East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting held 17th May 2016

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.


Minutes of Meeting of East Lammermuir Community Council held on Tuesday 17 May 2016 in Stenton Bowling Club

Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/Peter Armstrong/Anne Lyall/
Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie/Donna Collins/Jason Ormiston/

In attendance: Cllr Michael Veitch/ Co-opted member – Elisabeth Wilson/Pauline Jaffray

The chair extended a warm welcome to all present and Hilary Smith, Chair of the Association of East Lothian Community Councils was introduced. Prior to HS addressing the meeting CB acknowledged and thanked Cllr Peter Armstrong, who was retiring from ELCC, for all his hard work, commitment and support of ELCC. As a thank you a beautiful, homemade strawberry sponge was presented to Peter, which he promptly cut and was enjoyed by all those in attendance.

Association of East Lothian Community Councils: Hilary Smith (HS) explained the role of this Association of which she is chair, what help and support it can offer and where it fits within East Lothian Council and the new Area Partnerships. The 20 Community Councils across East Lothian are a very important part of the community. The Association offers a support network to enable Community Councillors – who are all volunteers – an opportunity to share experiences as well as being able to feed back a broader view of what is important to local communities to ELC. It offers access to various departments within ELC at a higher level and can carry influence at a strategic level. The Association meets three times a year in the Town House, Haddington and the next meeting is to be arranged for October/November, 2016. A face book page is also available. The Committee agreed to recommend that the new Community Council (to be formed in October 2016) should consider nominating a representative to attend AELCC meetings – perhaps varying attendance on the basis of the topics for discussion at each AELCC meeting.

1:00 Apologies: None

2:00 Approval of Minutes held on 8 March, 2016: The minutes were approved subject to the following amendments:

Item 6:00 Treasurer’s Report: As at 8 March, 2016 the balance stood at £297.09. With regard to the personal cheque totalling £150 sent to JH for the inconvenience caused to her by the bank, JH explained the back ground to this and had asked the bank to make the cheque payable to ELCC. The bank refused. Therefore JH had submitted a personal cheque to ELCC for £150. £50 of this was sent to the Maggie Centre. A further £50 was used against the expenses incurred for the workshop lunch and the remaining £50 is being held by ELCC.

It was noted JH had not left the meeting at this point but JMcD had.

Item 8:00 Councillors’ Reports: JMcD had arrived a little late to the CAPP meeting not JH. AL had not attended the Torness Liaison meeting meeting by this stage.

3:00 Any other business to be added to agenda:

Local Energy Scotland
Active Schools
Queen’s 90th birthday
Crystal Rig Workshop

Declarations of interest: Jason Ormiston and Elisabeth Wilson advised the meeting they have both been appointed Directors of Sustaining Dunbar.

4:00 Police Business: The following reported was submitted to the meeting in the absence of PC Gavin Ross.

Records suggest that we haven’t submitted a report to ELCC this year. Whilst I am not sure this is the case, if it is I apologise. As is thankfully still the case there is little to report but the following is based on incidents in the area since your last meeting which I believe was on 8 March.

Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking, especially near schools.

On 11 March a call was received regarding erratic driving on the A1 by Torness. The driver was traced and charged with careless driving.
Numerous other calls to the A1, mostly minor accidents and debris on the roadway

Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour.

No related incidents

You told us that a particular issue was littering and people’s lack of concern for the area.

No related incidents – however a number of ELCC Councillors’ have noted an increase in litter in the Oldhamstocks and Innerwick area all relating to McDonalds. PC Gavin Ross to be advised.

You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.

In March a number of legal snares were stolen or tampered with at Dunglass estate. Enquiries are ongoing.

Overnight 24 to 25 April two copper tanks and five alloy wheels were stolen from Bielgrange.

Other incidents of note:
Constables Gavin Ross and Jenni Stewart are settling in as your Community Ward Officers for the Dunbar and East Linton Ward. This is a minor alteration to the previous system, which should provide them with more time to allocate to community issues. Please get in touch with them with any issues that they may be able to assist with or if you have any complaints or information for them.

The weekend Friday 13 and Saturday 14 May have been good examples of the officers managing to devote time to community issues. They wore plain clothes all weekend spending a lot of time on Friday evening tracing and disrupting a large youth party at John Muir Country Park. Saturday night they found no youths in the park, hopefully showing the benefit of their previous evenings work.

CAPP priorities:

Youth Vulnerabilities
-Following reports of children as young as 12 involved in late night parties and partaking in associated behaviour send a message to all, especially parents, to keep them safe and report issues to appropriate bodies.

Youth ASB at Summerfield road
-Patrols of area surrounding Grammar School before and after school, during breaks and evenings.

Speeding in 20mph zone south of railway line, Dunbar
-Speeding enforcement

Next Meeting Tuesday 31 May 2016

5:00 Treasurer’s Report: The balance as at 17 May, 2016 stands at £614.00.

Local Priorities money for 2016/17, which is divided between each village is £557.50. For the period 2015/16 we received £560.00. Cllr Hanvidge advised the meeting, Lillian Pryde of ELC would like a report from each village on how local priorities money is spent.

Our request for £250 for the Queens 90th birthday celebrations had not reached the correct ELC department, despite ELCC following the instructions given. Therefore ELC had made the decision to donate the money to Dunbar Day Centre.

6:00 Matters Arising (Previous)

Local Energy Scotland (LES) is a free, impartial advice service to help develop community and locally owned renewable energy projects.

EW is seeking a list of all wind farms in the ELCC and Scottish Borders areas and the benefits being offered. Her impression was that the LES is not up to date. CB offered to supply details of local wind farms and associated benefits to EW.

Active Schools: Sportscotland works in partnership with all 32 local authorities to invest in and support the Active Schools Network.

