Minutes of Meeting held 26th February 2013

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.


Minutes of Meeting of

East Lammermuir Community Council

held on Tuesday 26 February, 2013 in

Stenton Village Hall

Present: Cllrs:  P Armstrong/J MacDonald/J Hanvidge/C Bruce (Chair)/B Wyllie

In attendance: Pauline Jaffray/Alastair Letch

1:00            Apologies: Cllrs: M Kirkland/M Veitch/PC Lorna Scott/PC K Hughes

2:00            Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 8 January, 2013:  The minutes were approved by Cllr J MacDonald and seconded by Cllr B Wyllie

3:00            Any other business to be added to agenda: 

Blackcastle/Cocklaw Hill Wind turbine planning application

Blackburn wind turbine planning application

Penmanshiel wind turbine planning application

The Neuk, near Cockburnspath wind turbine planning application

4:00            Police Business:

In her absence PC Lorna Scott had submitted the following report, which was read to the meeting.

During the period since the last police report there have been few incidents of note.  There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation I cannot disclose details.

Since the last meeting it has been a relatively quiet time.  There have been seven calls regarding Road Traffic matters including vehicles stuck in snow.

There were two reported Vehicle Accidents.

Only two reports of theft.

No reports of violence or vandalism.

On 1 of February near to Torness, CNC recovered a stolen vehicle.  Lothian and Borders Police were contacted and detained four youths from Edinburgh, regarding the matter.  Due to insufficient evidence no charges have been brought to date.

Many miles have been covered checking for muddy roads, these seem to be much less in number and none in this area.

The information regarding the CAPP meeting held on 21 February has been emailed to councillors and nothing from this meeting refers to the ELCC area. The next CAPP meeting is on 10 March and Cllr P Armstrong will attend.

5:00 Treasurer’s Report:

The funds available as of 25 February, 2013 stood at £249.00.  Cllr Hanvidge provided a detailed breakdown of the current financial records.

6:00 Matters Arising (Current)                    Action

Blackcastle/Cocklaw Hill Wind turbine planning application:  East Lammermuir Community Councillors undertook a postal questionnaire which was delivered to 350 homes in the Spott/Innerwick/Oldhamstocks area, seeking their views on the above planning application.  A total of 115 questionnaires were returned, a 33% response rate and the number of adults responding was 215.

Opinion Number of individual responses Percentage
Strongly oppose



Tend to oppose



Neither support nor oppose



Tend to support



Strongly support






ELCC agreed to adopt the position painted in these figures – that is, a clear majority of respondents oppose this planning application and would therefore write to ELC Planning Department with their note of objection highlighting the visual, landscape, noise impact and the application being outwith the ELC planning guidelines, by 28 February, 2013.             CB

Blackburn Wind turbine planning application:  Volkswind the company who wish to build six 126.5m wind turbines, together with representatives from surrounding community councils and all other interested parties had attended a hearing held by a Scottish Government Reporter.  ELCC was represented at this hearing at which objections for and against this development were lodged.  This application is awaiting the Reporters decision.

Penmanshiel Wind turbine planning application: Penmanshiel Wind Farm will consist of 15 turbines with an indicative installed capacity of 30MW.  RES UK & Ireland Ltd is the company behind this development and ELCC had adopted at an earlier meeting not to vote on this development as it was out with their area.  However, the conservation village of Oldhamstocks was becoming surrounded by windfarms which was having a negative visual, landscape and noise impact on those living in the area.  After in depth discussion and considering the accumulative impact all these wind farms were having on the village of Oldhamstocks, ELCC agreed to become part of the action group against this development and lodge their objections. (Cllr Wyllie, due to her personal involvement in this planning application, abstained from making any comment.)                                                               CB

The Neuk, near Cockburnspath wind turbine planning application:  Two, 210m turbines have received permission from Scottish Borders Council Local Review Panel.  There was great concern about this in and around the Cockburnspath area.

Mainstream Renewable Power who are proposing to develop the Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm have applied for planning permission to the laying of 12.3kilometre buried cable and a new substation.  The cable is proposed to be located between Thorntonloch beach (near Torness Power Station), where the cable will reach shore and the grid connection point at Crystal Rig II onshore wind farm where the new substation is proposed.  ELCC asked Mr A Letch, who lives in this area whether he had or knew of any objections to this proposal.  As the cable was being buried, it would not be as intrusive as the surrounding wind turbines and no-one present was aware of any local objections.

Matters Arising (Previous)                                                                                             Action

Connecting Innerwick:  Morag Haddow, Sustaining Dunbar was putting together a feasibility study on the best possible walking, cycling route(s) for Innerwick residents to access Dunbar and the coast.  MH had asked if this could be presented to ELCC at their meeting on 16 April.  The meeting agreed but requested that the feasibility study be emailed to them prior to the meeting and to include Mr N Blair of Lafarge. CB to organise. CB

East Lothian Ranger, Duncan Priddle had undertaken all asked of him by ELCC to widely publicise the Lost Landscape of East Lothian initiative and the site visit scheduled at Barns Ness for 2 February, 2013.  No feedback was available.

