
The BeGreen organisation – part of Sustaining Dunbar, with an office in West Port – is being formed into a community interest company that will oversee the allocation of funding from the Aikengall Wind Farm to local projects.

I have been nominated by the Community Council to represent the Council on the board of this new company.  Through the web site and this blog I shall try to keep local people informed about how the new company and its activities develop and shall also, from time to time and by the same means, encourage local residents to put forward ideas and suggestions for local projects that might be eligible for assistance from funding that the Community Council receives from Fred Olsen Renewables, the operators of the Crystal Rig windfarms.

Up and running !

We have recently produced the first issue of our new Community Council newsletter, which is in the process of being distributed around the ‘patch’.

This is being printed locally in Dunbar, and the cost of printing is covered by funding from the operators of the Crystal Rig windfarm.

Together with our new website, this is part of renewed attempts by the Community Council to improve communications between the Council and local residents.  East Lothian Council’s “Scheme for Community Councils” puts an obligation on each Community Council to “ascertain, co-ordinate and express to the local authority for its area, and to other public authorities, the views of the community that it represents, in relation to matters for which those authorities are responsible and to take such action in the interests of that community as appears to it to be expedient and practicable”.

It is hoped that, through these two new initiatives, we will be able better to discharge that obligation.