Local Development Plan – Main Issues Report in Innerwick Hall

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

MIR front cover image


A copy of the East Lothian Council Main Issues Report is currently located in Innerwick Village Hall.

This is a consultation document setting out potential options for development strategy and locations in East Lothian.



In East Lammermuir, sites in Innerwick, Spott and Stenton have been suggested for potential housing development. Please feel free to look at the report and make appropriate comment to East Lothian Council via their consultation hub at www.eastlothianconsultations.co.uk by Sunday 8th February 2015.

The report is also available online at www.eastlothian.gov.uk/ldp and is available at planning reception at John Muir House and public libraries.

Local residents are also encouraged to express their feelings about the development plan to their local East Lammermuir Community Councillors.