However, it has been discovered that pupils registered at Cockburnspath Primary School cannot access this scheme in East Lothian. EW raised this issue at the recent Area Partnership meeting, resulting in its chair, Pippa Swan advising she would do something about this.

Queen’s 90th birthday – see Treasurer’s Report

East Lothian Community Broadband (ELCB): AL had attended a meeting of ELCB on 10 May, 2016 but unfortunately had forgotten to bring her notes to the meeting. The following report was submitted to all ELCC Councillors on 18 May, 2016.

Digital Scotland has committed to supplying 95% of homes and businesses in Scotland with fibre optic broadband by the end of 2017. It should be possible to check any postcode to see if it will be covered by this scheme on the ELC website. It was said at the meeting that Whitekirk, Humbie and Stenton were three of the places that would not be covered.
For the areas not covered Community Broadband Scotland (CBS) will offer advice, funding and project management. The funding would cover 100% for the costs of scoping, 100% for business planning and 89% for capital funding. The shortfall of 11% would have to be found from elsewhere.

I think they said it would be necessary to set up a Community Interest Company (CIC). Application deadlines are the end of June. To register interest and get an application form contact fdawson@east lothian.gov.uk.

Apparently there is also a subsidised satellite scheme for if speed is below 2Mbps (www.scotlandsuperfast.com). This is not part of the CBS scheme.
I don’t know what the possibilities are for further applications after the end of June.

I guess it might be an idea for someone on the committee to follow this up.

Crystal Rig Workshop – Saturday 14 May, 2016:
This workshop was arranged to view the renewal of the governance, priorities and community engagement of wind farms and the following topics were discussed.

• Discussion around governance of the (soon to be annually) £200k fund. The responsibility and managing of such a fund.
• Governance models – pros and cons
• Options included Establishment of a Company Limited by Guarantee/Appoint an outside company or person/accountant to manage funds/set up a social enterprise company/ELCC to manage the fund
• Establish a way to manage funds
• Our existing Principles/priorities and exclusions – are they still appropriate?
• Best ways to engage with the community
• Conversing with the community and how best to reflect their needs
• Regular Reviews
• List of third parties who might be able to manage the fund under the direction of an appropriately constituted panel. CB to start list.

Deeper and general discussion followed as to the way forward. It was suggested we ask the East Lammermuir community there preferred option. As yet ELCC are not clear what the options are, but once we do, this could be communicated to the community.

JO was asked to compile a number of positive cases studies of different governance models by different Community Councils.

JO was asked to compile a list of third party organisations who could support the management of the fund.

The first of the new additional payments was not due until October 2017 and ELCC have time to get the correct arrangement in place. However, ELCC must have a deeper understanding of the options available.

Akengall 2: A sum of £50k per annum has been offered to each of the four local community councils by Community Windpower Ltd. ELCC have responded to this by asking CWP to reconsider. As yet no response has been received to joint correspondence.

7:00 Councillors’ Reports: Action:

Liaison Meetings:
EDF Energy Torness Power Station: AL circulated minutes of the forty fourth meeting of the Torness local liaison committee held at Torness power station on Thursday, 7 April 2016 to all councillors.

Viridor Credits Meeting: BW advised all the East Lothian applications had been supported.

Innerwick: Five horse signs between Thorntonloch and Cocklaw have been requested. Only two signs have been placed. MV to chase up. MV

Manse View: Parking is becoming an issue and it has been suggested the grass area is removed and paved to accommodate parking.

Installation of transmission line from Thorntonloch to Oldhamstocks had resulted in many trees having the branches cut. These have been dumped by the contracted (Murphy) on to the verges. Following the meeting two councillors noticed, whilst travelling home from the meeting, the verges had been cleared up.

Road Closures: Innerwick Bridge at Crowhill will be closed for two weekends. All the verges, due to construction traffic are in a very poor state.

Innerwick Parish Welfare: Have requested flashing speed sign. A bus shelter has been requested for Kirk Brae. Area Partnership may assist with this.

Pot holes: Some have been repaired but not to a particularly good standard. MV advised once construction traffic ceases road repairs will be done again.

Stenton: Speeding is of concern. MV is attending a site meeting on 14 June, 2016 at 4pm to discuss this.

Stenton Bridge: Top stones dislodged and reported by MV. Also mud on bridge.
9 Roodwell cottages retaining wall: Fence at corner of road to the crofts advised it was not ELC who erected the fencing. MV pursuing.

Spott: Thanks to MV for helping sort out the road repairs. MV advised ELC are carrying out an assessment of all roads in the ELCC area.

Newsletter: JMcD would commence work on the summer ELCC newsletter and requested information to be submitted to her by 1 June, 2016. JMcD

ELCC Vacancy: With the retirement of Peter Armstrong a vacancy for the village of Spott is now available. Any candidates? Spott community association would be approached, plus an advertisement would be included in the summer newsletter and also on our website.

East Lammermuir Community Council Re-elections: This would take place in October, 2016. All those present are willing to continue. However, we do have three representatives for Innerwick with Elisabeth Wilson being co-opted. All three are prepared to continue and the correct procedure is for an election to take place in Innerwick. No final decision was taken as to the best way forward.

A1 Action Group: MV attended a meeting on 20 April 2016 at which Amey submitted a draft document on the work they plan to do.

8:00 Correspondence: Post Office Counters have advised Stenton Post Office currently held in the village hall will cease operation until approximately 6 October, 2016 at 12noon. The nearest post office is East Linton or Dunbar.

9:00 Date of Next Meeting: 23 August, 2016 – Spott Village Hall

The meeting expressed their thanks to Cllr JM for her excellent catering for the meeting.