Stenton Bridge the mud has still not been cleared and Cllr Veitch to be advised.  The repair of the village green verges had still not materialised and the fencing erected at a crumbling wall at Pressmennan turning requires attention. Cllr Veitch is looking in to this as ownership appears to be shared and as yet it is not clear who all the parties involved are. The Dry Arch road has been closed without any dialogue and BW would raise this issue with ELC – Mr Peter Forsyth and Dunpender CC as to why this has been done, especially as local farmers required access.

Stenton Community Council are meeting week commencing 6 March.                               BW

Innerwick Post Office unfortunately no one was in attendance who could advise on the current situation.  The Innerwick school bus had skidded off the road during the latest snow and ice and it was discovered the transport was not in a road worthy condition.  Innerwick Parent Council are pursuing the matter as they are very alarmed to learn the same transport provider is tendering for the new contract.

7:00 Councillors’ reports.

Dawn Charlton advised the meeting on the sad loss of Mr Victor Lough, Countryside  ranger  who had played such an important part in the outdoor education of children (and adults) for many years.  It was agreed we would make reference in our newsletter to the invaluable support Mr Lough had provided not only to those living in Innerwick, but to the wider community of East Lammermuir. JM

Cllr Armstrong had heard, unofficially that the mobile library service was being withdrawn. No one could confirm if this was the case and PA to contact MV as this is a very worthwhile service to those of us living in a rural area. PA

The dog fouling issues in Oldhamstock appeared to have been resolved and the request to relocate the dog fouling bin from Innerwick to Oldhamstocks is no longer necessary.

Cllr Veitch has received a request for yellow lines to be painted on Innerwick Main Street between the two entrances to Innerwick Hall, just east of the village hall.  The road is very narrow here and concern has been expressed if cars are parked here, larger transport ie buses, tractors etc can not get passed.  Cllr Veitch has spoken with ELC transportation who have advised a yellow line is a non-starter, however a white line could be done.  Cllr Veitch was interested to learn if the community of Innerwick agreed with this idea, especially the residents of Innerwick House.

Cllr Veitch has also sought the views of Dawn Charlton who advised Innerwick Welfare have discussed this problem, which was exacerbated when a large function or flower show day was on.  Booking forms for the village hall specifically requested no parkign between these two points.  There is also a notice at the entrance to the village hall.  Discussions had taken place with the local police when it was suggested cones be placed at these points, but they had advised this was a ‘grey’ area.  As there was no representation from Innerwick, this item would be kept on the agenda.

Cllr PA & BW had attended the recent Lafarge Liaison meeting which is now known as Lafarge Tarmac where they had advised business for the year 2012 was down by 12%.  However, they are optimistic for the year 2013 business may increase by 3%.  They are currently processing sewage pellets known as PSP as well as continuing to dispose of chipped tyres.  They continue to invest in the Dunbar plant and 2013 also marks the 50th anniversary of the Oxwellmains site and an open day is to be arranged to mark the occasion in August, 2013.  The next liaison meeting is due to take place on 26 March, 2013.

Dawn Charlton had forwarded a report from Viridor Liason meeting held on 5 December, 2012 which has been circulated to all members.  The next meeting is due to take place at 11:30am, Wednesday 17 April 2013 at Viridor Dunbar then 11:30am, Wednesday 23 October 2013 at Viridor Dunbar.  Unfortunately due to Dawn’s work schedule she was unsure whether she could attend the next meeting.  Cllr BW would contact DC as she was available to attend the next meeting. BW

The next Viridor Tax Credit meeting is due to take place on 15 May, 2013 and the next Torness liason meeting is to take place on 21 March, 2013.

Cllr Armstrong advised there were no planning applications of note. PA

The next ELCC Newsletter would be issued in April and meanwhile all current relevant information will be issued on our website.            JMcD

8:00 Correspondence

ELCC, Sustaining Dunbar, Dunbar Community Council, East Lothian Council and NHS have agreed to host a local asset mapping workshop to populate ALISS (Assisted Living Information Support Self-management) a planning meeting will take place on 27 March, 2013. More details to follow that meeting. CB

Sustaining Dunbar are holding a meeting on Saturday 23 March, 2013 to populate OpenStreetMap (an open-source map of the world) to ensure all local pathways/cycle routes/walks are included.  The meeting is to take place in Dunbar Bleachingfield Centre.

9:00 Date of Next Meeting:  16 April, 2013 in Spott Village Hall at 7.30pm*. 

*Please can ELC Councillors note we will be holding our Crystal Rig Windfarm meeting at 6.45pm in Spott Village Hall.