Draft Minutes of ELCC Meeting held on 13 December 2016

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.


Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/ /Anne Lyall/
Janette MacDonald/ /Donna Collins/Elisabeth Wilson

In attendance: Pauline Jaffray and one member of the public – Mrs Sheila Ainslie

Welcome: Cllr Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and the following three apologies were noted.

1:00 Apologies: Cllrs Barbara Wyllie/Cris Thacker and Cllr Michael Veitch

2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 25 October, 2016. The minutes were approved by Cllr MacDonald and seconded by Cllr Lyle.

3:00 Any items to be added to the agenda:

Zero Waste Dunbar & District Proposal
Perryman’s 253 bus service
National Cycle Route NCR 76

4:00 Police Business: No one in attendance however, information has been circulated to all ELCC councillors re the CAPP meeting held on 8 December and the panel agreed priorities are as follows. The date of the next CAPP meeting is 31 January, 2017.

Priority Actions to be Undertaken Person responsible.
Security of property in East Linton Report from Dunpender CC representative that numerous East Linton residents are complacent with security – open garages, unlocked bikes on front gardens etc. Posters to be displayed on community notice boards and shops encouraging people to lock up their property. Dunbar Community Policing Team.

Festive holidays Anti Social Behaviour Conduct evening patrols dealing with youth behaviour, preventing alcohol consumption, related ASB and associated dangers and later conducting dispersal patrols at licensed premises. Dunbar Community Policing Team

Link in with ELC regarding various road safety issues associated with the growth of the town. Various roads, particularly to the south of Belhaven and West Barns, have greatly increased traffic volumes. Issues raised regarding traffic volumes, speeds, road widths, road condition, lighting and signage. To be discussed with elected members and ELC. Dunbar Community Policing Team

5:00 Treasurer’s Report: The balance as of 13 December, 2016 stands at £630.09

6:00 Matter Arising (Previous)

Sheila Ainslie, the member of the public in attendance asked if the background to the ELCC meeting held in Innerwick could be explained. Cllrs Bruce and Collins explained, prior to the meeting held on 25 October they were unaware that such a large number of members of the public would be in attendance. The meeting was the first ELCC after the election and all Councillors present were expecting a normal ELCC meeting. However, during the meeting it was discovered many Innerwick residents are anxious about the lack of communication within the village and the proposed new housing. Other items of concern were also raised as minuted in the minutes of 25 October, 2016. ELCC had recommended to all those in attendance, they all come together to discuss all the issues raise and join the Innerwick Parish Welfare Association.

Following the meeting ELCC had contacted the school regarding the issues raised with careless parking and the speed of traffic. The school are very sorry this is happening, apologised and immediately contacted all parents asking for their consideration when travelling to and from the school.

With regards to the parking in Manse View, Cllr Collins advised a site meeting has been held with East Lothian Council to discuss the various issues.

Cllr Collins advised an Innerwick facbook page has been established as one platform for communication. The Innerwick Parish Welfare Association (IPWA) has a new chair and would be holding a meeting on 7 February, 2017. However, it had been said that IPWA only deal with matters regarding the hall. A past secretary of IPWA advised this did not use to be the case. Each group in the village had an elected member on the IPWA to discuss village matters. ELCC are unsure of the constitution for group and Cllrs DC & EW would speak with the new chair.

The village telephone box: Two people have written to BT enquiring about Innerwick telephone box and if it is due to be decommissioned. They have not received a response. If it is to be decommissioned it has been suggested it is used as a defibrillator station.

Cllr Bruce advised the best way forward was to visit the BT website and follow the ‘adoption’ process. Each village must respond. Cllr MacDonald advised Stenton phone box was only working intermittently and the fault has been reported to BT.

Perryman’s 253 bus service. Cllr Wilson after a series of meetings had finally been able, with the help of the bus forum group, to have Perryman’s reinstate the 253 bus service loop, which was a vital link for those in the area. The bus time table, issued by Perryman’s was printed using a very small point size and therefore, very hard, if not impossible to read. EW has raised this matter with Perryman’s.

ELCC Liaison Meetings – Viridor: Viridor Waste Management Services held a joint meeting with all local Community Councils in Spott and Cllr EW attended on behalf of ELCC. A number of concerns were raised at the meeting – one being the lack of communication. The new community benefits officer is Katie Colquhoun (kcolquhoun@viridor.co.uk).

