Minutes of Meeting held 16th April 2013

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Minutes of Meeting of

   East Lammermuir Community Council

 held on Tuesday 16 April, 2013 in Spott Village Hall

Present:            Cllrs Margot Kirkland/Peter Armstrong/Donna Collins/Janette MacDonald/ Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge

In attendance: Cllrs Michael Veitch/Norman Hampshire/PC Lorna Scott/Pauline Jaffray

1:00            Apologies:            Cllr Barbara Wyllie

2:00            Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 26 February, 2013.  The minutes were approved by Cllr Hanvidge, seconded by Cllr MacDonald subject to the following amendment:

6:00 Matters Arising (Current) – Wind turbines The Neuk:  Permission from Scottish             Borders Council has been granted for two 110m turbines and not 210m turbines as             stated.

3:00            Any other business to be added to agenda:

 Morag Haddow from Sustaining Dunbar has commissioned and received the first draft for the project Connecting Innerwick to Dunbar and would like to bring this to our next meeting for discussion. The meeting agreed.

A proposal regarding ‘Sister Cities’ Link between Dunbar and East Linton District and Marquette County, Wisconsin, USA.

Street Lighting in East Lammermuir Villages.

4:00            Police Business:

 PC Lorna Scott submitted the following report:

During the period since the last police report there have been few incidents of note.  There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these, or the ongoing investigation, details can not be disclosed.

There was one anti-social behaviour type call.  Two vehicle accidents, two thefts, four thefts OLP to caravans, one reckless damage to a gas tank at Thorntonloch caravan site and six lorries had their curtains slashed on the trailers.

No reports re mud/dirty roads and none seen. Two incidents between this time period and the last when a white van was seen with a couple of the Irish travelling fraternity, who were showing particular interest in horses and dogs.  They were not traced.

PC Lorna reminded everyone to be vigilant and if you see anyone acting in a suspicious manner, please call the police.  For non emergency calls Police Scotland are now using the number 101.

The next CAPP meeting will be held in Dunbar Police Station on Monday, 22 April, 2013 at 7.30pm.

5:00 Treasurer’s Report:  Cllr Hanvidge supplied a detailed breakdown of the current financial situation.  The balance as of 16 April, 2013 stands at £302 and the annual ELC grant of £400 is due in June, 2013.

6:00 Matters Arising (Current):

 A proposed ‘Sister Cities’ Link between Dunbar and East Linton District and Marquette County, Wisconsin, USA

Currently all of the East Lothian twinning links are with mainland Europe, except Dunbar-Martinez and are at a more formal level.  They are supported by EU money and ELC has a designated twinning officer.  They seem to have required ELC approval and are to to establish and promote cultural, educational, social, economic, tourist, youth and sporting exchanges.

Sister City links are less formal and do not need approval from higher authorities. Because of the distances involved there have not been many visits in the Dunbar-Martinez link, nor are there economic links other than tourism, although there are many cultural, educational and personal links.  In Dunbar’s case, links with Martinez, California; Haines, Alaska: and Meaford, Ontario all came about because of connections through John Muir leading to friendships which have developed into sister city links.  Neither the Haines nor the Meaford links have developed the way they might have.

The Muir family settled in the frontier state of Wisconsin, newly created the year before.  There they became farmers and an integral part of a growing community of Scottish emigrants.  The area remains mainly rural and proud of its connection with John Muir, with many also proud of their Scottish roots.

In recent years, there have been links with Marquette County, Wisconsin, the area in which the Muir’s created not one but two farms out of virgin territory with John, as the oldest son, the main source of labour.  Links with Marquette County, WI, had existed previously but strangely petered out. This time is much more promising and  there was much to suggest that the link should not be with Dunbar only but the whole of the Dunbar and East Linton District.

 ELCC agreed to support the initiative.

Street lighting:  Stenton resident, Ettie Spencer has requested a survey be carried out within the four villages of East Lammermuir to look at initiatives for reducing the carbon footprint of the area.  One proposal is street lighting reduction which aims to reduce the number of street lights we leave on during the hours of darkness, when vehicles and pedestrians are least likely to be present.  To ensure all street lights have lower emission bulbs. To consider part-night lighting, which means switching off the lights in identified areas between 12 midnight and 5.30am? Light dimming, which means that we reduce light levels in identified areas by about 50 percent?

Councillors agreed to ask their villagers for their views as each village varied and the majority of people have to be in agreement if street lighting is to be switched off at a particular time.  Cllr N Hampshire raised safety issues, particular in connection with speed limits.  If there was no street lighting this negated speed limits.  Cllr Kirkland suggested we should, in the first instance, possible turn our attention to Torness, which had a huge amount of street lighting.  PC Scott advised this again was due to safety and security issues.

