East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting held 16th June 2015

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.


Minutes of Meeting of

East Lammermuir Community Council

held on Tuesday 16 June, 2015 at

7.30pm in Innerwick Village Hall

Present:          Cllrs:    Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/Barbara Wyllie/Janette

MacDonald/Donna Collins/Peter Armstrong/Anne Lyall


In attendance:           PC Gavin Ross/Sheila Durie/Pauline Jaffray


1:00     Apologies:      Cllr Michael Veitch/Jason Ormiston

Introductions:                        Cllr Chris Bruce introduced Sheila Durie, Business Manager of Social Enterprise East Lothian Ltd (SEEL) to the meeting.  Due to the time restrictions placed on PC Gavin Ross, it was agreed Police Business would be the first item on the agenda.

2:00     Police Business:  PC Gavin Ross was delighted to advise there had been very few incidents of note to report.  There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations, details could not be reported.

Ward Priorities:

Road Safety

You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools.

As is normal numerous reports of minor collisions or allegations of poor driving on the A1.  Nothing note worthy.

Antisocial Behaviour

You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.

No related incidents

Litter:  You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.

No related incidents

Theft:              You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.

Only one theft report.  Theft of a BBQ from outside of a caravan at Thurston Manor.

Other incidents of note:


Police are aware of social media discussion and a sign at the junction below Innerwick and Thurston Manor relating to allegations of previous offending of an Innerwick resident.  As a result police are providing safety advice and reassurance patrols for the benefit of this resident.ELCC meeting discussed this in further detail and suggested the police should speak with the school and local parents to inform and advise and address any concerns raised.


CAPP Priorities:   Date of next meeting:  Tuesday 7 July, 2015


·         John Muir Country Park Anti-Social behaviour and related littering.  Link in with youths and Dunbar Grammar.  Try to ascertain if and when any groups will be attending JMCP.  Conduct patrols.







Road safety at Monksmuir:  Input Traffic Intelligence Report highlighting the issues raised by park representatives, who have carried out a lot of research work in connection with this issue. Parking:   Issue parking tickets for parking offences in Dunbar and East Linton town centres.


The meeting returned to the agenda at this point:



2:00     Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 12 May, 2015:  The minutes were approved

3:00     Any other business to be added to agenda:  Area Partnership – funding priorities

4:00     Police Business:  See above

The meeting welcomed Sheila Durie who briefly explained how SEEL Ltd, a social enterprise organisation worked.  They have recently established At Home in East Lothian – a new support business endeavouring to find solutions to look after older people at home and for them to be involved in their community.  Part of their project is to include preventative work and care.

A number of consultative workshops have taken place and Sheila has held open meetings in each of the four villages of East Lammermuir and one is scheduled for Cockburnspath, which is part of the Parish of Dunglass.  At Home in East Lothian are aiming to hold a variety of classes from mild exercise, music, crafts, day trips, shopping on line etc to informative talks.

With the information gleaned from these open meetings there is sufficient interest and support for SEEL to lodge a funding application in partnership with ELCC for an activity based programme, to take place in each village using the village halls.  Their ‘drop in’ sessions have been very well received by the communities and it is estimated over 500 people in the five villages aged 65 plus could benefit from the proposed caring villages project.  The first stage of the funding application is to secure funding for a three year project.

ELCC welcomed this initiative and are very happy to offer their full support as the initiative develops.

5:00     Treasurer’s Report:    The balance stands at £1,279.59 which includes £447447 the Admin Grant from ELC.

6:00     Matters Arising:

 Broadband:    To date, CB has not received any information from Stuart Gibb (Manager, Dunbar and Haddington Area Partnership) with regards to broadband in the rural communities.  Meanwhile, CB approached both Crystal Rig (Fred Olsen Natural Power) and Aikengall (Community Windpower) on 2 June, 2015 regarding the possibility of including a ‘spur’ from their fibre optic connections within their wind farm developments. Crystal Rig has not responded to CB email; however CWP have indicated their willingness to help the villages receive better broadband services and would research the possibility.

Cllr A Lyall offered to speak with her contact at Crystal Rig in the hope of receiving a response.

Scottish Power appear to own the main fibre optic cable(s) to the local wind farm(s).  Donna Charlton provided a contact for Scottish Power for CB to follow up enquiries with.

