog waste bin being re positioned
  • Innerwick Nursery – twins now allocated a shared place.  Capacity should be okay for 2013/14 and 2014/2015 but situation needs to be closely monitored.
  • Permanent flooding at horse trough Innerwick reported
  • Possibility of yellow lines beside Innerwick House
  • Coastal Parking charges – ELC vote to take place on this issue on 18 December
  • Ambulance cover – less cover available to the area but meeting this week to discuss.

Cllr. Bruce raised the issue of First Responders linking to local Community network to avoid individuals being taken to hospital e.g. after a fall if someone can stay with person. However local First Responder Co-ordinator did not see this as viable so may need to follow up with Scottish Ambulance Service – Cllr Bruce

8:00 Correspondence:  Cllr. Bruce presented a letter from Iain Gray MSP regarding the proposed closure of Haddington Sheriff Court and Justice of Peace Court.  Cllr’s agreed that they were opposed to these proposed closures and that a submission should be made to the Scottish Courts Service.  Cllr. Hanvidge to e-mail response.              JH

9:00            Date of Meetings for 2013:

 8 January                        Oldhamstocks

26 February                        Stenton

16 April                        Spott

18 June                        Innerwick

27 August                        Oldhamstocks

1 October                         Stenton

26 November                         Spott


Cllr’s are to reserve village hall for meetings in their villages.

Cllr. Bruce thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at this point.