Minutes of meeting of East Lammermuir Community Council held on Tuesday 10 May 2011 In Innerwick Village Hall
Present: Cllrs C Bruce (Chair)/J Hanvidge/P Armstrong/M Mylne/D Charlton/ P Swain/B Wyllie/M Ramsay
In attendance: Cllrs J Bell/P Mclennan/N Hampshire/K Tulloch (Co-path Comm. Council/ two PCs from Torness Security/two representatives from Mainstream Renewable Power
Apologies: P Jaffray
The two officers from Torness Security had nothing to report. They were asked if security was to be heightened with the death of Bin Laden. We were informed that security at Torness was always on full alert. Having no other business they were thanked and left the meeting.
Chair Chris Bruce welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked representatives from Mainstream Renewable Power, who had held an open exhibition in the village hall that day on the proposed offshore wind farm. Cllr McLennan has a meeting with Mainstream Renewables on Wednesday 11 May and will keep us informed of future developments. (At this point the two representatives left the meeting).
This evening’s meeting was largely taken up with discussion on all the proposed wind farms within the catchment of East Lammermuir. Various groups were asking the Council for representatives for their groups. Cllr Bruce has invited them to come to our meetings with their reports, but as yet has received no response. It was reported that the proposal for The Neuk has been refused. Berwickshire Housing Association has carried out a survey of 210 households within 10km of proposed farm. The consensus was in favour of proposal.
Aikengall II enquiry – The reporter needs to be informed by Thursday if we wish to make representation. Cllr Bruce will write and hopes to be able to attend.
Cllr Hanvidge has received a letter from Fred Olson (Crystal Rig) informing that £82,000 will be available to ELCC. Discussion followed and questions asked, if we are the right people to be handling such large sums of money. After discussion Cllr Bruce will write a short article for Newsletter and get feed back from various Community Associations. Cllr Mclennan intimated that help and advice would be available from Council.
Cllr Swain reported that the web site is now available and the first newsletter is almost ready for printing. Lothian Printers had provided a good price for printing. Councillors will distribute around their villages. Thanks were given to Peter Swain for his hard work and expertise in the production of web site and newsletter.
Anyone wishing to contact the council or their individual councillor can do so by emailing, eastlammemuircouncil@yahoo.com
At this point the agenda of the meeting was taken up.
2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 2 March, 2011.
Minutes were approved with the following amendments:
Item 6: Para 3 to read ‘Cllr Charlton agreed to advertise the current vacant position within Innerwick’
Item 8: ‘Bus users’ amendment of spelling
A letter had been addressed to Cllr Charlton from a resident at Crowhill complaining that the request for a bus shelter had been refused. Letter given to Cllr Mclennan.
3.00 Any other business to be added to the Agenda – None
4:00 Police Business : no report
5:00 Treasurer’s Report: Balance £1,860.99
Applications for the Crystal Rig funding had been distributed and it was suggested that a separate meeting be held in the next two weeks.
6:00 Matters arising: Peter Swain co-opted to fill vacant position.
7:00 Councillors’ reports:
Stenton: Work on the village green erosion has been attended to
Work in progress to rectify flooding
Gala Day 29 May
Spott: Road from Spott roundabout into village is awful
There are no advance warning signs for pedestrian crossing at Spott roundabout
Spott Fete 23 July
Innerwick: Request for wheelie bin in Church yard
Innerwick Flower Show – 6 August
Oldhamstocks: Drainage work started – there was no advance notice of work starting.
Village now has no public transport
First Bus – running Cllr McLennan given timetable this morning
North First Bus – running, Cllr McLennan been given timetable that morning.
North West Quarry is filling up fast. Ongoing meetings with RSPB. To be asked to come and talk.
As time was now late, the Action list was not touched on.
9:00 Date of next meeting: 22 June, 2011 in Stenton