Project Presentation of New Buried 400kV Circuit – Torness to Branxton Sub-station at Innerwick Hall, 25th February at 6:30pm

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

iberdrolaELCC residents are invited to a project presentation on the installation works that are going to be carried out for the new 400kV buried electrical circuits from Torness Nuclear Power Station to Branxton Sub-station. The presentation will take place at 6:30pm on Thursday 25th February 2016 at Innerwick Village Hall.

The presentation will inform residents why the cable installation works are being carried out and cover an overview of the project that will include all the works that will have an impact on the surrounding area i.e. road closures and diversion routes etc. The presentation will take about 15 minutes with an opportunity at the end to ask any questions or to raise any concerns you may have.

For more information please click here

East Lammermuir Community Council Draft Minutes of Meeting held 12 January 2016

Note: This post is over 24 months old. Information may be outdated.

Draft ` `

Minutes of Meeting of
East Lammermuir Community Council
held on Tuesday 12 January, 2016 in
Innerwick Village Hall

Present: Cllrs: Chris Bruce (Chair)/Janice Hanvidge/Janette MacDonald/Barbara Wyllie
Peter Armstrong/Anne Lyall/Jason Ormiston/Donna Collins/Elisabeth Wilson

1:00 Apologies: Cllr Michael Veitch/Pauline Jaffray

2:00 Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on 25 November, 2015:
Minutes approved

3:00 Any other business to be added to agenda: None

4:00 Police Business: No report available

5:00 Treasurer’s Report: Cllr JH noted £168.09 in bank after payment of expenses to ELCC minute secretary.

6:00 Matters Arising (Previous):

Broadband: Stuart Gibb from Broadband Scotland (sic) to report back to ELCC on broadband issues and weak mobile signals. Cllr BW to chase SG. An outstanding action on Cllrs CB/ JH to speak SG. Cllr EW said she would speak to SG on behalf of Innerwick interest.

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