Scotland Moves into Phase 3 of Lockdown Easing

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

The first minister confirmed the move to the third phase of lockdown easing in a statement to the Scottish Parliament today.

From Friday 10th July

  • Wearing of face coverings in shops will be mandatory
  • Indoor gatherings with a maximum of 8 people, from three different households, will be allowed with 2m physical distancing
  • Couples who don’t live together need no longer physically distance from each other
  • Outdoor gatherings with a maximum of 15 people from five different households will be allowed with 2m distancing rules
  • Adults are advised not to meet people from any more than four different households in any single day
  • Children under 12 no longer need to physically distance indoors from other people
  • People who are shielding will no longer have to distance themselves from others living in the same house.


From Monday 13th July

  • Shopping centres can reopen
  • Children and young people will be allowed to play organised outdoor contact sports
  • Dentists will be able to offer some routine treatments, such as examinations, hand scaling and extractions, but will not be able to carry out aerosol procedures – those which produce a fine mist, like the use of a high speed drill. That will rule out most fillings, crown preparations and treatments involving a water spray.
  • Optometrists can also begin to expand their services.


From Wednesday 15th July

  • Indoor pubs, cafes and restaurants can also reopen. They can seek an exemption from the 2m distancing rule, but will have to warn customers that they are entering a 1m zone, produce revised seating plans, and improve ventilation.
  • Guidance on physical distancing will have to be followed, and customers will have to provide their contact details
  • All holiday accommodation can reopen, as can museums, galleries, cinemas, monuments and libraries.
  • Hairdressers can reopen  subject to enhanced hygiene measures being in place
  • Places of worship can reopen for communal prayer but no singing is allowed
  • Restrictions on attendance at services and ceremonies for funerals, weddings and civil partnerships will be eased
  • The childcare sector will also be able to fully reopen


Wednesday 22nd July

  • Beauticians and nail salons will be able to reopen with enhanced hygiene measures