Community Council Elections

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Community_Council_Logo_Scottish_GovernmentThe current term of office for East Lothian Community Councils is coming to an end in the next few weeks.

As volunteers, your East Lammermuir Community Councillors have worked hard for our community in many different ways, from organising or helping to run community events, to representing local interests to East Lothian Council and other public and private bodies, as well as continuing to work closely with our partners in the Area Partnerships.

Elections for this our most local level of democracy, are scheduled for this October and East Lothian Council will shortly be issuing details of how to get involved.

In the past, most of our Community Councillors have been appointed unopposed as there have been insufficient nominations. However, more candidates than positions will trigger local elections. This benefits us all as it raises awareness of what Community Councils do, increases community involvement and ownership,and strengthens the mandate for each Community Council with increased confidence that they reflect local opinion. Nominations for this coming term will open on August 29th.

Whether you are an existing Community Councillor, or just someone who has an interest in their local area and its future, you are encouraged to stand for election. You need no special qualifications, apart from an open mind and a genuine wish to make a positive difference in your community. It does require making a commitment but it can be an incredibly rewarding experience.