Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday 21 August, 2012 at
7.30pm in Oldhamstocks Village Hall
Present: Cllrs C Bruce (Chair)/P Armstrong/P Swain/D Charlton/M Ramsay
In attendance: Cllr M Veitch/Cllr P McLennan/PC K Hughes
1:00 Apologies: Cllr J Hanvidge/Cllr B Wyllie/Cllr N Hampshire/P Jaffray
2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 26 June, 2012: The minutes were approved.
3:00 Any other business to be added to agenda:
Timetable for elections and Viridor Liaison Meeting
4:00 Police Business: PC K Hughes submitted a written report, which is attached. PC Hughes pointed out in the previous Lothian & Borders Police newsletter it appears that, with regard to dog fouling, the Police are able to issue ‘dog asbos’. This is not the case. It is East Lothian Council who will do this.
Cllr Charlton reported that between 9 – 11 August, a fire was seen in the local bus shelter.
Cllr Armstrong is unable to attend CAAP meetings if held on a Monday.
5:00 Treasurers report as at 1st August 2012:
Funds available 01.08.12 £1309.35
6:00 Matters Arising (Previous)
Innerwick Primary School:
Innerwick Parent Association forwarded to East Lammermuir Community Councillors’ two documents regarding Innerwick Nursery for information; one is a synopsis of the situation to date, the other is a record of their eventual meeting with Richard Parker in June – a meeting which was held after pressure from Cllr Michael Veitch on Richard Parker (currently heading up the Education Department) to engage with them.
To date Innerwick Parent Association has failed to persuade Richard Parker to provide local nursery places for local children but they have agreed to keep the pressure on, on behalf of the next cohort of children who have not been offered places.
Cllr Veitch reported only one child this year will not be accommodated at Innerwick Nursery and it is hoped that a fairer admission service will be forthcoming.
Windfarm Applications: Scottish Borders have approved three turbines for Hoprigshiels. Fernylea are still waiting to hear the outcome of their appeal.
A1 Junctions: BEAR Scotland are to give a presentation to East Lothian Council and then hopefully to a wider area.
Belhaven Hospital Forum: The next meeting is due to take place on 27 August, 2012 at 6.30pm. Unfortunately, Cllr Veitch is unable to attend the meeting but having read through the minutes of the meeting of 12 June and the draft paper on the MIU, he wishes to put on record his strong opposition to the closure of the MIU.
Lafarge: The shared used of the North West quarry is still of concern, but the final decision rests with Lafarge and a meeting is scheduled to take place on 22 August, 2012.
Torness: With regards to the local projects for the four East Lammermuir villages a number of queries regarding health and safety issues have been raised, together with questions regarding legal liability if they carry out the work. With regard to the electric work at Innerwick Church and the work to be carried out on the bridge at Oldhamstocks, Cllr Bruce asked for the Torness representatives to contact the liaison officer of the two projects. Unfortunately, Torness will not be able to help with the drains in Stenton. Further enquiries to be made by councillors.
Community Councillors elections: Cllr Bruce has sent the procedures and forms for the new community councillors. Application form to be lodged by 4pm on Thursday 13 September. Cllr Swain to advertise vacancies in Newsletter.
Website: As Cllr Swain is standing down, ELCC are looking for someone who would be willing to taking on this project.
7:00 Councillors reports:
Stenton: Cllr Veitch advised the handle on Stenton Church gate has been repaired. Work has still to be undertaken for the hard stand at the bottom of Stenton village green. No further details regarding the wall fenced off on the Pressmennan farm road. All pot holes have been reported.
Innerwick: Pedestrian access notices for Thorntonloch Caravan site are to be changed, as pedestrians can walk through the site, on tarmac area only. The two cameras sited at two Innerwick junctions are for monitoring flow of traffic.
A local resident has approached Cllr Swain re dog fouling in Innerwick, requesting dog ‘waste’ bins be put in place. These would have to be purchased by the community, but ELC would empty. Potholes in the Innerwick area are an ongoing problem and getting worse, especially near the T junction. Verges require cutting and the water running off the fields onto the road; will be a major issue in winter. Cllr Veitch advised this is the landowner’s responsibility.
Further reports of anti social behaviour in Innerwick Church yard – football, dog walking and fouling, gravestones being knocked over. Residents asked if gates could be locked.
Stenton: The road at the top of Ruchlaw to East Linton is in a very bad state or repair. Huge pot holes also reported in road after Pitcox to Dunbar. Bottom of village green to be finishing and a reminder of the wall on Pressmennan farm road.
Spott: Nil
Oldhamstocks: Cllr Bruce asked after the grass was cut, could it not be lifted, as otherwise it leaves a very untidy mess. Kerbing work is due to commence in the autumn. With regards to the flooding problems in Oldhamstocks a report is due. Possibility on installing pipes under the road.
Viridor Liaison: Cllr Charlton reported that four and half megawatts energy being fed into Lafarge. Input was static. No representation made to SEPA. Rosewell site closed.
Planning applications: Extension to the Bungalow, Stenton. Alterations to buildings and part demolition of buildings and installation of domestic garden at Pitcox. Erection of two houses and associated works on land adjacent to the Steading, High Road, Spott.
8:00 Correspondence:
9:00 Date of next meeting: 2 October, 2012 in Stenton Village Hall