Matters Arising (Previous):                                                                   Action

 Wind farms: Blackcastle/Cocklaw Hill was still in the system and no decision had been reached.  Blackburn hearing session has taken place and no decision has been advised. The Neuk – objectors are doing all they can to fight this development and ELC can not become involved as it is out with their area.

Cllr Hampshire commented, ELC have been instructed by the Scottish Government  approval for 50 megawatt capacity of community wind turbines must be given. There is no room in East Lothian for turbines over 12 megawatts  (small windfarm of large turbines).

East Lothian Council have been consulted by SPNG Network (Scottish Power) re the installation of a new power line to be sited close to the sea, near Torness for an extension to create a large sub station to provide additional capacity for off shore use.  However, ELCC are wary as this could also accommodate further windfarm capacity.  Planning application is currently with the Scottish Government.

An exhibition regarding this will be held in Spott Village Hall on 21/22 May, 2013.  ELCC ask Cllr Hampshire if the additional funding from Community Windpower new windfarm had been advised.  Cllr Hampshire did not know.

Stenton Bridge:  The mud has been cleared by a local resident and Cllr MV advised it will be cleared every six months by ELC.  The village green verges still require attention as does the wall at Pressmennan. Cllr MV will continue reporting the matter to ELC.                   MV

Innerwick school bus new contract is to be decided and Eve Coaches are temporarily operating this service. The Innerwick Parent Association are monitoring the situation.

MV advised ELC are looking to make adjustments to local bus services in an effort to improve connectivity with rail services.  It was suggested this item be included in the Newsletter requesting views on the current bus service be forwarded to MV.  JMcD/MV

 MV advised a white line would be painted between Innerwick Village Hall and Innerwick House on Innerwick Main Street to help alleviate the parking problem on the occasions this was of concern. Parking concerns have also been raised at Crowhill and MV will visit the site and meet with ELC to see what action could be taken.                                                         MV

 Spott are currently putting together a programme for renovating the hall, which requires a great deal of work.

 Mobile Library service.  MV is seeking confirmation from ELC as to the current situation.

MV read out correspondence he has received from BT regarding the upgrading of the service in the Cockburnspath area.  BT advised they will not be upgrading their service in the near future.

Belhaven Forum:  NH advised due to the current financial situation no further developments are imminent.  However, ELC & NHS, working in partnership are looking at all models to help improve the care service and the most favourable is to develop a 60 two-bed complex which includes a care team who will work within the community.

Planning Applications:  Cllr P Armstrong advised there were no exceptional planning applications during the past six weeks for consideration. There had been two for Dunpender Council which would possibly affect East Lammermuir, but none of the councillors made reference to them.

Torness Liasion meeting held on 21 March, 2013:  JH supplied the following report:

Station Director confirmed Torness had had a very successful year giving credit to the Staff and Contractors on site.

  • Staff            520 Permanent 180 Contractors at Station. Took on seven apprentices in 2012 and six starting in 2013 starting August. (13 out of 300 applicants were female)
  • Reactor 1 running for 483 days, 2 running for 70 due to statutory shut down
  • Community engagement and newsletter – Visitors Centre open. ad to go into next issue of news letter
  • Station tours available, 2 weeks  advanced notice required
  • Helping hands Oldhamstocks May, WB and Innerwick complete
  • Supported Science Festival
  • Changes after Fukushima – what happens if all power on / off site fails?
    • Introduction of back up feed pumps
    • Emergency generators
    • Additional training for staff
    • Buy and fit dam boards to enhance flood protection
    • EDF UK
      • 72 apprentices
      • 66 Graduate trainees
      • Planning consent for Hinkly C – site lic. granted finance still to be put in place and new build expected
      • Emergency Planning zone 3k and can be extended to 30k if required
      • Emergency preparedness sub group meeting end march – public involvement to be discussed
      • Off site centre at Cockenzie
        • Ok facility
        • Post decommissioning still being used
        • Long term lease, station support the best facility longer term – new facility preferred.  Working with the Council to acquire suitable facility police involved in security of any new building being considered. Exercise with major community involvement maybe scheduled in future
        • Low level waste going off site at Hythe , best option for station, waste is similar to hospital waste removal, based on risk analysis
        • SEPA gave station an excellent scoring – minor recommendations progressing
        • Rolling programme of ONR Audits over next 5 years
        • Date of next meeting 20 March 2014

8:00            Correspondence:  CB has forwarded, by email copies of all relevant correspondence.

9:00            Date of Next Meeting:            Innerwick Village Hall – 18 June, 2013 at 7.30pm