Face Coverings Update

The use of face coverings will become mandatory in shops in Scotland from 10 July 2020. Wearing a face covering is already mandatory for travelling on public transport.

ELCC have purchased additional washable face coverings which you or someone you know living in East Lammermuir might wish to consider using when visiting shops, public places or using public transport.

See below for scottish government guidelines regarding wearing these:


If you would like one please get in touch with your local COVID-19 co-ordinator (see below) who will deliver this to you as soon as possible free of charge.

Innerwick – Suzie Fletcher 07562 523 904 or Julia Harrison 07840 991 752
Oldhamstocks – Janice Hanvidge 07436 991 460
Spott – Anne Lyall 07814 051 289 or Carey Douglas 07515 116 907
Stenton – Janette Macdonald 01368 850665

Remember FACTS for a Safer Scotland

Nicola Sturgeon announced a new public awareness campaign from the Scottish Government called FACTS, an acronym designed to remind people of the steps they need to take:

F ace coverings in enclosed spaces.

A void crowded places.

C lean your hands regularly.

T wo metre distancing.

S elf isolate and book a test if you have symptoms.

Stay Safe, Protect Others, Save Lives

The government have updated the now familiar stay home guidance for the phase two period, urging people to “stay safe, protect others, save lives.”

Scots have been urged to remain vigilant and continue following key public health advice to ensure the coronavirus stays suppressed.