East Lammermuir Community Council seeks Minute Secretary

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

East Lammermuir Community Council, which covers Stenton, Spott, Innerwick and Oldhamstocks and surrounding areas, is seeking a person to take on the role of Community Council Minute Secretary. This is a remunerated position paying a fair rate as an honorarium for around 40 hours per annum to support and attend our 9 meetings.  These are held in the four village halls in turn.

East Lammermuir Community Council represents the local community, seeking to liaise with other local bodies, developers, and East Lothian Council and the East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership and NHS Lothian, and Police Scotland. This includes nine Community Council meetings a year which usually take place on Tuesday evenings, according to the calendar published on our website.

The role primarily involves working with the Chair to agree a draft agenda for each of the Community Council’s meetings, minuting the key points and redrafting the minute in light of any amendments. This is increasingly delivered via email.

The Community Council uses social media to update the locality on news and events. Whilst not a formal part of the post, training will be given to anyone interested in this aspect.

If you would like to know more about what’s involved email chair@elcc.scot to arrange a chat in the first instance.  An informal interview will be arranged for all interested candidates, to take place early February 2023.