East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes for Meeting held 10th March 2015

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday 10 March, 2015 in
Oldhamstocks Village Hall
Present: Cllrs: Janice Hanvidge/Chris Bruce (Chair)/Peter Armstrong/
Anne Lyall/Barbara Wyllie/Janette MacDonald
In attendance: Jason Ormiston, Fouracres, Innerwick
David Walls & Ian Smith, Lothian Broadband
1:00 Apologies: Cllr Michael Veitch/Pauline Jaffray/ Cllr Donna Collins
2:00 Introductions Cllr Bruce introduced Mr Jason Ormiston from Innerwick who was
co-opted onto the committee filling the Innerwick Vacancy for the
remaining term of office.
3:00 Lothian Broadband Cllr. Bruce introduced Mr David Walls & Mr Ian Smith from Lothian Broadband who were invited to present an overview of what their company could provide to address the superfast broadband shortfall in rural areas.
In summary it was noted that:
 Installation cost per household would be £160 and £25 per month
 Lothian Broadband would be the provider who’s aim is to bring superfast broadband to rural customers
 Funding for the ELCC area could be available through Community Broadband Scotland
 The funding process is a lengthy one taking 18 months to 2 years involving preparation of a business plan then applying for funding and completing the tendering process
 Any equipment installed may need replaced within 5 years or less
 Lothian Broadband currently have 65 subscribers in Humbie
 Bob Muriston Community Broadband Scotland can provide additional information in respect of funding applications
Following the presentation it was agreed that Cllr. Wyllie would request a more detailed proposal of what Lothian Broadband could provide in the four villages. Cllr. Armstrong to contact Kayla at East Lothian Council to obtain residents survey results
4:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 27 January 2015: The minutes were approved.
5:00 Police Business: PC Ross submitted the following report which was not available at the time of the meeting
Ward Priorities
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools.
There have been numerous accidents in the area, the majority on the A1 and involving high sided vehicles being blown over.
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.
No related incidents
You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.
No related incidents
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.
Just after midnight on the 28th January a Landover was stolen at Lafarge. The vehicle was recovered a couple of days later in a remote corner of the site. One male has been detained and police enquiries are continuing.
In the evening of the 5th February a car was stolen from Clint. The keys had been left in the car and it is known the car was travelling south in the Durham area by midnight. A positive line of enquiry is being followed in to this and the associated thefts of vehicles in the Whittinghame area in January.
Other Incidents of note/relevant Community Council information.
Other incidents of note:
In mid February the travellers who have been at the Skateraw to East barns road for nearly a year moved out of the immediate area. Following action by Lafarge who own the north section of this road the travellers were moved on to council maintained roadway and following East Lothian Council intervention they moved on.
There is a new policing system for the area. We now have more officers based in Dunbar as part of a Community Policing Team under Sgt David Aitchison who is the ward manager for the Dunbar and East Linton ward. Continue to use PC Gavin Ross as your SPOC meantime but please also link in with Sgt Aitchison with any information or questions:
CAPP priorities:
1. Carry out speed checks in 20 and 30mph areas throughout the ward area
2. Conduct foot patrols of Dunbar High street, to trace and deter youths from gathering in private vennels and common stairs
3. Issue parking tickets for parking offences in Dunbar and East Linton town centres.
Cllr Armstrong reported from the CAP meeting that Police had been issuing parking tickets in Dunbar, there had been a number of break ins in the area, that there would be more police in Dunbar during the day and that priority is traffic management and speeding. The next CAP meeting is scheduled for 31 March 2015.
6:00 Treasurer’s Report Balance at Bank £972.57
Local Priorities Fund allocation for 2015/16 is £560 for each village.
7:00 Matters Arising (Previous)
Aikengall IIa: Scottish Borders and East Lothian Council objected to the proposal which will now go to Public Enquiry
Fast Food Chain McDonalds at Spott Road roundabout site: ELCC objection lodged
Ferneylea II: A scoping report for an additional 6 Turbines has been submitted to ELC.
8:00 Councillors’ Reports:
Oldhamstocks: Cllr. Hanvidge confirmed that East Lothian Council removed two caravans from the village under a new procedure for dealing with abandoned vehicles on private land. Full details of this procedure can be found on the Council web site. Cllr. Bruce confirmed that scarification of the area around the Church and on village green appears to have been successful, the remainder of the work required in the village should be addressed in the next financial year. A major Cancer
Fundraiser will be held on Saturday 16 May 2015 – information to follow. A drop in information session hosted by At Home East Lothian is scheduled for 24 March in the village hall, if successful further sessions may be held in Spott, Innerwick, and Stenton.
Spott: Cllr Armstrong to write to Cllr. Veitch regarding the conditions of the road. Village Hall upgrade work in progress from now to September 2015.
Stenton: Cllr. Wyllie to write to Michael regarding Ginglett Road to Beil.
Innerwick: Jason Ormiston to meet up with Cllr Collins and Dawn Charlton
Lafarge Tarmac Liaison Meeting: Cllr P Armstrong attended the February meeting and advised:
£1.35m was spent during the shut down which lasted longer than expected,
Sales were down 5% due to breakdowns, Health and Safety remains paramount, Utilisation of Kiln 24%.
EDF Liaison Meeting: Cllr. Bruce will attend on Thursday
Viridor Credits: No minutes have come through yet
Dunbar &East Linton Area Partnership: insufficient numbers attended the meeting so no quorum. Stuart Gibb the new Area Manager to be invited to attend our next meeting.
8:00 Date of Next Meetings: 12 May, 2015 Stenton Bowling Club
16 June 2015 Innerwick Village Hall