Aikengall 11a: A Government reported is holding a pre-examination meeting at Cockburnspath Village Hall on Tuesday, 30 June at 11am.  CB will attend and envisages the meeting will advise how the enquiry will operate, who will be the representatives and the date and venue for the meeting. It was agreed in principle that ELCC may ‘join forces’ with other local community councils who are also objectors to this scheme to form a unified voice at the Enquiry session itself.

7:00     Councillors’ Reports:

 Stenton:  For information only BW advised that the metal barrier opposite the church, leading to the pedestrian access to The Crofts, has been damaged and also requires a lick of paint.

The broken man-hole cover at the bottom of Stenton village green near the hall has been replaced.

The main road between Ruchlaw House and Ruchlaw Mains (west of Stenton) is flooding after heavy rain. Sound like the drainage may need to be looked at. Drainage improvement works were completed in December 2014, however no suitable outfall / connection was established and a soakaway formed, this may lead to further instances of flooding in periods of prolonged heavy rain but work satisfactorily in normal conditions.

 The area at Ginglet, which is prone to flooding, has been repaired.  However, the repair towards Beil, after Crook Road between the pollution monitor and the houses still requires attention.

Spott:  A sponsored walk is being organised to raise money for the village hall on 30 August. It will start at Woollands above Oldhamstocks and pass through all of the four East Lammermuir villages.

The Eweford underpass is now under the responsibility of AMY.

The road from Cannongate, Spott to the waterworks is subsiding and requires immediate attention.

The refurbishment to Spott Village Hall is progressing.  However, contingency funding may be required.

Innerwick:      Exterior of village hall requires painting.  PJ has been asked to enquire if the ‘helping hands’ programme operated by EDF Energy would be willing to assist/help.

The ‘horse’ warning road signs at Blackcastle near Innerwick have still not been installed (we flagged this up before).  Cllr MV advised ELC has erected these signs but now suspects they are not in the correct position.  He is making direct contact with the resident (Donna).

 Oldhamstocks:  It is hoped a celebration of the new Mill Bridge will take place towards the end of July.  The village charity event raised more than £12k, however, the final total is still to be confirmed.  It was an excellent well supported event and thoroughly enjoyable day.

During the recent high winds a tree split and landed on the cemetery wall over the weekend, volunteers made safe the area as an interim measure until ELC could visit and remove a few days later. Thanks to Michael Voy and his team for their prompt action.

Future of Oldhamstocks Village hall.  A meeting was held on 11 June, was well attended resulting in a subgroup being formed to work in conjunction with the Community Association, to draw up more detailed options for the future of the hall.

 Planning Applications:  Crystal Rig have lodged planning for an extension of their substation.

Liaison Meetings:       The next Viridor liaison meeting is due to take place on 1 July.  However, ELCC representative Donna Collins has not received any notification.

Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership (D&EL):  Cllr J Hanvidge attended the workshop for the development of the Dunbar and East Linton ward Area Plan which focused on opportunities for local children and young people on 3 June, 2015.  This was exceptionally well hosted by the young people who bring to the partnership a young person’s perspective to themes and concerns raised within the Partnership.

They presented the results of a survey which they had recently carried out with fellow pupils which focused on social and recreational opportunities for young people across the area.  In addition to their own ideas: early years support, more integration with Fox Lake, more social events, advertising of job vacancies, business development, subsidised travel, trades involvement, toy library, promotion of what’s on were all discussed.  The meeting then divided into workshops and limited feedback was given due to time constraints.  Cllr JH is awaiting the full feedback report from Kayla who confirmed this would be circulated to all attendees.

There will be a meeting of D&EL Area Partnership on Monday 22 June, 2015 at 7pm in the Bleachingfield Centre, the key purpose of which is to appoint a community chairperson of the D&EL Area Partnership.

Cllr P Armstrong advised the D&EL Area Partnership have allocated £50k for non recurring general services and is seeking suggestions from ELCC as to how this funding can be best used. ELCC felt as village halls are the heart of our communities some of this finance could be earmarked for this and for the young people of our villages. Other local possibilities for one-off funding include seats in bus shelters, and an upgrading of the cyclepath between Lafarge and Torness.

Viridor Credits:  This group is starting up again and the next meeting will be held on 26 June, 2015 for a two year period.  Cllr B Wyllie will continue to attend.

9:00     Date of Next Meeting:          18 August, 2016 in Oldhamstocks Village Hall at 7.30pm.  All welcome