ELCC are at a loss to understand why Viridor’s Energy Recovery facility at Oxwellmains (ie the incinerator) is not subject to community funds.

Dunbar CC has agreed to join a joint meeting with ELCC to which we intend to invite Martin Grey of Viridor and discuss other issues of common concern. Also to include West Barns and Cockburnspath and Cove CC. CB to pursue a suitable date with Katie Colquhoun.

Tarmac: Cllr Wilson will represent ELCC at these liaison meetings and will advice Cllr Thacker.

Development Trust: ELCC have discussed on several occasions the setting up of a development trust to handle all the community funding from the wind farm companies.

Fred Olson Renewables have expressed an interest in handing over all Crystal Rig wind farm benefits to ELCC. The current situation is that they hold all the monies, which are then sent to ELCC, twice a year, once recommendations for grants have been agreed by Fred Olsen for distribution to local organisations. This system has worked very well in the past. However, due to staff personal changes within Fred Olson, Cllr Hanvidge was anxious about the length of time it was taking Fred Olson to forward on the monies due.

Cllr Bruce has spoken with other Community Councils who benefit from Wind farm income as to how they manage their funds.

In summary, if ELCC receive all monies from Fred Olson we could receive up to £200k per year. Is the current way we manage the funds appropriate? ELCC had organised an attended a workshop seeking advice and guidance on options available. How would the Development Trust constitution be written? Advice can be obtained from Development Trusts Association Scotland dtascot.org.uk and Craig Potter who works for Fred Olson Renewables is also happy to provide advice.

Three options on managing community benefit funds are available to ELCC:

• To establish a Bespoke Development Trust with trustees or national bodies
• To use the service provided by Local Energy Scotland who charge a fee
• Create a job/position locally (probably under the auspices of a Development Trust)

After considerable discussion and each individual councillor’s opinion sought the meeting felt the preferred option would be for a Bespoke Development Trust to be established and for it to be kept local with the ELCC area. The trust should be made up of a least 50% ELCC Councillors and employ one person, who could also take on a broader role including the current administration, marketing and be the independent holder of rules, regulations etc.

Further advice and guidance to be sought. Cllr Wilson would contact the Development Trusts Association of Scotland. Cllr Bruce would pursue information from Natural Power and Local Energy Scotland.

National Cycle Route NCR76: Cllr Bruce was delighted to advise that the cycle route will be resurfaced. It was also recommended, for safety reasons part of the cycle route be rerouted. As there are not sufficient funds available, this will take place in phase two. The Committee were pleased to support this development.

7:00 Councillors’ Reports

Spott: A number of Spott residents have complained bitterly about the new designated painted lanes/lines and wording on Spott Road roundabout. These are extremely dangerous. The wording is inappropriate and you actually have to cross lines for the appropriate exits. Would it not be better to install rumble strips. Cllr AL to contact Cllr MV.

Perryman’s buses have changed their time table in the Spott area and they are now, not tying up with other transport links. Cllr AL to contact Perryman’s and advise Cllr MV.

Stenton: A request for rumble stips to be installed from the Dunbar end of the village. The road from Ginglet Hill to Beil – about 150yards past the pollution monitor is still flooding. MV

Innerwick: Roadworks – the reversing of lorries by Excalon is very dangerous. The roadworks are not lit and there are no warning signs.

Oldhamstocks: The verges from Lawfield to the Cockethat are to be reinstated. However, it was pointed out that the verges from Thorntonloch holdings, up past Black Castle and on to Oldhamstocks are also in a very bad state. Cllr CB to contact Excalon/Berwickshire Community Renewables.

8:00 Correspondence:

An invitation to attend East Lothian Provost’s Christmas reception to be held on 15 December, within John Muir House. Cllr Thacker to attend

Dates of meetings for 2017:

Date: Venue: Time:
24 January, 2017 Spott 7.30pm
7 March, 2017 Stenton 7.30pm
25 April, 2017 Innerwick 7.30pm*
6 June, 2017 Oldhamstocks 7.30pm
22 August, 2017 Spott 7.30pm
3 October, 2017 Innerwick 7.30pm
28 November, 2017 Stenton 7.30pm*

*Meetings will start at 6pm for ELCC ONLY